John Murray on Twitter: "This is what the resultant 100 retail outlet isochrone map looks like, built using Spatia and @rapidsai #cuGraph SSSP using @OrdnanceSurvey Open Roads as road graph + drive times estimated from @transportgovuk road stats #opendata
This is what the resultant 100 retail outlet isochrone map looks like, built using Spatia and @rapidsai #cuGraph SSSP using @OrdnanceSurvey Open Roads as road graph + drive times estimated from @transportgovuk road stats #opendata cc @puntofisso— John Murray (@MurrayData) May 28, 2019
The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were | Ruben Verborgh
For a domain with a strong focus on unambiguous identifiers and meaning, the Semantic Web research field itself has a surprisingly ill-defined sense of identity. Started at the end of the 1990s at the intersection of databases, logic, and Web, and influenced along the way by all major tech hypes such as Big Data and machine learning, our research community needs to look in the mirror to understand who we really are…
The Atoms and Molecules of Data Models - DATAVERSITY
I realized that I needed to know what the constituent parts of data models really are. Across the board, all platforms, all models etc. Is there anything similar to atoms and the (chemical) bonds that enables the formation of molecules?
Graph Database vs. Document Database: Different Levels of Abstraction - DATAVERSITY
Graph databases and document databases make up a subcategory of non-relational databases or NoSQL. NoSQL databases were created to get a handle on large amounts of messy Big Data, moving very quickly. Managers use the non-relational toolkit to gain business insights and detect patterns in information on the fly, as Big Data streams into the system. Many companies, especially those with a large web presence like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, consider NoSQL databases a must-have.
Global Graph Database Market Size, Prospects, Growth Trends, Key Trend, Future Expectations and Forecast from 2019 to 2025 – Express Press Release Distribution
Albany, US, 2019-Jan-23 — /EPR Network/ —Market Research Hub (MRH) has actively included a new research study titled “Global Graph Database Market” Size
Andrei Kashcha on Twitter - Made this tiny tool to discover related subreddits.The graph is created based on jaccard similarity between two subreddits. Jaccard similarity is constructed from set of shared users.Source code— Andrei Kashcha (@anvaka) January 10, 2019
TinkerPop on Twitter: "3.4.0 Highlights - The Gremlin Recipes have been expanded with a new Anti-Patterns section that describes common pitfalls around Gremlin readability, maintainability and performance. #graphdb…
“3.4.0 Highlights - The Gremlin Recipes have been expanded with a new Anti-Patterns section that describes common pitfalls around Gremlin readability, maintainability and performance. #graphdb”