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yfiles jupyter graphs for sparql: The open-source adapter for working with RDF databases
yfiles jupyter graphs for sparql: The open-source adapter for working with RDF databases
📣Hey Semantic Web/SPARQL/RDF/OWL/Knowledge graph community: Finally! We heard you! I just got this fresh from the dev kitchen: 🎉 Try our free SPARQL query result visualization widget for Jupyter Notebooks! Based on our popular generic graph visualization widget for Jupyter, this widget makes it super convenient to add beautiful graph visualizations of your SPARQL queries to your Jupyter Notebooks. Check out the example notebooks for Google Colab in the GitHub repo ✨ This is a pre-1.0-release but already quite capable, as it builds on the well-tested generic widget. We are looking to get your feedback on the features for the final release, so please do take a look and let me know your feedback here, or tell us on GitHub! What features are you missing? What do you like best about the widget? Let me know in the comments and I'll talk to the devs 😊 #sparql #rdf #owl #semanticweb #knowledgegraphs #visualization
GitHub - yWorks/yfiles-jupyter-graphs-for-sparql: The open-source adapter for working with RDF databas
yfiles jupyter graphs for sparql: The open-source adapter for working with RDF databases
I have never been a fan of the "bubble and arrows" kind of graph visualizations. It is generaly useless. But when you can see the entire graph, and can tune the rendering, you start understanding the topology and structure - and ultimately you can tell a story with your graph (and that's what we all love, stories). Gephi is a graph visualization tool to tell these sort of stories with graphs, that has been around for 15 (20 ?) years. Interestingly, while quite a number of Gephi plugins exist to load data (including from neo4j), no decent working plugin exist to load RDF data (yes, there was a "SemanticWebImport" plugin, but it looks outdated, with an old documentation, and does not work with latest - 0.10 - version of Gephi). This doesn't tell anything good for the semantic knowledge graph community. A few weeks ago I literally stumbled upon an old project we developed in 2017 to convert RDF graphs into the GEXF format that can be loaded in Gephi. Time for a serious cleaning, reengineering, and packaging ! So here is a v1.0.0 of the rebranded rdf2gephi utility tool ! The tool runs as a command line that can read an RDF knowledge graph (from files or a SPARQL endpoint), execute a set of SPARQL queries, and turn that into a set of nodes and edges in a GEXF file. rdf2gephi provides default queries to run a simple conversion without any parameters, but most of the time you will want to tune how your graph is turned into GEXF nodes and edges (for example, in my case, `org:Membership` entities relating `foaf:Persons` with `org:Organizations` are not turned into nodes, but into edges, and I want to ignore some other entities). And then what ? then you can load the GEXF file in Gephi, and run a few operations to showcase your graph (see the little screencast video I recorded) : run a layout algorithm, color nodes based on their rdf:type or another attribute you converted, change their size according to the (in-)degree, detect clusters based on a modularity algorithm, etc. etc. - and then export as SVG, PNG, or another format. Also, one of the cool feature supported by the GEXF format are dynamic graphs, where each nodes and edges can be associated to a date range. You can then see your graph evolving through time, like in a movie ! I hope I will be able to tell a more concrete Gephi-powered, RDF-backed graph-story in a future post ! All links in comments.
network analytics tools
network analytics tools
As I did my PhD in network and data science, graphs are really close to me. Now, if you would like to get a tast of why these fields are so exciting and…
network analytics tools
network analytics tools
Gemini 1.5 is so powerful that it can read all the Harry Potter books at once and generate a graph of the characters with perfect accuracy
Gemini 1.5 is so powerful that it can read all the Harry Potter books at once and generate a graph of the characters with perfect accuracy
Gemini 1.5 is so powerful that it can read all the Harry Potter books at once and generate a graph of the characters with perfect accuracy. All the books have… | 146 comments on LinkedIn
Gemini 1.5 is so powerful that it can read all the Harry Potter books at once and generate a graph of the characters with perfect accuracy
Gemini 1.5 is so powerful that it can read all the Harry Potter books at once and generate a graph of the characters with perfect accuracy
A list of network visualisation tools
A list of network visualisation tools
Yesterday, I re-shared a huge list of Python visualisation tools - and now, here comes a list of network visualisation tools (these two lists certainly… | 74 comments on LinkedIn
a list of network visualisation tools
A list of network visualisation tools