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The Data-Centric Future Is Here, It Is Just Not Evenly Distributed: A Dialogue with Alan Morrison | Teodora Petkova
The Data-Centric Future Is Here, It Is Just Not Evenly Distributed: A Dialogue with Alan Morrison | Teodora Petkova
In this Dialogue, Alan Morrison is a steadfast guide into the world of the data-centric future. Enjoy Alan’s bits and pieces of several big pictures: the one of the enterprise, the one of the semantic technology landscape and the one of language and communication.
The Data-Centric Future Is Here, It Is Just Not Evenly Distributed: A Dialogue with Alan Morrison | Teodora Petkova
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Great explanation of #LinkedData and #SPARQL with Buckets and Ballsby @kvistgaard— Elena Makurochkina (@elenamdata) October 26, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Just published by @WikimediaIL : this be the best #SPARQL / @wikidata query tutorial ever?— WikiCite (@Wikicite) October 21, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Link Prediction in #KnowledgeGraphs with an Explainable AI approach that supports newly emerging entitiesPresented this week at #ISWC2020 Joint work w/ @kingsaintrb Code:— Gerard de Melo (@gdm3000) November 4, 2020
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Alfonso Ramos on Twitter
Alfonso Ramos on Twitter
On one hand we have a really great technology, that may solve numerous issues in the #data industry, but how does it become attractive for the #enterprise? #KnowledgeGraphs #GraphDatabase— Carbon LDP (@CarbonLDP) November 12, 2020
Alfonso Ramos on Twitter
Adrian Gschwend on Twitter
Adrian Gschwend on Twitter
Here's a brand new fast and lightweight streaming Microdata to RDF parser for JavaScript: It's fully compliant to the latest Microdata to RDF editor's draft: #Microdata #JavaScript \cc @danbri— Ruben Taelman (@rubensworks) October 2, 2020
Adrian Gschwend on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Knowledge-enriched, Type-constrained and Grammar-guided Question Generation over Knowledge Bases"(Sheng Bi et al, 2020)— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) October 14, 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
A Practical Guide to Graph Neural Networks - "How do graph neural networks work, and where can they be applied?" @isolabs0 etc.— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Ivo Velitchkov on Twitter
Ivo Velitchkov on Twitter
Created a #3D #MindMap of people who inspired Albert Einstein and who were inspired by Albert Einstein with a #SPARQL query from #WikiData. The #SPARQL query can be found at #github, the live demo at— Ingo Straub (@inforapid) October 29, 2020
Ivo Velitchkov on Twitter
Michiel Hildebrand posted on LinkedIn
Michiel Hildebrand posted on LinkedIn
New website of about WWII in the Netherlands is launched today. Congratulations to Lizzy Jongma and her team with this impressive achievement...
Michiel Hildebrand posted on LinkedIn
Kurt Cagle posted on LinkedIn
Kurt Cagle posted on LinkedIn
Are you evaluating enterprise knowledge graphs (EKGs) for your business? This was the deck of a talk I gave for the AI+Knowledge Graph conference held ...
Kurt Cagle posted on LinkedIn
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Cross-modal Knowledge Reasoning for Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) September 3, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
SPEX introspects knowledge graphs in SPARQL endpoints, using RDF's self-describing nature to give a better understanding of its schema. Once the schema is available, SPEX can be used to browse instances of this data and follow links to other data.— Tim Finin (@timFinin) August 24, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Here's a nice demo video with real-world examples of various simple graph analytics over an RDF-based knowledge graph that leverage the RDF*/SPARQL* approach, including a brief intro to knowledge graphs and RDF*/SPARQL*.— Olaf Hartig (@olafhartig) September 13, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter