Michael Bronstein on Twitter
TGN (Temporal Graph Network) is now on Pytorch Geometric! Huge thanks @rusty1s for making this happen!It is the first model for dynamic graphs in PyG. Let's hope to have many more in the future! Example code: Paper:— Emanuele Rossi (@emaros96) January 11, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"... a novel framework leveraging dynamic graphs to capture collaborative and sequential relations of both items and users at the same time" > Dynamic Graph Collaborative Filtering— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) January 11, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"... we present a new generic recommendation systems framework, that integrates knowledge graphs into the recommendation pipeline." > Application of Knowledge Graphs to Provide Side Information for Improved Recommendation Accuracy— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) January 11, 2021
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
The Apache Rya team is happy to announce the release of Apache Rya 4.0.1, the *first* release as an ASF top-level project. Check it out at #BigData #TripleStore #SPARQL @ApacheAccumulo @MongoDB @ApacheFluo @TheASF— Apache Rya (@apacherya) January 5, 2021
Andrea Volpini on Twitter
"Knowledge Graphs are not just used by Microsoft Bing or Google Search but...*we can use it ourselves*!" 💪 What is a Knowledge Graph & Why Should You Care ∼ an excellent 🎥 introduction by @ryan_shelley #knowledgegraph #SEO cc @wordliftit— Andrea Volpini (@cyberandy) January 13, 2021
Sergey Ivanov on Twitter
Graph Neural Networks are the new big thing! Don’t wait to check out the coolest applications of GNNs, written by our Research Scientist, Sergey Ivanov. #NeuralNetwork #AI #MachineLearning #GNN @SergeyI49013776— Criteo AI Lab (@CriteoAILab) January 14, 2021
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