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Using the Shapes Constraint Language for modelling regulatory requirements
Using the Shapes Constraint Language for modelling regulatory requirements
Ontologies are traditionally expressed in the Web Ontology Language (OWL), that provides a syntax for expressing taxonomies with axioms regulating class membership. The semantics of OWL, based on Description Logic (DL), allows for the use of automated reasoning to check the consistency of ontologies, perform classification, and to answer DL queries. However, the open world assumption of OWL, along with limitations in its expressiveness, makes OWL less suitable for modelling rules and regulations, used in public administration. In such cases, it is desirable to have closed world semantics and a rule-based engine to check compliance with regulations. In this paper we describe and discuss data model management using the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL), for concept modelling of concrete requirements in regulation documents within the public sector. We show how complex regulations, often containing a number of alternative requirements, can be expressed as constraints, and the utility of SHACL engines in verification of instance data against the SHACL model. We discuss benefits of modelling with SHACL, compared to OWL, and demonstrate the maintainability of the SHACL model by domain experts without prior knowledge of ontology management.
Using the Shapes Constraint Language for modelling regulatory requirements
Two Heads Are Better Than One: Integrating Knowledge from Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models for Entity Alignment
Two Heads Are Better Than One: Integrating Knowledge from Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models for Entity Alignment
Entity alignment, which is a prerequisite for creating a more comprehensive Knowledge Graph (KG), involves pinpointing equivalent entities across disparate KGs. Contemporary methods for entity alignment have predominantly utilized knowledge embedding models to procure entity embeddings that encapsulate various similarities-structural, relational, and attributive. These embeddings are then integrated through attention-based information fusion mechanisms. Despite this progress, effectively harnessing multifaceted information remains challenging due to inherent heterogeneity. Moreover, while Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited exceptional performance across diverse downstream tasks by implicitly capturing entity semantics, this implicit knowledge has yet to be exploited for entity alignment. In this study, we propose a Large Language Model-enhanced Entity Alignment framework (LLMEA), integrating structural knowledge from KGs with semantic knowledge from LLMs to enhance entity alignment. Specifically, LLMEA identifies candidate alignments for a given entity by considering both embedding similarities between entities across KGs and edit distances to a virtual equivalent entity. It then engages an LLM iteratively, posing multiple multi-choice questions to draw upon the LLM's inference capability. The final prediction of the equivalent entity is derived from the LLM's output. Experiments conducted on three public datasets reveal that LLMEA surpasses leading baseline models. Additional ablation studies underscore the efficacy of our proposed framework.
Two Heads Are Better Than One: Integrating Knowledge from Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models for Entity Alignment
Architecting Solid Foundations for Scalable Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Architecting Solid Foundations for Scalable Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Whether we remember them or not, we rely directly on unexamined and often very murky foundational assumptions that permeate everything we do. These assumptions are formulated using keystone concepts – core concepts that are so crucial that mere dictionary-style definitions are not enough.
Architecting Solid Foundations for Scalable Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Knowledge Graphs Achieve Superior Reasoning versus Vector Search alone for Retrieval Augmentation
Knowledge Graphs Achieve Superior Reasoning versus Vector Search alone for Retrieval Augmentation
Knowledge Graphs Achieve Superior Reasoning versus Vector Search alone for Retrieval Augmentation 🔗 As artificial intelligence permeates business… | 29 comments on LinkedIn
Knowledge Graphs Achieve Superior Reasoning versus Vector Search alone for Retrieval Augmentation
Knowledge Graphs Achieve Superior Reasoning versus Vector Search alone for Retrieval Augmentation
Ontology Modeling with SHACL: Defining Forms for Instance Data | LinkedIn
Ontology Modeling with SHACL: Defining Forms for Instance Data | LinkedIn
The previous articles of this series, such as Getting Started, have introduced SHACL as a language for representing structural constraints on (knowledge) graphs: classes, attributes, relationships and shapes. These language features describe the formal characteristics that valid instances need to ha
Ontology Modeling with SHACL: Defining Forms for Instance Data | LinkedIn
Better Taxonomies for Better Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Better Taxonomies for Better Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Taxonomies – coherent collections of facts with taxonomic relations – play a crucial and growing role in how we – and AIs – structure and index knowledge. Taken in the context of an "anatomy" of knowledge, taxonomic relations – like instanceOf and subcategoryOf – form the skeleton, a sketchy, incomp
Better Taxonomies for Better Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
YouTube channel of the COST Action "Distributed Knowledge Graphs" (DKG). We investigate Knowledge Graphs that are published in a decentralised fashion, thus forming a distributed system. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation. The Action is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.
Understand and Exploit GenAI With Gartner’s New Impact Radar
Understand and Exploit GenAI With Gartner’s New Impact Radar
Use Gartner’s impact radar for generative AI to plan investments and strategy with four key themes in mind: ☑️Model-related innovations ☑️Model performance and AI safety ☑️Model build and data-related ☑️AI-enabled applications Explore all 25 technologies and trends:
Understand and Exploit GenAI With Gartner’s New Impact Radar