
How to apply Graph Neural Networks to stock predictions
How to apply Graph Neural Networks to stock predictions
📢 How to apply Graph Neural Networks to stock predictions? The following paper presents the ideal starting point ….keep reading! 👇 This paper proposes the…
How to apply Graph Neural Networks to stock predictions
How to apply Graph Neural Networks to stock predictions
Spatial-Temporal Graph Representation Learning for Tactical Networks Future State Prediction
Spatial-Temporal Graph Representation Learning for Tactical Networks Future State Prediction
Resource allocation in tactical ad-hoc networks presents unique challenges due to their dynamic and multi-hop nature. Accurate prediction of future network connectivity is essential for effective resource allocation in such environments. In this paper, we introduce the Spatial-Temporal Graph Encoder-Decoder (STGED) framework for Tactical Communication Networks that leverages both spatial and temporal features of network states to learn latent tactical behaviors effectively. STGED hierarchically utilizes graph-based attention mechanism to spatially encode a series of communication network states, leverages a recurrent neural network to temporally encode the evolution of states, and a fully-connected feed-forward network to decode the connectivity in the future state. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that STGED consistently outperforms baseline models by large margins across different time-steps input, achieving an accuracy of up to 99.2\% for the future state prediction task of tactical communication networks.
Spatial-Temporal Graph Representation Learning for Tactical Networks Future State Prediction
An Online Spatial-Temporal Graph Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Vehicles
An Online Spatial-Temporal Graph Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Vehicles
The autonomous driving industry is expected to grow by over 20 times in the coming decade and, thus, motivate researchers to delve into it. The primary focus of their research is to ensure safety, comfort, and efficiency. An autonomous vehicle has several modules responsible for one or more of the aforementioned items. Among these modules, the trajectory planner plays a pivotal role in the safety of the vehicle and the comfort of its passengers. The module is also responsible for respecting kinematic constraints and any applicable road constraints. In this paper, a novel online spatial-temporal graph trajectory planner is introduced to generate safe and comfortable trajectories. First, a spatial-temporal graph is constructed using the autonomous vehicle, its surrounding vehicles, and virtual nodes along the road with respect to the vehicle itself. Next, the graph is forwarded into a sequential network to obtain the desired states. To support the planner, a simple behavioral layer is also presented that determines kinematic constraints for the planner. Furthermore, a novel potential function is also proposed to train the network. Finally, the proposed planner is tested on three different complex driving tasks, and the performance is compared with two frequently used methods. The results show that the proposed planner generates safe and feasible trajectories while achieving similar or longer distances in the forward direction and comparable comfort ride.
An Online Spatial-Temporal Graph Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Vehicles
DST-GTN: Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Network for Traffic Forecasting
DST-GTN: Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Network for Traffic Forecasting
Accurate traffic forecasting is essential for effective urban planning and congestion management. Deep learning (DL) approaches have gained colossal success in traffic forecasting but still face challenges in capturing the intricacies of traffic dynamics. In this paper, we identify and address this challenges by emphasizing that spatial features are inherently dynamic and change over time. A novel in-depth feature representation, called Dynamic Spatio-Temporal (Dyn-ST) features, is introduced, which encapsulates spatial characteristics across varying times. Moreover, a Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Network (DST-GTN) is proposed by capturing Dyn-ST features and other dynamic adjacency relations between intersections. The DST-GTN can model dynamic ST relationships between nodes accurately and refine the representation of global and local ST characteristics by adopting adaptive weights in low-pass and all-pass filters, enabling the extraction of Dyn-ST features from traffic time-series data. Through numerical experiments on public datasets, the DST-GTN achieves state-of-the-art performance for a range of traffic forecasting tasks and demonstrates enhanced stability.
DST-GTN: Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Network for Traffic Forecasting
🌟GraphGPT🌟 (385 stars in GitHub) is accepted by 🌟SIGIR'24🌟 (only 20.1% acceptance rate)! Thank Yuhao Yang, wei wei, and other co-authors for their precious…
Towards Graph Foundation Models for Personalization
Towards Graph Foundation Models for Personalization
In the realm of personalization, integrating diverse information sources such as consumption signals and content-based representations is becoming increasingly critical to build state-of-the-art solutions. In this regard, two of the biggest trends in research around this subject are Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Foundation Models (FMs). While GNNs emerged as a popular solution in industry for powering personalization at scale, FMs have only recently caught attention for their promising performance in personalization tasks like ranking and retrieval. In this paper, we present a graph-based foundation modeling approach tailored to personalization. Central to this approach is a Heterogeneous GNN (HGNN) designed to capture multi-hop content and consumption relationships across a range of recommendable item types. To ensure the generality required from a Foundation Model, we employ a Large Language Model (LLM) text-based featurization of nodes that accommodates all item types, and construct the graph using co-interaction signals, which inherently transcend content specificity. To facilitate practical generalization, we further couple the HGNN with an adaptation mechanism based on a two-tower (2T) architecture, which also operates agnostically to content type. This multi-stage approach ensures high scalability; while the HGNN produces general purpose embeddings, the 2T component models in a continuous space the sheer size of user-item interaction data. Our comprehensive approach has been rigorously tested and proven effective in delivering recommendations across a diverse array of products within a real-world, industrial audio streaming platform.
