New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Aswering
Google has moved from Search to Knowledge, and Focusing on Answering questions with knowledge graph entity information provides has led to answering queries w…
Combining Knowledge Graphs and Ontologies for Dynamic Apps | AI3:::Adaptive Information
When used for KR, we can treat the terms 'knowledge graph' and 'ontology' as interchangeable. But ontologies also have a broader use as specifications for dynamic, ontology-driven applications, a distinction this article emphasizes.
Google introduced to the general public the term Knowledge Graph (“Things not Strings”) when they added the information boxes that you see to the right-hand side of many searches. However, the benefits of storing information indexed around the entity and its properties and relationships are well-kno
This is the first in a short series introducing Knowledge Graphs. It covers just the basics, showing how to write, store, query and work with graph data using RDF (short for Resource Description Fo…
Adrian Gschwend on Twitter: "I would like to point to a crowd-funding of 📊 @rawgraphs, a project I find super interesting for a while and now they want to rewrite it. I think SPARQL and RAWGraphs can become best friends and so do they so help them getting
I would like to point to a crowd-funding of 📊 @rawgraphs, a project I find super interesting for a while and now they want to rewrite it. I think SPARQL and RAWGraphs can become best friends and so do they so help them getting there!— Adrian Gschwend (@linkedktk) October 2, 2019
Knowledge Graphs 4 – Querying your knowledge graph using .NET – Andrew Matthews
This installment leaves the CLI behind to show how we consume a knowledge graph within our programmatic environments. The framework I use to work with RDF is dotNetRdf.
Using SPARQL explain to understand query execution in Amazon Neptune | AWS Database Blog
Customers continue to want greater visibility and control over the services they use within AWS. When it comes to our database services, customer requests typically revolve around providing greater insights into the query optimization and processing within a given database. Database developers and administrators are mostly already familiar with the idea and use of database […]
[1909.02930] Structured Query Construction via Knowledge Graph Embedding
In order to facilitate the accesses of general users to knowledge graphs, an increasing effort is being exerted to construct graph-structured queries of given natural language questions. At the...
An Introduction to Structured Data at Etsy - Code as Craft
Etsy has an uncontrolled inventory; unlike many marketplaces, we offer an unlimited array of one-of-a-kind items, rather than a defined set of uniform goods. Etsy sellers are free to list any polic…
Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive / Works / THE FATAL SISTERS: AN ODE. (Thomas Gray)
Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive (ECPA) is a collaborative digital collection and research project devoted to the poetry of the long eighteenth century.
Knowledge Graphs for Robust Data Governance - DATAVERSITY
Enterprises should consider semantic and Enterprise Knowledge Graph technology for their Data Governance efforts. Enterprise Knowledge Graphs describe a linked set of information that meaningfully brings together data and metadata silos.
Collaborative Policy Learning for Open Knowledge Graph Reasoning. (arXiv:1909.00230v1 [cs.AI])
In recent years, there has been a surge of interests in interpretable graph reasoning methods. However, these models often suffer from limited performance when working on sparse and incomplete...
Case Study: Semantic Web Ontologies and Geoscience Collaboration Helps the Planet - DATAVERSITY
Case Study: In the geoscience community, collaboration is critical. Different disciplines — engineering geologists, geochemists, hydrologists — need to share their findings with each other to address big questions about the earth. Ontologies and knowledge graph technology is leveraged with COR to manage and exchange terms and vocabularies that assist scientists in publishing, discovering, and reusing data.
[1908.08572] From Community to Role-based Graph Embeddings
Roles are sets of structurally similar nodes that are more similar to nodes inside the set than outside, whereas communities are sets of nodes with more connections inside the set than outside...
Kafka Graph Processing: Visual Stream Analytics with Neo4j
Visualize Kafka Streams with Neo4j by taking any data, turning it into a graph, leveraging graph processing, and piping the results back to Apache Kafka, adding visualizations to your event streaming applications.