
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
FYI: #semanticweb #ontologies and #linkedopendata can be hosted on #github pages with proper #mime types - just wrote a small test-case. See here for code: - inspiration from @iswc_conf #slack— martin hepp (@mfhepp) November 3, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Harald Sack on Twitter
Harald Sack on Twitter
#KnowledgeGraphs articles per year on Google Scholar, slide from #iswc2020 keynote presentation of Kavitha Srinivas— Harald Sack (@lysander07) November 3, 2020
Harald Sack on Twitter
Heiko Paulheim on Twitter
Heiko Paulheim on Twitter
🚨⚠️ We have just released pyRDF2Vec 0.1.0 ⚠️🚨In this release, we make the three main building blocks of the RDF2Vec algorithm fully configurable (discussed further).To illustrate how pyRDF2Vec could be used, we wrote a blog: (1/5)— Gilles Vandewiele (@Gillesvdwiele) November 2, 2020
Heiko Paulheim on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Just published by @WikimediaIL : this be the best #SPARQL / @wikidata query tutorial ever?— WikiCite (@Wikicite) October 21, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Link Prediction in #KnowledgeGraphs with an Explainable AI approach that supports newly emerging entitiesPresented this week at #ISWC2020 Joint work w/ @kingsaintrb Code:— Gerard de Melo (@gdm3000) November 4, 2020
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Ivo Velitchkov on Twitter
Ivo Velitchkov on Twitter
Today we presented at @iswc_conf our paper In-Database Graph Analytics with Recursive SPARQL 😊 you can check the video here: work was done by @JuanLReutter, @aidhog and me 🎊— Adrián Soto Suárez (@alanezz) November 3, 2020
Ivo Velitchkov on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
gist is Semantic Arts' "minimalist upper ontology. It is designed to have the maximum coverage of typical business ontology concepts with the fewest number of primitives and the least amount of ambiguity."— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 4, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Language Models Are Open Knowledge Graphs" comparing #Wikidata with knowledge graphs automatically constructed from pre-trained language models.(Wang et al, 2020)#NLProc@dawnsongtweets— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) November 4, 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Yes!! One of the cool things about the semantic web community is the gender balance!— Juan Sequeda (@juansequeda) November 3, 2020
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"As we’ve grown ... developing the API aggregation layer has become increasingly harder. In order to address this rising problem, we’ve developed a federated GraphQL platform to power the API layer." @tejas26— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 9, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Computer scientists develop a better way to find approximate solutions to the 44-year-old "traveling salesperson" problem.Paper: (v/@UW) More: (v/@EricaKlarreich @QuantaMagazine)#MondayMotivation— MIT CSAIL (@MIT_CSAIL) November 9, 2020
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Andreas Textor on Twitter
Andreas Textor on Twitter
RDF vs. Property Graphs! hear @joshsh and @jansaasman of @Franzinc on @TheGraphShow episode #1 #GraphDatabases #Semantic #RDF #KnowledgeGraphs— TheGraphShow (@TheGraphShow) November 2, 2020
Andreas Textor on Twitter
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
This is a very detailed post about Uber’s data catalog. I’ve truly enjoyed and learned so much fron my conversations with @joshsh which has framed a lot of my thinking about how enterprises should manage their metadata and data.— Juan Sequeda (@juansequeda) November 11, 2020
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
This - at first blush - looks pretty good....— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 10, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Graph Neural Networks in Recommender Systems: A Survey— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 10, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
DBpedia on Twitter
DBpedia on Twitter
Enrich your content and take advantage of the #LOD Cloud! #DBpediaSpotlight returned with fantastic #updates and is now aligned with the #DBpediaDatabus. Check all details here: #DBpedia #datamatters #Docker #API #demo— DBpedia (@dbpedia) November 10, 2020
DBpedia on Twitter
Denise Gosnell on Twitter
Denise Gosnell on Twitter
New episode of @TheGraphShow : @joshsh interviews @OReillyMedia Author - @DeniseKGosnell #GraphThinking #customer360 #TinkerPop #graphdatabases— TheGraphShow (@TheGraphShow) November 9, 2020
Denise Gosnell on Twitter
Dan McCreary on Twitter
Dan McCreary on Twitter
Wonderful presentation by @lesliemyint on how knowledge graphs can be used to understand complexity— Dan McCreary (@dmccreary) November 13, 2020
Dan McCreary on Twitter
Adrian Gschwend on Twitter
Adrian Gschwend on Twitter
Did some SPARQL tests with @binteractions Quadstore (powered by @comunicajs and @rdfjs) and the client-side browser instance provided by @txreto.Conclusion: 100% client side RDF & SPARQL is ready, at least for lightweight use-cases!Great validation for our RDF JS Efforts!— Adrian Gschwend (@linkedktk) November 13, 2020
Adrian Gschwend on Twitter
Martynas Jusevičius on Twitter
Martynas Jusevičius on Twitter
SPARQL update that splits the default graph into named graphs by subject— Martynas Jusevičius (@namedgraph) November 12, 2020
Martynas Jusevičius on Twitter
Alfonso Ramos on Twitter
Alfonso Ramos on Twitter
On one hand we have a really great technology, that may solve numerous issues in the #data industry, but how does it become attractive for the #enterprise? #KnowledgeGraphs #GraphDatabase— Carbon LDP (@CarbonLDP) November 12, 2020
Alfonso Ramos on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
I wrote about how we're using knowledge graphs and machine learning to connect together heritage collections @sciencemuseum @nat_collection :— kalyan (@KDutia) November 11, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Tommaso Soru 🇪🇺 on Twitter
Tommaso Soru 🇪🇺 on Twitter
This is the entire @DBpedia Ontology visualised as a radial dendogram. Check it out at and make sure you enable full screen through the action menu.— Tommaso Soru 🇪🇺 (@mommi84) November 13, 2020
Tommaso Soru 🇪🇺 on Twitter