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Finding the shortest path from Country A to Country B — using Neo4J and Node
Finding the shortest path from Country A to Country B — using Neo4J and Node
Finding the shortest path from Country A to Country B using Graph #analytics #algorithms #javascript #tutorial #softwareengineering #datascience #GraphDB #opensource #Neo4J #data #tech [LINK] [LINK]*Ol4T6m9f4Y2W7T9W.png
Finding the shortest path from Country A to Country B — using Neo4J and Node
For those of you who missed it - here is the recording of my webinar at @Dataversity on #graph #datamodeling - summary of my #online #training at #Dataversity:
For those of you who missed it - here is the recording of my webinar at @Dataversity on #graph #datamodeling - summary of my #online #training at #Dataversity:
For those of you who missed it - here is the recording of my webinar at @Dataversity on #graph #datamodeling - summary of my #online #training at #Dataversity:— Thomas Frisendal (@VizDataModeler) January 11, 2020
For those of you who missed it - here is the recording of my webinar at @Dataversity on #graph #datamodeling - summary of my #online #training at #Dataversity:
Organizing the World’s Scientific Knowledge
Organizing the World’s Scientific Knowledge
Instead of representing #research in static PDF articles @l3s_luh works on a dynamic #knowledgegraph. The Open Research KG represents ideas, approaches, methods in machine-readable form. A comparison of different genome editing methods can be created
Organizing the World’s Scientific Knowledge
Graph Machine Learning meets UX; an uncharted love affair
Graph Machine Learning meets UX; an uncharted love affair
Graph #MachineLearning meets #UX; an uncharted love affair. @nhungphnguyen explores machine learning on graphs, then builds end-to-end story to define users, their relationships & different needs #productdesign #uidesign #AI #EmergingTech @Data61news
Graph Machine Learning meets UX; an uncharted love affair
So @markhneedham has written a great intro to querying #wikidata (…) which I think is a great intro to my post on how to enrich your #KnowledgeGraph in #Neo4j ( Enjoy!
So @markhneedham has written a great intro to querying #wikidata (…) which I think is a great intro to my post on how to enrich your #KnowledgeGraph in #Neo4j ( Enjoy!
A newbie's guide to querying @Wikidata #opendata #datascience #GraphDB #KnowledgeGraph #tutorial #Neo4j #softwaredevelopment #linkeddata #connecteddata #data #tech @markhneedham @BarrasaDV
So @markhneedham has written a great intro to querying #wikidata (…) which I think is a great intro to my post on how to enrich your #KnowledgeGraph in #Neo4j ( Enjoy!
stephen mallette on Twitter
stephen mallette on Twitter
A blueprint for the next @apachetinkerpop and an analysis on #opensource. @twarko @_mmadt #presentation from @DataDayTexas #GraphDB #data #tech #cloud #insight #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #AWS
stephen mallette on Twitter
The War Of The Skills Clouds
The War Of The Skills Clouds
.@Josh_Bersin has been writing about the explosion of #Skills #Ontology from Workday, Degreed, EdCast, etc. @CornerstoneInc, a Learning Management Systems provider, entered the game via acquisition of @Clustree #futureofwork #knowledgegraph #EmergingTech
The War Of The Skills Clouds
36C3 Wikipaka WG: Querying Linked Data with SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service - YouTube
36C3 Wikipaka WG: Querying Linked Data with SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service - YouTube
An intro to querying #linkeddata using SPARQL & @Wikidata. Which films starred more than one future head of government? Largest city with a female mayor? Questions #linkeddata can answer #opendata #knowledgegraph #datascience @CCC h/t @LearningSPARQL [LINK]
36C3 Wikipaka WG: Querying Linked Data with SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service - YouTube 6.0 is out! Lots of small but useful improvements, see release notes at… for details. As always, many thanks to everyone who contributed :) 6.0 is out! Lots of small but useful improvements, see release notes at… for details. As always, many thanks to everyone who contributed :)
#SchemaOrg 6.0 is out. Lots of small but useful improvements. New types Guide, Recommendation may be of interest for #digitalmarketing h/t @aaranged @danbri #SEO #semantics #knowledgegraph #search [LINK] [LINK]
·· 6.0 is out! Lots of small but useful improvements, see release notes at… for details. As always, many thanks to everyone who contributed :)
Andrea Volpini retweeted: 28% of the 20 million websites we've reviewed are already using Structured Data 🤖 Is yours? Check here:
Andrea Volpini retweeted: 28% of the 20 million websites we've reviewed are already using Structured Data 🤖 Is yours? Check here:
28% of 20 million websites reviewed by @woorank are already using Structured Data #connecteddata #knowledgegraph #SEO #semantics #SchemaOrg h/t @cyberandy For a hands-on, in depth tutorial: [LINK]
Andrea Volpini retweeted: 28% of the 20 million websites we've reviewed are already using Structured Data 🤖 Is yours? Check here:
Knowledge Graphs for Innovation Ecosystems. (arXiv:2001.08615v1 [cs.IR])
Knowledge Graphs for Innovation Ecosystems. (arXiv:2001.08615v1 [cs.IR])
