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Massive Graph Analytics
Massive Graph Analytics
Graphs. Such a simple idea. Map a problem onto a graph then solve it by searching over the graph or by exploring the structure of the graph. What could be easier? Turns out, however, that working with graphs is a vast and complex field. Keeping up is challenging. To help keep up, you just need an editor who knows most people working with graphs, and have that editor gather nearly 70 researchers to summarize their work with graphs. The result is the book Massive Graph Analytics. — Timothy G. Mattson, Senior Principal Engineer, Intel Corp Expertise in massive-scale graph analytics is key for solving real-world grand challenges from healthcare to sustainability to detecting insider threats, cyber defense, and more. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to massive graph analytics, featuring contributions from thought leaders across academia, industry, and government. Massive Graph Analytics will be beneficial to students, researchers, and practitioners in academia, national
Massive Graph Analytics
Knowledge Graphs Applied
Knowledge Graphs Applied
Knowledge graphs help understand relationships between the objects, events, situations, and concepts in your data so you can readily identify important patterns and make better decisions. This book provides tools and techniques for efficiently labeling data, modeling a knowledge graph, and using it to derive useful insights. /b In Knowledge Graphs Applied/i you will learn how to: Model knowledge graphs with an iterative top-down approach based in business needs/li Create a knowledge graph starting from ontologies, taxonomies, and structured data/li Use machine learning algorithms to hone and complete your graphs/li Build knowledge graphs from unstructured text data sources/li Reason on the knowledge graph and apply machine learning algorithms/li /ul Move beyond analyzing data and start making decisions based on useful, contextual knowledge. The cutting-edge knowledge graphs (KG) approach puts that power in your hands. In Knowledge Graphs Applied/i, you’ll discover the theory of knowledge graphs and learn how to build services that can demonstrate intelligent behavior. You’ll learn to create KGs from first principles and go hands-on to develop advisor applications for real-world domains like healthcare and finance.
Knowledge Graphs Applied
Knowledge Graph Conference 2022 Themes & Top Takeaways | LinkedIn
Knowledge Graph Conference 2022 Themes & Top Takeaways | LinkedIn
Last week I had the pleasure and privilege of attending the 4th annual Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC) at Cornell Tech in NYC. In addition to contributing my own talk on “Boutique Knowledge Graphs” and participating in a panel on “Content Knowledge Graphs,” I attended two days of inspiring and insi
Knowledge Graph Conference 2022 Themes & Top Takeaways | LinkedIn
Knowledge graphs: Introduction, history, and perspectives
Knowledge graphs: Introduction, history, and perspectives
Knowledge graphs (KGs) have emerged as a compelling abstraction for organizing the world's structured knowledge and for integrating information extracted from multiple data sources. They are also beg...
Knowledge graphs: Introduction, history, and perspectives
Know, Know Where, KnowWhereGraph: A densely connected, cross‐domain knowledge graph and geo‐enrichment service stack for applications in environmental intelligence
Know, Know Where, KnowWhereGraph: A densely connected, cross‐domain knowledge graph and geo‐enrichment service stack for applications in environmental intelligence
Knowledge graphs (KGs) are a novel paradigm for the representation, retrieval, and integration of data from highly heterogeneous sources. Within just a few years, KGs and their supporting technologie...
Know, Know Where, KnowWhereGraph: A densely connected, cross‐domain knowledge graph and geo‐enrichment service stack for applications in environmental intelligence
Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs in Oncology Research
Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs in Oncology Research
The complexity of cancer research stems from leaning on several biomedical disciplines for relevant sources of data, many of which are complex in their own right. A holistic view of cancer—which is critical for precision medicine approaches—hinges on integrating a variety of heterogeneous data sources under a cohesive knowledge model, a role which biomedical ontologies can fill. This study reviews the application of ontologies and knowledge graphs in cancer research. In total, our review encompasses 141 published works, which we categorized under 14 hierarchical categories according to their usage of ontologies and knowledge graphs. We also review the most commonly used ontologies and newly developed ones. Our review highlights the growing traction of ontologies in biomedical research in general, and cancer research in particular. Ontologies enable data accessibility, interoperability and integration, support data analysis, facilitate data interpretation and data mining, and more recently, with the emergence of the knowledge graph paradigm, support the application of Artificial Intelligence methods to unlock new knowledge from a holistic view of the available large volumes of heterogeneous data.
Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs in Oncology Research
Deep Dive into Data Relationships
Deep Dive into Data Relationships
Knowledge graphs, the technology powering Google, Facebook and Apple, is now unlocking value across the financial sector. Knowledge graphs are transforming critical capabilities and enterprises are increasingly looking to the technology to enhance their tax strategy, perform compliance and improve customer service.
Deep Dive into Data Relationships
Esri marries GIS and graph data
Esri marries GIS and graph data
Graph data linked with geographic data will provide new means of data discovery, developers were told at a recent conference hosted by Esri.
Esri marries GIS and graph data
DSC Weekly Digest 22 February 2022: Graphology -
DSC Weekly Digest 22 February 2022: Graphology -
In the last couple of months, I’ve been noticing a gradual shift in the kind of articles that we receive at Data Science Central. We still get a fair amount of data science content, but increasingly (and admittedly with a bit of encouragement) we’re seeing more articles centered around graphs and semantics. I don’t believe… Read More »DSC Weekly Digest 22 February 2022: Graphology
DSC Weekly Digest 22 February 2022: Graphology -
Scene Graphs and Semantics -
Scene Graphs and Semantics -
It is nearly certain that, if you have ever played a 3D video game, watched a CGI-effects-laden movie, or seen increasingly hyperrealistic imagery, you have encountered a scene graph without realizing it. Scene graphs are pervasive in everything from media to medicine, from augmented reality to industrial digital twins, and they are increasingly playing an… Read More »Scene Graphs and Semantics
Scene Graphs and Semantics -
Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle -
Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle -
The Semantic Web has garnered a reputation for complexity among both Javascript and Python developers, primarily because, well, it’s not JSON, and JSON has become the data language of the web. Why learn some obscure language when JSON is perfectly capable of describing everything, right? Well, sort of. The problem that JSON faces, is actually… Read More »Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle
Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle -
How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse -
How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse -
Tim Berners-Lee has an interesting habit of coming up with ideas that seem hard to explain at the outset, remain all hard to understand even as they become more implemented and refined, can go for years with only a few die-hard fans becoming convinced that what he is doing is the best thing since sliced… Read More »How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse
How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse -