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Text to Knowledge Graph
Text to Knowledge Graph
Author Dan Selman shows how easy it is to implement convert natural language text to nodes and edges in a knowledge graph using a new class and method in his demonstration project.
Text to Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph / Concept Model: Same or Different?
Knowledge Graph / Concept Model: Same or Different?
Knowledge Graph / Concept Model: Same or Different? In my understanding when people say 'knowledge graph' they are usually talking about something OWL/RDF-ish,… | 42 comments on LinkedIn
Knowledge Graph / Concept Model: Same or Different?
Knowledge Graph / Concept Model: Same or Different?
Vendors offering intelligent document processing, graph technologies (knowledge graphs and graph databases) for GraphRAG and LLM fine tuning, enterprise retrieval, and services surrounding these technologies, will be best positioned for this new wave of data and metadata management needs
Vendors offering intelligent document processing, graph technologies (knowledge graphs and graph databases) for GraphRAG and LLM fine tuning, enterprise retrieval, and services surrounding these technologies, will be best positioned for this new wave of data and metadata management needs
💡 The relevance, trustworthiness and quality of AI and #GenAI applications is increasingly dependent on the quality of enterprise private data and documents…
Vendors offering hashtag#intelligentdocumentprocessing, hashtag#graphtechnologies (hashtag#knowledgegraphs and hashtag#graphdatabases) for hashtag#GraphRAG and hashtag#LLMfinetuning, hashtag#enterpriseretrieval, and services surrounding these technologies, will be best positioned for this new wave of data and metadata management needs
Vendors offering intelligent document processing, graph technologies (knowledge graphs and graph databases) for GraphRAG and LLM fine tuning, enterprise retrieval, and services surrounding these technologies, will be best positioned for this new wave of data and metadata management needs
GNOME has been using SPARQL in desktop search
GNOME has been using SPARQL in desktop search
Just learned yesterday that GNOME has been using SPARQL in desktop search for quite a while—and I had no idea! 😲 Turns out their tool, "Tracker", is powered…
GNOME has been using SPARQL in desktop search
GNOME has been using SPARQL in desktop search
PyG 2.6 is here
PyG 2.6 is here
🚀 PyG 2.6 is here! 🎉 We’re excited to announce the release of PyG 2.6.0, packed with incredible updates for graph learning! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s… | 14 comments on LinkedIn
PyG 2.6 is here
PyG 2.6 is here
a RAG agent that connects directly to Wikidata for facts about medalists in the 2024 Olympic Games
a RAG agent that connects directly to Wikidata for facts about medalists in the 2024 Olympic Games
Hey Knowledge Graph friends! As I imagine some of you are, I've been a bit annoyed that many "Knowledge Graph and AI" demos and tools—while definitely… | 13 comments on LinkedIn
a RAG agent that connects directly to Wikidata for facts about medalists in the 2024 Olympic Games
a RAG agent that connects directly to Wikidata for facts about medalists in the 2024 Olympic Games
How do you maintain an ontology over time?
How do you maintain an ontology over time?
How do you maintain an ontology over time? Today, I had a wonderful meeting with Kurt Cagle about ontologies, AI, and beyond. We spent some time on this… | 27 comments on LinkedIn
How do you maintain an ontology over time?
How do you maintain an ontology over time?
#Alhamdulillah, Our iText2KG has achieved over 300 stars and 27 forks in just 10 days after its release, and it is currently ranked among the top 12 trending…
Unlocking the Power of Generative AI: Why OWL Leads in Knowledge Representation and Semantic Layers
Unlocking the Power of Generative AI: Why OWL Leads in Knowledge Representation and Semantic Layers
Web Ontology Language (OWL) emerges as a superior choice for knowledge representation in generative AI, offering unparalleled expressiveness, reasoning capabilities, and semantic richness. By leveraging OWL-based knowledge graphs, AI systems can generate more accurate, context-aware, and nuanced outputs across diverse ...
Unlocking the Power of Generative AI: Why OWL Leads in Knowledge Representation and Semantic Layers
Taxonomies: Foundational to knowledge management
Taxonomies: Foundational to knowledge management
As the volume of digital content increases, the ability to manage it becomes more important. Taxonomy and metadata are vital to finding products, conducting scientific research, and keeping track of organizational information. They also enable a wide variety of analytics on unstructured data. We can see the results of a well-designed taxonomy, but behind the scenes, there's a lot more going on than meets the eye.
Taxonomies: Foundational to knowledge management
Scaling Knowledge Graphs for Industry
Scaling Knowledge Graphs for Industry
My presentation at the "First International Workshop on Scaling Knowledge Graphs for Industry" at the SEMANTICS 2024 Conference in Amsterdam was focused on the…
Scaling Knowledge Graphs for Industry
Scaling Knowledge Graphs for Industry
AnyGraph: Graph Foundation Model in the Wild
AnyGraph: Graph Foundation Model in the Wild
The growing ubiquity of relational data structured as graphs has underscored the need for graph learning models with exceptional generalization capabilities. However, current approaches often...
AnyGraph: Graph Foundation Model in the Wild
Operationalizing the information architecture
Operationalizing the information architecture
✨ Operationalizing the information architecture 👇 There are three main ways to operationalize the information architecture, depending on how the data plane… | 14 comments on LinkedIn
Operationalizing the information architecture
Operationalizing the information architecture