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Understanding Graph Databases
Understanding Graph Databases
When using a relational database, you store different information in different database tables. But what’s missing is the connective tissue, the connection between the database tables. A graph database stores the same sort of data, but is also able to store linkages between them.
Understanding Graph Databases
Using SPARQL explain to understand query execution in Amazon Neptune | AWS Database Blog
Using SPARQL explain to understand query execution in Amazon Neptune | AWS Database Blog
Customers continue to want greater visibility and control over the services they use within AWS. When it comes to our database services, customer requests typically revolve around providing greater insights into the query optimization and processing within a given database. Database developers and administrators are mostly already familiar with the idea and use of database […]
Using SPARQL explain to understand query execution in Amazon Neptune | AWS Database Blog
Whaddya mean, 'niche'?! Neo4j's chief scientist schools El Reg on graph databases • The Register
Whaddya mean, 'niche'?! Neo4j's chief scientist schools El Reg on graph databases • The Register
Graphs are a general-purpose #datamodel, as relational was a general-purpose #data model a generation ago. A supply chain is a graph. Knowledge is a graph. Graphs are very applicable in a wide range of use cases @jimwebber @TheRegister #GraphDB #tech [LINK] [LINK]
Whaddya mean, 'niche'?! Neo4j's chief scientist schools El Reg on graph databases • The Register
What is a Graph Database
What is a Graph Database
Big data, semantic searches, and real-time responses are the reason behind the growing demand for graph databases. This article talks about what a graph database is, why graph databases are popular, and why and when we should use a graph database.
What is a Graph Database