
Comparing Graph Databases I - Towards Data Science
Comparing Graph Databases I - Towards Data Science
Comparing #GraphDatabases by reading @G2dotcom #reviews. Reasonable as a 1st approach, #reviews are just one #datasource to be used for such a compex decision. Take them with a grain of salt, use your own experience/education/benchmarks, consult experts
Comparing Graph Databases I - Towards Data Science
CS 520: Knowledge Graphs
CS 520: Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge graphs have emerged as a compelling abstraction for organizing world's structured knowledge over the internet, capturing relationships among key entities of interest to enterprises, and a way to integrate information extracted from multiple data sources. Knowledge graphs have also started to play a central role in machine learning and natural language processing as a method to incorporate world knowledge, as a target knowledge representation for extracted knowledge, and for explaining what is being learned. This class is a graduate level research seminar featuring prominent researchers and industry practitioners working on different aspects of knowledge graphs. It will showcase how latest research in AI, database systems and HCI is coming together in integrated intelligent systems centered around knowledge graphs.The seminar will be offered over Zoom as per the planned schedule.The seminar is open to public. Remote participants may join the seminar through Zoom. To be
CS 520: Knowledge Graphs
Cytoscape App Store - Cytoscape Neo4j Plugin
Cytoscape App Store - Cytoscape Neo4j Plugin
.@cytoscape is an #opensource #software platform for complex networks #dataviz. #Neo4j Graphs are often too large for Cytoscape; this plugin allows you to write Cypher queries, import result as a network. Queries can be parameterized & stored for reuse
Cytoscape App Store - Cytoscape Neo4j Plugin
Daimler drives new HR insights with graph database technology
Daimler drives new HR insights with graph database technology
The German automotive giant is using Neo4j to help its HR team better understand its constantly changing corporate structure and reporting lines at a time when employees increasingly work in ‘swarms’
Daimler drives new HR insights with graph database technology
Database Deep Dives: JanusGraph | IBM
Database Deep Dives: JanusGraph | IBM
In the third installment of Database Deep Dives, we caught up with JanusGraph PMC members Florian Hockmann and Jason Plurad to get some guidance on the wide world of Graph.
Database Deep Dives: JanusGraph | IBM
Deciphering Product DNA: Next-Level PDM with AI & Knowledge Graphs - Neo4j Graph Database Platform
Deciphering Product DNA: Next-Level PDM with AI & Knowledge Graphs - Neo4j Graph Database Platform
Increasingly complex products undoubtedly require greater management of components, function and data. Classic product data management (PDM) has long reach its limits in this respect. Breaking down product DNA is now driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge graphs. In… Read more →
Deciphering Product DNA: Next-Level PDM with AI & Knowledge Graphs - Neo4j Graph Database Platform
Detecting Cryptocurrency Fraud with Neo4j
Detecting Cryptocurrency Fraud with Neo4j
Criminals are constantly finding new and more sophisticated ways to commit fraud. Every technological development presents new opportunities for illicit activities, and few more so than the evolution of digital currencies.
Detecting Cryptocurrency Fraud with Neo4j
Do Graph Databases Scale? - DZone Big Data
Do Graph Databases Scale? - DZone Big Data
Graph Databases are a great solution for many modern use cases: Fraud Detection, Knowledge Graphs, Asset Management, Recommendation Engines, IoT, Permission Management … you name it.  All such projects benefit from a database technology capable of analyzing highly connected data points and their relations fast – Graph databases are designed for these tasks. But the nature of graph data poses challenges when it comes to *buzzword alert* scalability. So why is this, and are graph databases capable of scaling? Let’s see... In the following, we will define what we mean by scaling, take a closer look at two challenges potentially hindering scaling with graph databases, and discuss solutions currently available. What Is the “Scalability of Graph Databases”? Let’s quickly define what we mean here by scaling, as it is not “just” putting more data on one machine or throwing it on various ones. What you want when working with large or growing datasets is also an acceptabl
Do Graph Databases Scale? - DZone Big Data