Towards Graph Foundation Models for Personalization
Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Graph Generation
Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Graph Generation
Large language models (LLMs) have achieved great success in many fields, and recent works have studied exploring LLMs for graph discriminative tasks such as node classification. However, the abilities of LLMs for graph generation remain unexplored in the literature. Graph generation requires the LLM to generate graphs with given properties, which has valuable real-world applications such as drug discovery, while tends to be more challenging. In this paper, we propose LLM4GraphGen to explore the ability of LLMs for graph generation with systematical task designs and extensive experiments. Specifically, we propose several tasks tailored with comprehensive experiments to address key questions regarding LLMs' understanding of different graph structure rules, their ability to capture structural type distributions, and their utilization of domain knowledge for property-based graph generation. Our evaluations demonstrate that LLMs, particularly GPT-4, exhibit preliminary abilities in graph generation tasks, including rule-based and distribution-based generation. We also observe that popular prompting methods, such as few-shot and chain-of-thought prompting, do not consistently enhance performance. Besides, LLMs show potential in generating molecules with specific properties. These findings may serve as foundations for designing good LLMs based models for graph generation and provide valuable insights and further research.
Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Graph Generation
Graph Neural Network for Crawling Target Nodes in Social Networks
Graph Neural Network for Crawling Target Nodes in Social Networks
Social networks crawling is in the focus of active research the last years. One of the challenging task is to collect target nodes in an initially unknown graph given a budget of crawling steps. Predicting a node property based on its partially known neighbourhood is at the heart of a successful crawler. In this paper we adopt graph neural networks for this purpose and show they are competitive to traditional classifiers and are better for individual cases. Additionally we suggest a training sample boosting technique, which helps to diversify the training set at early stages of crawling and thus improves the predictor quality. The experimental study on three types of target set topology indicates GNN based approach has a potential in crawling task, especially in the case of distributed target nodes.
Graph Neural Network for Crawling Target Nodes in Social Networks
Graphs Unveiled: Graph Neural Networks and Graph Generation
Graphs Unveiled: Graph Neural Networks and Graph Generation
One of the hot topics in machine learning is the field of GNN. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. This paper represents a survey, providing a comprehensive overview of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). We discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains. Finally, we present an advanced field in GNNs: graph generation.
Graphs Unveiled: Graph Neural Networks and Graph Generation
OpenGraph: Open-Vocabulary Hierarchical 3D Graph Representation in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
OpenGraph: Open-Vocabulary Hierarchical 3D Graph Representation in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
Environment maps endowed with sophisticated semantics are pivotal for facilitating seamless interaction between robots and humans, enabling them to effectively carry out various tasks. Open-vocabulary maps, powered by Visual-Language models (VLMs), possess inherent advantages, including multimodal retrieval and open-set classes. However, existing open-vocabulary maps are constrained to closed indoor scenarios and VLM features, thereby diminishing their usability and inference capabilities. Moreover, the absence of topological relationships further complicates the accurate querying of specific instances. In this work, we propose OpenGraph, a representation of open-vocabulary hierarchical graph structure designed for large-scale outdoor environments. OpenGraph initially extracts instances and their captions from visual images using 2D foundation models, encoding the captions with features to enhance textual reasoning. Subsequently, 3D incremental panoramic mapping with feature embedding is achieved by projecting images onto LiDAR point clouds. Finally, the environment is segmented based on lane graph connectivity to construct a hierarchical graph. Validation results from real public dataset SemanticKITTI demonstrate that, even without fine-tuning the models, OpenGraph exhibits the ability to generalize to novel semantic classes and achieve the highest segmentation and query accuracy. The source code of OpenGraph is publicly available at
OpenGraph: Open-Vocabulary Hierarchical 3D Graph Representation in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
Personalized Audiobook Recommendations at Spotify Through Graph Neural Networks
Personalized Audiobook Recommendations at Spotify Through Graph Neural Networks
In the ever-evolving digital audio landscape, Spotify, well-known for its music and talk content, has recently introduced audiobooks to its vast user base. While promising, this move presents significant challenges for personalized recommendations. Unlike music and podcasts, audiobooks, initially available for a fee, cannot be easily skimmed before purchase, posing higher stakes for the relevance of recommendations. Furthermore, introducing a new content type into an existing platform confronts extreme data sparsity, as most users are unfamiliar with this new content type. Lastly, recommending content to millions of users requires the model to react fast and be scalable. To address these challenges, we leverage podcast and music user preferences and introduce 2T-HGNN, a scalable recommendation system comprising Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (HGNNs) and a Two Tower (2T) model. This novel approach uncovers nuanced item relationships while ensuring low latency and complexity. We decouple users from the HGNN graph and propose an innovative multi-link neighbor sampler. These choices, together with the 2T component, significantly reduce the complexity of the HGNN model. Empirical evaluations involving millions of users show significant improvement in the quality of personalized recommendations, resulting in a +46% increase in new audiobooks start rate and a +23% boost in streaming rates. Intriguingly, our model's impact extends beyond audiobooks, benefiting established products like podcasts.
