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Rules for Knowledge Graphs Rules
Rules for Knowledge Graphs Rules
Should you store business rules in your Enterprise Knowledge Graph (EKG)? This is a non-trivial question, and how you answer it might…
Rules for Knowledge Graphs Rules
Structured Data | 2022 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
Structured Data | 2022 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
Structured Data chapter of the 2022 Web Almanac covering adoption and year on year change of RDFa, Opne Graph, Twitter, JSON-LD, Microdata, Facebook, Dublin Core, Microformats and microformats2 structured data.
Structured Data | 2022 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
Summarizing in figures this excellent systematic survey of 507 papers on the state of #KnowledgeGraphs in #NLP since the first Internet-age KG was announced 10 years ago, in the order of appearance:
Summarizing in figures this excellent systematic survey of 507 papers on the state of #KnowledgeGraphs in #NLP since the first Internet-age KG was announced 10 years ago, in the order of appearance:
Summarizing in figures this excellent systematic survey of 507 papers on the state of #KnowledgeGraphs in #NLP since the first Internet-age KG was announced 10… | 12 comments on LinkedIn
Summarizing in figures this excellent systematic survey of 507 papers on the state of #KnowledgeGraphs in #NLP since the first Internet-age KG was announced 10 years ago, in the order of appearance:
The Next Great Digital Advantage
The Next Great Digital Advantage
We’ve all seen the signs in front of McDonald’s announcing “Over X Billion Served” and have watched the number rise over the years. But tracking how many burgers are sold every day, month, or year is a relic of the past. Today ask: Do we know where each consumer buys her burgers? At what time? What does she drink with it? What does she do before or after buying a burger? How can we satisfy more of her needs so that she keeps coming back? Datagraphs capture this information, helping to reshape competition in every sector. Leaders must invest in upgrading their data architecture to enable a real-time, comprehensive view of how consumers interact with their products and services so that they can develop unique ways to solve customer problems.
The Next Great Digital Advantage
Graph Technologies
Graph Technologies
vendors company,url,SPARQL,RDF-Star,Gremlin,Cypher,misc query,distrib,open source,parent,speaker,notes AgensGraph,a href="",Y,SQL,Bitnine AllegroGraph,a href=""https://allegrograp...
Graph Technologies
AWS Deep Graph Knowledge Embedding for Bond Trading Predictions
AWS Deep Graph Knowledge Embedding for Bond Trading Predictions
AWS developed the Deep Graph Knowledge Embedding Library (DGL-KE), a knowledge graph embedding library built on the Deep Graph Library (DGL). DGL is a scalable, high performance Python library for deep learning in graphs. This library is used by the advanced machine learning systems developed with Trumid to build a credit trading platform.
AWS Deep Graph Knowledge Embedding for Bond Trading Predictions