StormSensor raises 10M to support rain management technology amid severe flooding around the globe

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StormSensor raises 10M to support rain management technology amid severe flooding around the globe
StormSensor raises 10M to support rain management technology amid severe flooding around the globe
Record-setting rains this fall have created disasters around the globe. It drowned thousands of cows and livestock and cut off a major city in the Pacific Northwest, while half-a-world away, downpours flushed scorpions from their hideaways in an Egyptian city, causing hundreds of people to suffer life-threatening stings. As climate change is driving heavier rains and sea level rise, thereҳ simply more water to go around. And many regions lack the infrastructure needed to control and direct the deluge to places where it will cause less harm. Seattle-based StormSensor is providing tools to help manage the water and prevent flooding.ŠRead More
StormSensor raises 10M to support rain management technology amid severe flooding around the globe