
Auto-Generated Knowledge Graphs
Auto-Generated Knowledge Graphs
Apply web scraping bots , computational linguistics, and natural language processing algorithms to build knowledge graphsContinue reading on Towards Data Science »
Auto-Generated Knowledge Graphs
"Wikipedia2Vec: An Efficient Toolkit for Learning and Visualizing the Embeddings of Words and Entities from Wikipedia" Python-based open tool for learning word and entity embeddings from #Wikipedia, now with a web demo. demo: pap
"Wikipedia2Vec: An Efficient Toolkit for Learning and Visualizing the Embeddings of Words and Entities from Wikipedia" Python-based open tool for learning word and entity embeddings from #Wikipedia, now with a web demo. demo: pap
Wikipedia2Vec: #Python #opensource tool for learning word & entity embeddings from #Wikipedia. Demo: #Research paper: #datascience #AI #NLP h/t @aaranged
"Wikipedia2Vec: An Efficient Toolkit for Learning and Visualizing the Embeddings of Words and Entities from Wikipedia" Python-based open tool for learning word and entity embeddings from #Wikipedia, now with a web demo. demo: pap
The role of knowledge graphs in robojournalism at SentiLecto project via @medium
The role of knowledge graphs in robojournalism at SentiLecto project via @medium
Facilitating #journalism #automation via #knowledgegraphs. KG nodes corresponding to news articles, arrows show their connections. Generated using @sentilecto_NLU, allows navigating the spacial representation of a set of related texts #AI h/t @aaranged
The role of knowledge graphs in robojournalism at SentiLecto project via @medium
Andrea Volpini on Twitter
Andrea Volpini on Twitter
The new language model our teams built is the largest and most powerful one ever created – a milestone with the promise to transform how technology understands and assists us.— Satya Nadella (@satyanadella) February 12, 2020
Andrea Volpini on Twitter
Diego Moussallem retweeted: New from Google Research! REALM: We pretrain an LM that sparsely attends over all of Wikipedia as extra context. We backprop through a latent retrieval step on 13M docs. Yields new SOTA results for open do
Diego Moussallem retweeted: New from Google Research! REALM: We pretrain an LM that sparsely attends over all of Wikipedia as extra context. We backprop through a latent retrieval step on 13M docs. Yields new SOTA results for open do
New from Google Research! REALM: pretrain an LM that sparsely attends over all of Wikipedia as extra context. We backprop through a latent retrieval step on 13M docs. Yields new SOTA results for open domain QA, breaking 40 on NaturalQuestions-Open!— Kelvin Guu (@kelvin_guu) February 11, 2020
Diego Moussallem retweeted: New from Google Research! REALM: We pretrain an LM that sparsely attends over all of Wikipedia as extra context. We backprop through a latent retrieval step on 13M docs. Yields new SOTA results for open do
Ruben Verborgh on Twitter
Ruben Verborgh on Twitter
This year, the @UGent Web Development course kicks off with a very special guest: @timberners_lee introduces to our students his invention that changed the world. Not “vague but exciting”—rather crystal clear and as passionate as ever.
Ruben Verborgh on Twitter
This is great, and don’t miss the other ontologies at this excellent subdomain name. Quoted tweet from @fantasticlife: For anyone with the good fortune to attend the @StudyofParl conference and sit through me & @bitten_ talking about parliamentary procedu
This is great, and don’t miss the other ontologies at this excellent subdomain name. Quoted tweet from @fantasticlife: For anyone with the good fortune to attend the @StudyofParl conference and sit through me & @bitten_ talking about parliamentary procedu
This is great, and don’t miss the other ontologies at this excellent subdomain name.
This is great, and don’t miss the other ontologies at this excellent subdomain name. Quoted tweet from @fantasticlife: For anyone with the good fortune to attend the @StudyofParl conference and sit through me & @bitten_ talking about parliamentary procedu
Diego Moussallem on Twitter
Diego Moussallem on Twitter
Our physical embedding model for #knowledgegraphs achieve quasi-linear scalability. Check out the video by @_CaglarDemir at #MachineLearning #OpenScience @knowgraphs— Axel Ngonga (@NgongaAxel) February 14, 2020
Diego Moussallem on Twitter
Constructing Knowledge Graph for Social Networks in A Deep and Holistic Way (…) by LinkedIn Mining signed networks: theory and applications (…) by Aalto University #webconf
Constructing Knowledge Graph for Social Networks in A Deep and Holistic Way (…) by LinkedIn Mining signed networks: theory and applications (…) by Aalto University #webconf
t…) by LinkedIn
Constructing Knowledge Graph for Social Networks in A Deep and Holistic Way (…) by LinkedIn Mining signed networks: theory and applications (…) by Aalto University #webconf
"... the first version of Meena reportedly has 2.6 billion parameters and is trained on 341 GB of text, filtered from public domain social media conversations." @jrdothoughts
"... the first version of Meena reportedly has 2.6 billion parameters and is trained on 341 GB of text, filtered from public domain social media conversations." @jrdothoughts
"... the first version of Meena reportedly has 2.6 billion parameters and is trained on 341 GB of text, filtered from public domain social media conversations." @jrdothoughts
"... the first version of Meena reportedly has 2.6 billion parameters and is trained on 341 GB of text, filtered from public domain social media conversations." @jrdothoughts
Knowledge Graph Metadata: What Facebook really knows about you?
