
On Polyhierarchy
On Polyhierarchy
Bob Kasenchak discusses the uses and abuses of polyhierarchy. It is not a license to play fast and loose with the All-Some Rule.
On Polyhierarchy
Announcing Memgraph 2.0
Announcing Memgraph 2.0
Memgraph 2.0 is here! We are finally source available and ready to tame your streams.
Announcing Memgraph 2.0
GraphQL 101: What is GraphQL?
GraphQL 101: What is GraphQL?
“Take a crash course on GraphQL, a tool for building APIs that's seeing rapid adoption. And Dgraph Cloud is the complete GraphQL platform to get you going."
GraphQL 101: What is GraphQL?
Inoreader - Take back control of your news feed
Inoreader - Take back control of your news feed
One place to keep up with all your information sources. With Inoreader, content comes to you, the minute it's available. Follow RSS Feeds, Blogs, Podcasts, Twitter searches, Facebook pages, even Email Newsletters! Get unfiltered news feeds or filter them to your liking.
Inoreader - Take back control of your news feed
Data Management Strategy Is More Strategic than You Think
Data Management Strategy Is More Strategic than You Think
Data management strategy is boring, right? More to the point, it’s a solved problem. The relational model, SQL, and data warehouses date to the 1980s. I mean, what could be less strategic than the “what,” “how,” and “why” of an enterprise data management strategy? Build some pipelines and ETL jobs. Define a relational schema to…
Data Management Strategy Is More Strategic than You Think
Stanford Graph Learning Workshop
Stanford Graph Learning Workshop
Stanford is proud to organize a workshop that  brings together leaders from academia and industry to showcase recent advances in Graph Neural Networks.... 45 comments on LinkedIn
Stanford Graph Learning Workshop
What are graph database query languages?
What are graph database query languages?
Graph database query languages are growing, along with graph databases. They let developers ask complex questions and find relationships.
What are graph database query languages?