Representation of #innovation ecosystems as #knowledgegraphs would enable generation of reports with new insights, execution of advanced #data analysis tasks. An #ontology to capture essential entities & relations, data sources #research #EmergingTech
Knowledge Graphs for Innovation Ecosystems. (arXiv:2001.08615v1 [cs.IR])
The Multi-Model Knowledge Graph - DZone Database
The Multi-Model Knowledge Graph - DZone Database
Multi-model is a useful #technology for #enterprise #knowledgegraphs, say @arthurakeen @arangodb Benefits: streamlining multi-source #data to EKGs, increasing usability of EKG data for business, enabling greater scale, reducing EKG ecosystem footprint
The Multi-Model Knowledge Graph - DZone Database
2019: The year in review for Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
2019: The year in review for Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
#Amazon Neptune #GraphDB celebrated its 18-month birthday last month. Here's a roundup of its many improvements over the last year in #Developer experience, #Enterprise capability, Instances, Performance and query improvements, Compliance, Regions #cloud
2019: The year in review for Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
GQL is an effort to standardize property #GraphDB query language. GQL project lead leaving #Neo4j, WG3 is now responsible. "There is no certainty about the success of the GQL project, but there are good objective and subjective grounds for optimism"
Not Science Fiction - Kurt Cagle's View on Semantic Technologies | SEMANTiCS 2020 US
Not Science Fiction - Kurt Cagle's View on Semantic Technologies | SEMANTiCS 2020 US
Kurt Cagle is one of the advisors behind the SEMANTICS 2020 Conference. He is a writer, data scientist and futurist focused on the intersection of computer technologies and society. He is also the founder of Semantical, LLC, a smart data company. In this interview, Kurt shares with us some of his expertise and his vision for the new paths being opened by Semantic Technologies.
Not Science Fiction - Kurt Cagle's View on Semantic Technologies | SEMANTiCS 2020 US
Council Post: Explainable AI: The Rising Role Of Knowledge Scientists
Council Post: Explainable AI: The Rising Role Of Knowledge Scientists
Most #machinelearning #algorithms work well w/ either text or structured #data. #Semantic data models can close the gap. Relationships between business/data objects can be made available for further analysis #knowledgegraph #AI #datascience #EmergingTech
Council Post: Explainable AI: The Rising Role Of Knowledge Scientists
State of the Graph: Digital Transformation | LinkedIn
State of the Graph: Digital Transformation | LinkedIn
While graph #tech #GraphDB graph computation will not be everything, true #digitaltransformation will only get underway once we begin building out #knowledgegraphs to mediate the hardest part of #datamanagement: integration #innovation #data #2020NewYear
State of the Graph: Digital Transformation | LinkedIn
What is
What is isn’t a single thing, but rather a collection of #data & tools. These comprise a #knowledgegraph linking data from a number of open sources, supporting schemas, API to access data in the graph, graph browser, fact-check dataset @aaranged
What is
INMA: Introducing Cicero AI, Globe and Mail’s information mining tool
INMA: Introducing Cicero AI, Globe and Mail’s information mining tool
Cicero is an #AI platform used to reduce reporters’ manual work while helping find connections, providing more transparency to readers. When a #journalist searches one of the three output options is a #knowledgegraph @gartht1 h/t @aaranged #media #tech
INMA: Introducing Cicero AI, Globe and Mail’s information mining tool
Graph Theory and Data Science
Graph Theory and Data Science
Graph Theory and #DataScience: A topic intro with the Bridges of Königsberg. Graph Theory can be used to represent and analyze a wide variety of network information, has numerous modern applications within Data Science #data #tech #software #algorithms
Graph Theory and Data Science
Explainable AI: The Rising Role Of Knowledge Scientists
Explainable AI: The Rising Role Of Knowledge Scientists
Most #machinelearning #algorithms work well w/ either text or structured #data. #Semantic data models can close the gap. Relationships between business/data objects can be made available for further analysis #knowledgegraph #AI #datascience #EmergingTech
Explainable AI: The Rising Role Of Knowledge Scientists
20 Data Trends for 2020
20 Data Trends for 2020
#Semantic #technology, decision intelligence, knowledge #datascience will be our companions in the next years, so it's recommended to start exploring #graphdatabases, #ontologies, knowledge representation systems #knowledgegraph #AI #2020NewYear #trends
20 Data Trends for 2020
Meaning-First Data Modeling, A Radical Return to Simplicity | Semantic Arts
Meaning-First Data Modeling, A Radical Return to Simplicity | Semantic Arts
Meaning-First data modeling for #semantic #knowledgegraphs: a replacement to Structure-First modeling. The relational model was a great start for #datamanagement, but it is time to embrace a radical return to simplicity: Meaning-First data modeling #data
Meaning-First Data Modeling, A Radical Return to Simplicity | Semantic Arts