Knowledge Graph Metadata: What Facebook really knows about you?
If you’re one of the holdouts who still has a Facebook account you’ll be happy to know that Big Zuck now lets you control — and delete —…Continue reading on Medium »
Knowledge Graph Metadata: What Facebook really knows about you?
Top Trends of Graph Machine Learning in 2020
Top Trends of Graph Machine Learning in 2020
SourceThe year 2020 has just started but we can already see the trends of Graph Machine Learning (GML) in the latest research papers. Below is my view on what will be important in 2020 for GML and the discussion of these papers.The goal of this article is not on introducing the basic concepts of GML such as graph neural networks (GNNs), but on…
Top Trends of Graph Machine Learning in 2020
Get Ready for the Semantic Web
Get Ready for the Semantic Web
At linked data-driven companies you will find it difficult to distinguish between “traditional” data workers and those in other functional areas who, at other companies, are less reliant on data.
Get Ready for the Semantic Web
Really Rapid RDF Graph Application Development
Really Rapid RDF Graph Application Development
This article shows how an RDF Graph CRUD application can be rapidly developed, yet without losing the flexibility that HTML5/JavaScript offers, from which it can be concluded that there is no reason preventing the use of RDF Graphs as the backend for production-capable applications.
Really Rapid RDF Graph Application Development
Crossing the Chasm - Eight Prerequisites For A Graph Query Language
Crossing the Chasm - Eight Prerequisites For A Graph Query Language
Prelude In December, I wrote a Quora post on the pros and cons of graph databases. I shared two cons pervasive in the market today: the difficulty of finding proficient graph developers, and how non-standardization on a graph query language is slowing down enterprise adoption,...
Crossing the Chasm - Eight Prerequisites For A Graph Query Language
Massively parallel implementation of #Graph2Vec = scalable graph representation #algorithm learns vectors that describe whole graphs in an embedding… by @benrozemberczki#BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #LinkedData
Massively parallel implementation of #Graph2Vec = scalable graph representation #algorithm learns vectors that describe whole graphs in an embedding… by @benrozemberczki#BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #LinkedData
Massively parallel implementation of #Graph2Vec = scalable graph representation #algorithm learns vectors that describe whole graphs in an embedding space: by @benrozemberczki#BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #LinkedData #GraphDB #GraphAnalytics— Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne) August 25, 2019
Massively parallel implementation of #Graph2Vec = scalable graph representation #algorithm learns vectors that describe whole graphs in an embedding… by @benrozemberczki#BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #LinkedData
Using ORCID, DOI, and Other Open Identifiers in Research Evaluation
Using ORCID, DOI, and Other Open Identifiers in Research Evaluation
An evaluator's task is to connect the dots between program goals and its outcomes. This can be accomplished through surveys, research, and interviews, and is frequently performed post hoc. Research evaluation is hampered by a lack of data that clearly connect a research program with its outcomes and, in particular, by ambiguity about who has participated in the program and what contributions they have made. Manually making these connections is very labor-intensive, and algorithmic matching introduces errors and assumptions that can distort results. In this paper, we discuss the use of ident...
Using ORCID, DOI, and Other Open Identifiers in Research Evaluation
Kelvin Lawrence on Twitter
Kelvin Lawrence on Twitter
I just published the latest version of Practical Gremlin in all supported formats. Another substantial update. Please see the change history for full details. … … … … … … @apachetinkerpop @JanusGraph— Kelvin Lawrence (@gfxman) May 29, 2018
Kelvin Lawrence on Twitter
Let Me Graph That For You – Part 1 – Air Routes
Let Me Graph That For You – Part 1 – Air Routes
We’re pleased to announce the start of a multi-part series of posts for Amazon Neptune in which we explore graph application datasets and queries drawn from many different domains and problem spaces. Amazon Neptune is a fast and reliable, fully-managed graph database, optimized for storing and querying highly connected data. It is ideal for online […]
Let Me Graph That For You – Part 1 – Air Routes