Announcing Neo4j for Graph Data Science
grade features and scale. We appreciate your candid stories and collaboration, and we’ve used this to create a better solution. As such, we’re excited to announce Neo4j for Graph Data Science™, the first data science environment built to harness the predictive power of relationships for enterprise deployments. Neo4j for Graph Data Science is an ecosystem of tools that includes: With Neo4j for Graph Data Science, data scientists are empowered to confide
CS 520: Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge graphs have emerged as a compelling abstraction for organizing world's structured knowledge over the internet, capturing relationships among key entities of interest to enterprises, and a way to integrate information extracted from multiple data sources. Knowledge graphs have also started to play a central role in machine learning and natural language processing as a method to incorporate world knowledge, as a target knowledge representation for extracted knowledge, and for explaining what is being learned. This class is a graduate level research seminar featuring prominent researchers and industry practitioners working on different aspects of knowledge graphs. It will showcase how latest research in AI, database systems and HCI is coming together in integrated intelligent systems centered around knowledge graphs.The seminar will be offered over Zoom as per the planned schedule.The seminar is open to public. Remote participants may join the seminar through Zoom. To be
Meet SemSpect: A Different Approach to Graph Visualization [Community Post]
Discover a new way to visualize and explore your connected data with SemSpect: a unique approach to graph visualization that doesn't depend on using random or best-guess Cypher queries in order to explore your data's meta-graph and that is compatible with Neo4j (including RDF datasets).
Whaddya mean, 'niche'?! Neo4j's chief scientist schools El Reg on graph databases • The Register
Graphs are a general-purpose #datamodel, as relational was a general-purpose #data model a generation ago. A supply chain is a graph. Knowledge is a graph. Graphs are very applicable in a wide range of use cases @jimwebber @TheRegister #GraphDB #tech [LINK] [LINK]
When and how to implement Sharding in Neo4j 4.0
#Neo4j #GraphDB has added sharding @adamcowley shows when and how to use it #softwareengineering #data #tech #opensource #tutorial [LINK] [LINK]
Announcing AnzoGraphⓇ DB Version 2
.@CamSemantics announces Anzo #GraphDB v.2: RDF*, Custom SDK, Free Edition. "Imagine being able to do labeled properties, just like you do in Neo4j & other property graphs, but also have capability of RDF to help w ontologies & inferencing" #data #tech
TigerGraph Improves Its Graph Database-As-A-Service With Enhanced Performance And More Robustness
.@TigerGraph #graphDB updates its #Cloud offering with configuration for distributed graphs, replica instances for high availability, EFS for backup/restore. Updates available by end of 2019 on #AWS, #Azure to follow in Q1 2020
Node2Vec — Graph Embedding Method - Towards Data Science
Graphs are common #data structures to represent #connecteddata. To use graphs with #deeplearning, we use graph embeddings, a low dimension representations which helps generalize input data. Node2Vec aims to preserve network neighborhoods #datascience #AI
Graphs Analytics for Fraud Detection - Towards Data Science
Graphs #Analytics for Fraud Detection, using Graph #NeuralNetworks for Anomaly detection. GraphSAGE is Stanford #opensource project: deep neural network-based NRL toolkit, implemented in Tensorflow, making it ideal to develop an anomaly detection system
British MP Voting Similarity Using Neo4J Graph Database
MP voting records are public record in the UK, detailed #data is available about how each MP has voted in each bill @PublicWhip collect data & make it accessible @joshua_e_k explores how to use a #GraphDatabase to look at MP’s voting record similarity
jQAssistant | Your Software . Your Structures . Your Rules
.@jQAssistant is a #QA tool which allows definition & validation of project specific rules on a structural level. Built upon #Neo4j #graphdatabase, can be plugged into build process. Now w/ #PlantUML class diagrams #dataviz #softwareengineering
Kirk Borne on Twitter: ".@DDIAlliance releases XKOS v1.2 (Extended Knowledge Organization System) specification →facilitates sharing & management of statistical classifications. (For building #Semantic Taxonomies to tag Datasets & #DataScience outputs) ht
.@DDIAlliance releases XKOS v1.2 (Extended Knowledge Organization System) specification →facilitates sharing & management of statistical classifications.(For building #Semantic Taxonomies to tag Datasets & #DataScience outputs) #Ontologies #RDF— Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne) June 21, 2019
Graph data modelling - inferred vs explicit categories and labels –
When building graph data models we frequently have to deal with a degree of polymorphism for our entities just like the real world. For instance – I’m a person, but I’m also a parent, a spouse, a sibling, a child, a… Implicit categorisation Sometimes the entity categories are entirely defined by relationships to other entities. […]
John Murray on Twitter: "This is what the resultant 100 retail outlet isochrone map looks like, built using Spatia and @rapidsai #cuGraph SSSP using @OrdnanceSurvey Open Roads as road graph + drive times estimated from @transportgovuk road stats #opendata
This is what the resultant 100 retail outlet isochrone map looks like, built using Spatia and @rapidsai #cuGraph SSSP using @OrdnanceSurvey Open Roads as road graph + drive times estimated from @transportgovuk road stats #opendata cc @puntofisso— John Murray (@MurrayData) May 28, 2019
The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were | Ruben Verborgh
For a domain with a strong focus on unambiguous identifiers and meaning, the Semantic Web research field itself has a surprisingly ill-defined sense of identity. Started at the end of the 1990s at the intersection of databases, logic, and Web, and influenced along the way by all major tech hypes such as Big Data and machine learning, our research community needs to look in the mirror to understand who we really are…