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Templater plugin (1.5 and newer): New Syntax and Examples - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum
Templater plugin (1.5 and newer): New Syntax and Examples - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum
I just played around a little with the new version 1.5 of the Templater plugin. Well done, I must say! Thought I share some nifty examples: Next Monday: EDIT: This is not “next Monday” in some countries but “next Sunday” instead. Some countries start their week on sundays, so this should actually be labelled “Next start-of-the-week-day” … Note that it depends on your current (Obsidian) language setting. First day next month:
Templater plugin (1.5 and newer): New Syntax and Examples - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum
This Obsidian plugin is created to be able to view the images, iframes, and PDF files directly in the editor view without the necessity to switch views. - ozntel/oz-image-in-editor-obsidian