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Graph Database Superpowers
Graph Database Superpowers
The graph database market is very exciting, as the long list of vendors continues to grow. You may not know that there are huge differences in the origin story of the dozens of graph databases on the market today. It’s this origin story that greatly impacts the superpowers and weaknesses of the various offerings.
Graph Database Superpowers
CS 520: Knowledge Graphs
CS 520: Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge graphs have emerged as a compelling abstraction for organizing world's structured knowledge over the internet, capturing relationships among key entities of interest to enterprises, and a way to integrate information extracted from multiple data sources. Knowledge graphs have also started to play a central role in machine learning and natural language processing as a method to incorporate world knowledge, as a target knowledge representation for extracted knowledge, and for explaining what is being learned. This class is a graduate level research seminar featuring prominent researchers and industry practitioners working on different aspects of knowledge graphs. It will showcase how latest research in AI, database systems and HCI is coming together in integrated intelligent systems centered around knowledge graphs.The seminar will be offered over Zoom as per the planned schedule.The seminar is open to public. Remote participants may join the seminar through Zoom. To be
CS 520: Knowledge Graphs
Stopping the Coronavirus
Stopping the Coronavirus
TigerGraph is offering free Cloud and Enterprise Edition use for applications requiring massive data or high computation needs for Coronavirus research.
Stopping the Coronavirus
Neo4j CEO talks growing enterprise graph adoption and why partnering with Google makes sense
Neo4j CEO talks growing enterprise graph adoption and why partnering with Google makes sense
(Image sourced via Neo4j’s Twitter)I last met Emil Eifrem, the highly energetic and persuasive founder and leader of graph database and software tools firm Neo4j for diginomica back in May 2017. As he was quick to point out in our latest meeting, a lot’s changed for his company and the market he’s tried to so hard to dominate.
Neo4j CEO talks growing enterprise graph adoption and why partnering with Google makes sense
State of the Graph: Federation and Identity
State of the Graph: Federation and Identity
data lived in files. End of story. The files likely had different formats because each programmer was essentially maintaining their own information, but on the flip side the only person who had access to that data was the programmer, and that meant that your data was safe so long as your programmer was trustworthy.Networks had also been around since the 1960s, since computers were expensive and it was simply not efficient to have one programmer per computer. This meant that different people would have access to the same computer at the same time, usually by computers temporarily swapping out one person's data and swapping in someone else's so they had a slice of time on the CPU. That data was persisted when not in use in magnetic core memory i
State of the Graph: Federation and Identity
Neo4j retweeted: The Supreme Court of the United States as a graph database, with Justices as brown nodes, Presidents as green nodes, and appointment, promotion, succession, and the 17 historical periods/Courts associated with each Chief Justice shown thr
Neo4j retweeted: The Supreme Court of the United States as a graph database, with Justices as brown nodes, Presidents as green nodes, and appointment, promotion, succession, and the 17 historical periods/Courts associated with each Chief Justice shown thr
The Supreme Court of the United States as a graph database, with Justices as brown nodes, Presidents as green nodes, and appointment, promotion, succession, and the 17 historical periods/Courts associated with each Chief Justice shown through relationships. @mad_cat @tcjericho— 🌍 Јаков Минг Дановић 🌏 (@chenx064) March 4, 2020
Neo4j retweeted: The Supreme Court of the United States as a graph database, with Justices as brown nodes, Presidents as green nodes, and appointment, promotion, succession, and the 17 historical periods/Courts associated with each Chief Justice shown thr
U.S. Air Force to pilot blockchain-based database for data sharing
U.S. Air Force to pilot blockchain-based database for data sharing
