
Using ORCID, DOI, and Other Open Identifiers in Research Evaluation
Using ORCID, DOI, and Other Open Identifiers in Research Evaluation
An evaluator's task is to connect the dots between program goals and its outcomes. This can be accomplished through surveys, research, and interviews, and is frequently performed post hoc. Research evaluation is hampered by a lack of data that clearly connect a research program with its outcomes and, in particular, by ambiguity about who has participated in the program and what contributions they have made. Manually making these connections is very labor-intensive, and algorithmic matching introduces errors and assumptions that can distort results. In this paper, we discuss the use of ident...
Using ORCID, DOI, and Other Open Identifiers in Research Evaluation
Whaddya mean, 'niche'?! Neo4j's chief scientist schools El Reg on graph databases • The Register
Whaddya mean, 'niche'?! Neo4j's chief scientist schools El Reg on graph databases • The Register
Graphs are a general-purpose #datamodel, as relational was a general-purpose #data model a generation ago. A supply chain is a graph. Knowledge is a graph. Graphs are very applicable in a wide range of use cases @jimwebber @TheRegister #GraphDB #tech [LINK] [LINK]
Whaddya mean, 'niche'?! Neo4j's chief scientist schools El Reg on graph databases • The Register
Optimization of Retrieval Algorithms on Large Scale Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2002.03686v1 [cs.DB])
Optimization of Retrieval Algorithms on Large Scale Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2002.03686v1 [cs.DB])
Optimizing #algorithms on large scale labeled property graphs. Comparing optimization approaches, directly querying #graphdatabase. Aim: determine limiting factors of #GraphDBs. Speedup of a factor between 44 & 3839 #knowledgegraph #research #EmergingTech [LINK] [LINK]
Optimization of Retrieval Algorithms on Large Scale Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2002.03686v1 [cs.DB])
The World's Second Largest Wikipedia Is Written Almost Entirely by One Bot
The World's Second Largest Wikipedia Is Written Almost Entirely by One Bot
Mbabel #bot automatically generates article drafts based on information stored in #Wikidata. It puts generated content on a “user test page on Wikipedia”; users can expand it. Quality is influenced by heavy reliance on Wikidata #AI #opendata #semantics [LINK] [LINK]
The World's Second Largest Wikipedia Is Written Almost Entirely by One Bot
Querying Wikidata: SELECT vs CONSTRUCT · Mark Needham
Querying Wikidata: SELECT vs CONSTRUCT · Mark Needham
Building on the newbie’s guide to querying #Wikidata, @markhneedham learns all about the CONSTRUCT clause in SPARQL #softwareengineering #datascience #tutorial #opendata #linkeddata #knowledgegraph #GraphDB #data #tech
Querying Wikidata: SELECT vs CONSTRUCT · Mark Needham
4 Little-Known FAQ Schema Filtering Commandments - Brodie Clark Consulting
4 Little-Known FAQ Schema Filtering Commandments - Brodie Clark Consulting
#SchemaOrg created FAQ Schema. #Google introduced filtering parameters that come w Search implementation. These act as commandments for Google’s algorithm which should be abided by for when markup is used in search results #SEO #semantics h/t @cyberandy
4 Little-Known FAQ Schema Filtering Commandments - Brodie Clark Consulting
Ahren Lehnert latest blog on knowledge management, knowledge graphs and ontologies #knowledgemanagement #knowledgegraphs #ontology
Ahren Lehnert latest blog on knowledge management, knowledge graphs and ontologies #knowledgemanagement #knowledgegraphs #ontology
#Knowledgegraphs are a natural fit for knowledge management: they model domains to retain more context & meaning even as information is parsed and abstracted for digital representation. Information is modeled in a way that is more intuitive & useful
Ahren Lehnert latest blog on knowledge management, knowledge graphs and ontologies #knowledgemanagement #knowledgegraphs #ontology
Explainable Deep RDFS Reasoner
Explainable Deep RDFS Reasoner
Recent #research proved #deeplearning can be used to learn RDFS inference rules. A deficiency: lack of derivations for inferred triples, or explainability in #AI terms. @IBMResearch @jahendler provide inferred graph, explain how triples were inferred
Explainable Deep RDFS Reasoner
A blueprint for the next @apachetinkerpop and an analysis on #opensource. @twarko @_mmadt #presentation from @DataDayTexas #GraphDB #data #tech #cloud #insight #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #AWS
schema-org-adapter - npm
schema-org-adapter - npm
Fast, simple & flexible API for the #SchemaOrg Vocabulary (and vocabulary extensions!) for Node and Browsers #softwareengineering #SEO #semantics #data #tech #datascience #javascript h/t @OmarNicarao @aaranged [LINK] [LINK]
schema-org-adapter - npm
Szymon Klarman on LinkedIn: #linkeddata #sdgs #sustainability
