TigerGraph unveils new tool for machine learning modeling
TigerGraph unveiled a new tool that provides users with a dedicated, open source environment for building machine learning models with graph databases.
Know, Know Where, KnowWhereGraph: A densely connected, cross‐domain knowledge graph and geo‐enrichment service stack for applications in environmental intelligence
Knowledge graphs (KGs) are a novel paradigm for the representation, retrieval, and integration of data from highly heterogeneous sources. Within just a few years, KGs and their supporting technologie...
Let the Asset Decide: Digital Twins with Knowledge Graphs
500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.
Data.world Raises $50M Series C, Launches Eureka Suite of Catalog Capabilities
This week, enterprise data catalog provider data.world announced both a $50 million Series C round and a new suite of data catalog management capabilities
Some of the modern GNNs have their roots in methods originally developed in the signal processing domain. Graph Signal Processing started with two directions...
Stardog Designer is our new, no-code, visual environment for data engineers and analysts to connect, map, model, and publish data
Stardog Designer is our new, no-code, visual environment for data engineers and analysts to connect, map, model, and publish data. -- https://hubs.ly/...
TigerGraph launches $1 million challenge to inspire use of graph AI | ZDNet
With a $250,000 first prize, entrepreneurs, academics, engineers, scientists can create their own problem statement focused on a topic of their choosing.
TigerGraph: Graph DBs to Become a ‘Must-Have’ in 2022
Graph databases will no longer be a luxury but will become a "must-have" for enterprise IT organizations in 2022, according to graph database provider TigerGraph. According to Gartner's research, by 2025, graph technologies will be used in 80% of new data and analytics systems, up from 10% in 2021, facilitating rapid decision-making across the enterprise.…
Dagstuhl 2022: Graph Databases and Network Visualization | Stardog
Pavel Klinov, Stardog VP of Research and Development, is back from the Dagstuhl Seminar on Graph Databases and Network Visualization, held at the Leibniz Center for Informatics in Germany from January 16 – 21, 2022. We asked him about his experience.
DSC Weekly Digest 04 Jan 2022: Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation? - DataScienceCentral.com
Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation? I spent some time over the holidays engaged in a fascinating online conversation. The gist of it was a variation of an argument that has been going on in the realm of artificial intelligence from the time of Minsky and Seymour Papert: Whether it is possible for neural networks to… Read More »DSC Weekly Digest 04 Jan 2022: Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation?
How and why the best companies are adopting Graph Visual Analytics, Graph AI, and Graph Neural Networks. By Leo Meyerovich and Ben Lorica. [A version of this post originally appeared on the Graphistry blog.] In this post, we highlight the current state of Graph Intelligence, a new technology category around new tools and techniques forContinue reading "What is Graph Intelligence?"
Understand the ROI of an Enterprise Knowledge Graph Platform | Stardog
Enterprise Knowledge Graph Platform ROI: Providing readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of deploying Stardog on their own organizations.
Excited that our graph Transformer has been accepted as a Contributed Talk to NeurIPS ML and Physical Sciences workshop (TOP 3 out of 151) :D Thanks to...
Dan McCreary on LinkedIn: Introducing TensorFlow Graph Neural Networks
Last week Google added Graph Neural Network support to TensorFlow. This comes in the wake of PyTorch Geometric getting a lot of support from Meta (formerly...
Apollo GraphQL expands federation, adopts Elastic license | ZDNet
Can GraphQL scale beyond workgroups or departments? Changes to Apollo GraphQL's federation gateway should make GraphQL better suited for enterprise scale adoption.
Daniele Grattarola on LinkedIn: #NeurIPS2021 #neuralnetworks #artificialintelligence
Let me tell you about ✨graph cellular automata✨ and why I am so excited about them: 1. Decentralized / emergent computation on graphs is a fundamental...
Joins play a pretty important role for defining the semantics of evaluating SPARQL queries even though they are not a part of the SPARQL syntax. One does not have to think about joins as long as their queries are restricted to basic graph patterns. However once more complex constructs appear in the query, their results are typically combined using the good old relational join operator. It has certain quirks, for example, in how it deals with nulls, and it's important to understand those to avoid result explosion and performance problems.