up, Fluree PBC, which announced the government contract this week. Fluree is working with Air Force’s Small Business Innovation Research AFWERX technology innovation program to launch a proof of concept of the distributed ledger technology (DLT) later this year.The ledger could include intelligence gathered during military operations and supply chain parts tracking. Fluree
U.S. Air Force to pilot blockchain-based database for data sharing
Microsoft to introduce a free tier of its Cosmos DB NoSQL database
Microsoft to introduce a free tier of its Cosmos DB NoSQL database
at Build 2017. Azure Cosmos DB was designed t be a superset of Microsoft's existing NoSQL Document DB database. Its codename was "Project Florence," and Microsoft execs consider it a "born in the cloud/cloud native" database that's designed to be scalable and usable by customers of any size.Microsoft currently charges by provisioned throughput and consumed storage by the hour for Azure Cosmos DB. Before the introduction of the free tier, M
Microsoft to introduce a free tier of its Cosmos DB NoSQL database
The Future of the Intelligent Application: Why Graph Technology Is Key
The Future of the Intelligent Application: Why Graph Technology Is Key
Data, AI, intelligent applications. They’re no longer separate topics, or even separate conferences. O’Reilly announced that it is merging its data and AI conferences, saying, “Data feeds AI; AI makes sense of data.” Further, both power applications. In 2016, Ben Lorica – then program chair of the O’Reilly Strata Data and AI Conferences – predicted that soon “some features of AI will be incorporated into every application that we touch, and we won’t be able to do anything without touching an application.”
The Future of the Intelligent Application: Why Graph Technology Is Key
Sharding the LDBC Social Network
Sharding the LDBC Social Network
With the release of Neo4j 4.0 comes an exciting new feature, called Neo4j Fabric. The operational principle of Neo4j Fabric is in essence quite simple – it provides a way to issue Cypher queries that target more than one Neo4j graph database at once.
Sharding the LDBC Social Network
Introducing the Neo4j Graph Data Science plugin with examples from the “Graph Algorithms…
Introducing the Neo4j Graph Data Science plugin with examples from the “Graph Algorithms…
Introducing the Neo4j Graph Data Science plugin with examples from the “Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j” bookIn the past couple of years, the field of data science has gained much traction. It has become an essential part of business and academic research. Combined with the increasing popularity of graphs and graph databases, folks at Neo4j decided to release a Graph Data Science (GDS) plugin. It is the successor of the Graph Algorithms plugin, that is to be deprecated.Those of you who are familiar with Graph Algorithms plugin will notice that the syntax hasn’t changed much to allow for a smoother transition. To show what has changed, I have prepared the migration guides in the form of Apache Zeppelin notebooks that can be found on GitHub.Neo4j connector for Apache Zeppelin was developed by Andrea Santurbano, who also designed the beautiful home page notebook of this project and helped with his ideas. In the migrations guides, we used the ex
Introducing the Neo4j Graph Data Science plugin with examples from the “Graph Algorithms…
Really Rapid RDF Graph Application Development
Really Rapid RDF Graph Application Development
This article shows how an RDF Graph CRUD application can be rapidly developed, yet without losing the flexibility that HTML5/JavaScript offers, from which it can be concluded that there is no reason preventing the use of RDF Graphs as the backend for production-capable applications.
Really Rapid RDF Graph Application Development
Crossing the Chasm - Eight Prerequisites For A Graph Query Language
Crossing the Chasm - Eight Prerequisites For A Graph Query Language
Prelude In December, I wrote a Quora post on the pros and cons of graph databases. I shared two cons pervasive in the market today: the difficulty of finding proficient graph developers, and how non-standardization on a graph query language is slowing down enterprise adoption,...
Crossing the Chasm - Eight Prerequisites For A Graph Query Language
Meet SemSpect: A Different Approach to Graph Visualization [Community Post]
Meet SemSpect: A Different Approach to Graph Visualization [Community Post]
Discover a new way to visualize and explore your connected data with SemSpect: a unique approach to graph visualization that doesn't depend on using random or best-guess Cypher queries in order to explore your data's meta-graph and that is compatible with Neo4j (including RDF datasets).
Meet SemSpect: A Different Approach to Graph Visualization [Community Post]