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model the interactions between drugs and various biological targets in the body to predict which ones could be used for the treatment of Covid-19. I framed the problem as edge regression on a bipartite graph, and used a variant of graph convolutional networks to predict over 50 potential Covid-19 treatments.
model the interactions between drugs and various biological targets in the body to predict which ones could be used for the treatment of Covid-19. I framed the problem as edge regression on a bipartite graph, and used a variant of graph convolutional networks to predict over 50 potential Covid-19 treatments.
I'm so excited to share this! 🚀✨ My latest research project was to model the interactions between drugs and various biological targets in the body to... 15 comments on LinkedIn
model the interactions between drugs and various biological targets in the body to predict which ones could be used for the treatment of Covid-19. I framed the problem as edge regression on a bipartite graph, and used a variant of graph convolutional networks to predict over 50 potential Covid-19 treatments.
SEO | 2020 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
SEO | 2020 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
SEO chapter of the 2020 Web Almanac covering content, meta tags, indexability, linking, speed, structured data, internationalization, SPAs, AMP and security.
SEO | 2020 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
"GovData goes #SPARQL. From now on, queries on the original metadata are possible via a triple store endpoint:"— Learning SPARQL (@LearningSPARQL) January 30, 2021
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Roberto Navigli on Twitter
Roberto Navigli on Twitter
Today is the day! #BabelNet 5 is out! interface, up-to-date content in 500 languages, 20 million synsets, WordNet 2020, and much more! Thanks to the great team behind this fantastic release! #knowledgegraphs #multilinguality @SapienzaNLP @Babelscape— Roberto Navigli (@RNavigli) February 2, 2021
Roberto Navigli on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Term Definitions / Zhicheng Liang & @dlmcguinness— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) February 2, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Review: Metadata Day 2020
Review: Metadata Day 2020
For a full day on December 14, 2020, LinkedIn sponsored a virtual workshop called Metadata Day, followed by a public online meetup called…
Review: Metadata Day 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
New #openaccess research from @jjkoehorst and colleagues: A protocol for adding knowledge to #Wikidata: aligning resources on human coronaviruses. #Covid19 Read it here:— BMC Biology (@BMCBiology) January 25, 2021
WikiResearch on Twitter
Giuseppe Futia on Twitter
Giuseppe Futia on Twitter
"Semantic Models for Constructing #KnowledgeGraphs"My new article for @TDataScience, inspired by the original research of @caknoblock @szeke @JoseAmbite @taheriyan @dipsykapoor @USC_ISI articles on a similar topic:— Giuseppe Futia (@giuseppe_futia) December 16, 2020
Giuseppe Futia on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Nice table of of RDF*/SPARQL* implementations under “Preliminary implementations” at— Learning SPARQL (@LearningSPARQL) December 17, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Michael Bronstein on Twitter
Michael Bronstein on Twitter
We kicked off our #NeurIPS2020 series joined by @TacoCohen, ML Researcher at @Qualcomm @Qualcomm_Tech, to discuss his current research in equivariant networks and video compression using generative models, as well as his paper “Natural Graph Networks.”— The TWIML AI Podcast (@twimlai) December 22, 2020
Michael Bronstein on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Semantic Annotation for Tabular Data", using knowledge graphs like #DBPedia and #Wikidata.(Khurana and Galhotra, 2020)— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) December 23, 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
The Apache Rya team is happy to announce the release of Apache Rya 4.0.1, the *first* release as an ASF top-level project. Check it out at #BigData #TripleStore #SPARQL @ApacheAccumulo @MongoDB @ApacheFluo @TheASF— Apache Rya (@apacherya) January 5, 2021
Learning SPARQL on Twitter