Szymon Klarman on LinkedIn: #linkeddata #sdgs #sustainability
LinkedSDGs: linking information resources & discovering connections to #SDGs 1) upload document 2) extract key concepts 3) find links to #SDGs & relevant stats #linkeddata & knowledge extraction resources @SustDev #opendata #data #tech #sustainability [LINK] [LINK]
Szymon Klarman on LinkedIn: #linkeddata #sdgs #sustainability
Computational Fact Validation from Knowledge Graph using Structured and Unstructured Information | Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD
Computational Fact Validation from Knowledge Graph using Structured and Unstructured Information | Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD
Traditional #factcheck methods like #fakenews detection by experts don't match the volume of information available. This is where computational fact-checking becomes relevant. Given #KnowledgeGraph, knowledge corpus, fact (triple): is fact correct? #AI [LINK] [LINK]
Computational Fact Validation from Knowledge Graph using Structured and Unstructured Information | Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
The most depicted humans in #paintings #SPARQL query on #Wikidata looks an #artwork itself (ht @sanseveria )— Maarten Dammers (@mdammers) January 18, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Google Product Search and Learning about New Product Lines
Google Product Search and Learning about New Product Lines
#Google #ProductSearch & Learning about New Product Lines. Patent analysis by @bill_slawski Google working hard to improve its product #knowledgegraph to compete with #Amazon by offering free / unpaid (non-ads) product results h/t @cyberandy #SEO #search [LINK] [LINK]
Google Product Search and Learning about New Product Lines
[2001.04835] Knowledge Representations in Technical Systems -- A Taxonomy
[2001.04835] Knowledge Representations in Technical Systems -- A Taxonomy
An accurate representation of knowledge is essential for teaching systems. This #research gives insight into different knowledge representation techniques and their categorization into various problem domains in #AI #taxonomy #applications h/t @aaranged
[2001.04835] Knowledge Representations in Technical Systems -- A Taxonomy
Google Cloud's Stackchat - SeMI Technologies
Google Cloud's Stackchat - SeMI Technologies
Weaviate #Knowledgegraphs. Difference between #database & #knowledgegraph @SeMI_tech on @GCPcloud stores KGs in a space, it's API-based, does auto-classification. Uses #opendata to train graph #machinelearning #cloud #opensource @markmirch @bobvanluijt [LINK] [LINK]
Google Cloud's Stackchat - SeMI Technologies
State of the Graph: The Merger of Property Graphs and Semantic Graphs
State of the Graph: The Merger of Property Graphs and Semantic Graphs
Property graphs seem inherently simpler. Semantic graphs put more emphasis on #datamodeling, treat node/edges as concepts bound by a universally unique identifier #data #tech #knowledgegraph #EmergingTech #datamodel #datascience #software @kurt_cagle [LINK] [LINK]
State of the Graph: The Merger of Property Graphs and Semantic Graphs
Organizing the World’s Scientific Knowledge
Organizing the World’s Scientific Knowledge
Instead of representing #research in static PDF articles @l3s_luh works on a dynamic #knowledgegraph. The Open Research KG represents ideas, approaches, methods in machine-readable form. A comparison of different genome editing methods can be created
Organizing the World’s Scientific Knowledge
The War Of The Skills Clouds
The War Of The Skills Clouds
.@Josh_Bersin has been writing about the explosion of #Skills #Ontology from Workday, Degreed, EdCast, etc. @CornerstoneInc, a Learning Management Systems provider, entered the game via acquisition of @Clustree #futureofwork #knowledgegraph #EmergingTech
The War Of The Skills Clouds
The Multi-Model Knowledge Graph - DZone Database
The Multi-Model Knowledge Graph - DZone Database
Multi-model is a useful #technology for #enterprise #knowledgegraphs, say @arthurakeen @arangodb Benefits: streamlining multi-source #data to EKGs, increasing usability of EKG data for business, enabling greater scale, reducing EKG ecosystem footprint
The Multi-Model Knowledge Graph - DZone Database
Not Science Fiction - Kurt Cagle's View on Semantic Technologies | SEMANTiCS 2020 US
Not Science Fiction - Kurt Cagle's View on Semantic Technologies | SEMANTiCS 2020 US
Kurt Cagle is one of the advisors behind the SEMANTICS 2020 Conference. He is a writer, data scientist and futurist focused on the intersection of computer technologies and society. He is also the founder of Semantical, LLC, a smart data company. In this interview, Kurt shares with us some of his expertise and his vision for the new paths being opened by Semantic Technologies.
Not Science Fiction - Kurt Cagle's View on Semantic Technologies | SEMANTiCS 2020 US