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Juan Sequeda at Snowflake Summit
Juan Sequeda at Snowflake Summit
I spoke with Juan Sequeda about knowledge graphs and how he's leveraging them in the product at - he also spoke about some of the new features tha...
Juan Sequeda at Snowflake Summit
Data-Centric Architecture Forum 2024
Data-Centric Architecture Forum 2024
500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.
Data-Centric Architecture Forum 2024
What is Semantics? | LinkedIn
What is Semantics? | LinkedIn
Copyright 2024. Kurt Cagle / The Cagle Report A lot of the chatter lately in the machine learning community is beginning to shift towards discussions about semantics, and whether or not machines can actually "understand" them in any meaningful sense.
What is Semantics? | LinkedIn
SKOS taxonomies are integral to Knowledge Graphs
SKOS taxonomies are integral to Knowledge Graphs
Although they are often overlooked or downplayed, #taxonomies are critical for #DataManagement and #KnowledgeRepresentation, providing a structured framework… | 11 comments on LinkedIn
SKOS taxonomies are integral to our KG
SKOS taxonomies are integral to Knowledge Graphs
LlamaParse and Knowledge Graphs
LlamaParse and Knowledge Graphs
Wow, what a great farm-to-fork notebook by Jerry Liu that goes from 1) the exciting text of the San Francisco 2023 Budget Proposal (gnarly PDF!) all the way…
LlamaParse and Knowledge Graphs
LlamaParse and Knowledge Graphs
Matching skills and candidates with Graph RAG
Matching skills and candidates with Graph RAG
At Semantic Partners, we wanted to build our informed opinion over the strengths and weaknesses of graph RAG for RDF triple stores. We considered a simple use case: matching a job opening with Curriculum Vitae. We show how we used Ontotext GraphDB to build a simple graph RAG retriever using open, offline LLM models – the graph acting like a domain expert for improving search accuracy.
Matching skills and candidates with Graph RAG
Docs2KG: Unified Knowledge Graph Construction from Heterogeneous Documents Assisted by Large Language Models
Docs2KG: Unified Knowledge Graph Construction from Heterogeneous Documents Assisted by Large Language Models
Introducing Docs2KG: A New Era in Knowledge Graph Construction from Unstructured Data ... Did you know that 80% of enterprise data resides in unstructured… | 13 comments on LinkedIn
Docs2KG: A New Era in Knowledge Graph Construction from Unstructured Data
Docs2KG: Unified Knowledge Graph Construction from Heterogeneous Documents Assisted by Large Language Models
SPARQL CDTs: Representing and Querying Lists and Maps as RDF Literals
SPARQL CDTs: Representing and Querying Lists and Maps as RDF Literals
This specification defines an approach to represent generic forms of composite values (lists and maps, in particular) as literals in RDF, and corresponding extensions of the SPARQL language. These extensions include an aggregation function to produce such composite values, functions to operate on such composite values in expressions, and a new operator to transform such composite values into their individual components.
SPARQL CDTs: Representing and Querying Lists and Maps as RDF Literals
Liberating Cohesion via RDF
Liberating Cohesion via RDF
RDF combines universal ways to name, structure and give meaning to data using only open standards. Naming is done with URIs; the structure is always the subject-predicate-object triple, and the meaning is provided by extending RDF with shared vocabularies. These three ways, individually and in combination, enable autonomy and cohesion. Let's see how.
Liberating Cohesion via RDF
When building GraphRAG, you may want to explicitly define the graph yourself, or use the LLM automatically extract the graph
When building GraphRAG, you may want to explicitly define the graph yourself, or use the LLM automatically extract the graph
When building GraphRAG, you may want to explicitly define the graph yourself, or use the LLM automatically extract the graph. Both have tradeoffs: the former… | 17 comments on LinkedIn
When building GraphRAG, you may want to explicitly define the graph yourself, or use the LLM automatically extract the graph
When building GraphRAG, you may want to explicitly define the graph yourself, or use the LLM automatically extract the graph
Knowledge Graphs: RAG is NOT all you need
Knowledge Graphs: RAG is NOT all you need
Over the past few weeks I’ve been researching, and building a framework that combines the power of Large Language Models for text parsing and transformation with the precision of structur…
Knowledge Graphs: RAG is NOT all you need
Graphs, Logic, and Lambda Calculus
Graphs, Logic, and Lambda Calculus
Here are my slides from KGC 2024: In a nutshell, I made the point that when it comes to adding advanced features to property graphs…
Graphs, Logic, and Lambda Calculus
Graphs, Logic, and Lambda Calculus
Trip Report: ESWC 2024
Trip Report: ESWC 2024
Last week, I attended the 21st Extended (European) Semantic Web Conference. The conference was well organised by Dr. Albert Meroño Peñuela from King’s College London. He seemed surprisingly c…
Trip Report: ESWC 2024