Personalized Audiobook Recommendations at Spotify Through Graph Neural Networks
Graph neural networks
Graph neural networks
Nature Reviews Methods Primers - Graph neural networks are a class of deep learning methods that can model physical systems, generate new molecules and identify drug candidates. This Primer...
Graph neural networks
A Survey of Graph Neural Networks in Real world: Imbalance, Noise, Privacy and OOD Challenges
A Survey of Graph Neural Networks in Real world: Imbalance, Noise, Privacy and OOD Challenges
Graph-structured data exhibits universality and widespread applicability across diverse domains, such as social network analysis, biochemistry, financial fraud detection, and network security. Significant strides have been made in leveraging Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to achieve remarkable success in these areas. However, in real-world scenarios, the training environment for models is often far from ideal, leading to substantial performance degradation of GNN models due to various unfavorable factors, including imbalance in data distribution, the presence of noise in erroneous data, privacy protection of sensitive information, and generalization capability for out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios. To tackle these issues, substantial efforts have been devoted to improving the performance of GNN models in practical real-world scenarios, as well as enhancing their reliability and robustness. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey that systematically reviews existing GNN models, focusing on solutions to the four mentioned real-world challenges including imbalance, noise, privacy, and OOD in practical scenarios that many existing reviews have not considered. Specifically, we first highlight the four key challenges faced by existing GNNs, paving the way for our exploration of real-world GNN models. Subsequently, we provide detailed discussions on these four aspects, dissecting how these solutions contribute to enhancing the reliability and robustness of GNN models. Last but not least, we outline promising directions and offer future perspectives in the field.
A Survey of Graph Neural Networks in Real world: Imbalance, Noise, Privacy and OOD Challenges
Why do LangChain and Autogen use graphs? Here are the top reasons
Why do LangChain and Autogen use graphs? Here are the top reasons
LLM frameworks like LangChain are moving towards a graph-based approach for handling their workflows. This represents the initial steps of a much larger… | 90 comments on LinkedIn
Why do LangChain and Autogen use graphs? Here are the top reasons
Why do LangChain and Autogen use graphs? Here are the top reasons
The latest in GNN technology - PyG 2.5
The latest in GNN technology - PyG 2.5
🚀 Join us for a special webinar on March 6th, 8am PT/5pm CET, as we unveil the latest in GNN technology - PyG 2.5! 🎉 Dive deep into the features with a live…
the latest in GNN technology - PyG 2.5
The latest in GNN technology - PyG 2.5
Neural Scaling Laws on Graphs
Neural Scaling Laws on Graphs
Deep graph models (e.g., graph neural networks and graph transformers) have become important techniques for leveraging knowledge across various types of graphs. Yet, the scaling properties of deep graph models have not been systematically investigated, casting doubt on the feasibility of achieving large graph models through enlarging the model and dataset sizes. In this work, we delve into neural scaling laws on graphs from both model and data perspectives. We first verify the validity of such laws on graphs, establishing formulations to describe the scaling behaviors. For model scaling, we investigate the phenomenon of scaling law collapse and identify overfitting as the potential reason. Moreover, we reveal that the model depth of deep graph models can impact the model scaling behaviors, which differ from observations in other domains such as CV and NLP. For data scaling, we suggest that the number of graphs can not effectively metric the graph data volume in scaling law since the sizes of different graphs are highly irregular. Instead, we reform the data scaling law with the number of edges as the metric to address the irregular graph sizes. We further demonstrate the reformed law offers a unified view of the data scaling behaviors for various fundamental graph tasks including node classification, link prediction, and graph classification. This work provides valuable insights into neural scaling laws on graphs, which can serve as an essential step toward large graph models.
Neural Scaling Laws on Graphs
Future Directions in Foundations of Graph Machine Learning
Future Directions in Foundations of Graph Machine Learning
Machine learning on graphs, especially using graph neural networks (GNNs), has seen a surge in interest due to the wide availability of graph data across a broad spectrum of disciplines, from life to social and engineering sciences. Despite their practical success, our theoretical understanding of the properties of GNNs remains highly incomplete. Recent theoretical advancements primarily focus on elucidating the coarse-grained expressive power of GNNs, predominantly employing combinatorial techniques. However, these studies do not perfectly align with practice, particularly in understanding the generalization behavior of GNNs when trained with stochastic first-order optimization techniques. In this position paper, we argue that the graph machine learning community needs to shift its attention to developing a more balanced theory of graph machine learning, focusing on a more thorough understanding of the interplay of expressive power, generalization, and optimization.
Future Directions in Foundations of Graph Machine Learning
Series A Announcement | Orbital Materials
Series A Announcement | Orbital Materials
Orbital Materials (founded by ex-DeepMind researchers) raised $16M Series A led by Radical Ventures and Toyota Ventures. OM focuses on materials science and shed some light on LINUS - the in-house 3D foundation model for material design (apparently, an ML potential and a generative model) with the ambition to become the AlphaFold of materials science. GNNs = 💸
Series A Announcement | Orbital Materials