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Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Meets Machine Learning
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Actually, this is pretty interesting > Ontology-based and User-focused Automatic Text Summarization (OATS): Using COVID-19 Risk Factors as an Example— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) December 8, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"To support the management of mappings throughout their entire lifecycle, we propose a comprehensive catalog of sophisticated mapping patterns that emerge when linking databases to ontologies." Mapping Patterns for Virtual Knowledge Graphs— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) December 8, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"How can we learn world models that endow agents with the ability to do temporally extended reasoning?" World Model as a Graph: Learning Latent Landmarks for Planning— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) December 8, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Hunters, busybodies, and the knowledge network building associated with curiosity": constructing networks of Wikipedia readers' exploration to capture differences in curiosity practice and information-seeking mechanisms.(Lydon-Staley et al, 2020)— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) December 8, 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Towards a Shared Peer-Review Taxonomy: An interview with Joris van Rossum and Lois Jones— cbaumle (@cbaumle) December 10, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Francesco Osborne on Twitter
Francesco Osborne on Twitter
Our chapter "#Ontology Extraction and Usage in the Scholarly Knowledge Domain" is now available in the book "Applications and Practices in Ontology Design, Extraction, and Reasoning". Using #MachineLearning to learn #KnowledgeGraphs of Science. Preprint:— Francesco Osborne (@FraOsborne) November 23, 2020
Francesco Osborne on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
These remarks cribbed from an talk that ended with the words "Launching the CCC Knowledge Graph", so another named enterprise knowledge graph coming our way soon, I guess.— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 23, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Who killed Lilly Kane? A case study in applying knowledge graphs to crime fiction— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 25, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter v11 is out, with the biggest changes being to pending (i.e. vocabulary in development, pictured). Some notable additions there...— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) December 2, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Denny Vrandečić on Twitter
Denny Vrandečić on Twitter
In this talk, there are a few thoughts on Semantic MediaWiki as a generic "thinking tool", as a pay-as-you-go development environment, or, as I call it, the #ultimatenerdsnipe I don't think I expressed these ideas in a recorded talk before, so I hope you enjoy it!— Denny Vrandečić (@vrandezo) December 4, 2020
Denny Vrandečić on Twitter
Understanding Graph Embeddings
Understanding Graph Embeddings
In the last year, graph embeddings have become increasingly important in Enterprise Knowledge Graph (EKG) strategy. Graph embeddings will…
Understanding Graph Embeddings
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
FYI: #semanticweb #ontologies and #linkedopendata can be hosted on #github pages with proper #mime types - just wrote a small test-case. See here for code: - inspiration from @iswc_conf #slack— martin hepp (@mfhepp) November 3, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Link Prediction in #KnowledgeGraphs with an Explainable AI approach that supports newly emerging entitiesPresented this week at #ISWC2020 Joint work w/ @kingsaintrb Code:— Gerard de Melo (@gdm3000) November 4, 2020
Johannes Hoffart on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
gist is Semantic Arts' "minimalist upper ontology. It is designed to have the maximum coverage of typical business ontology concepts with the fewest number of primitives and the least amount of ambiguity."— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 4, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Yes!! One of the cool things about the semantic web community is the gender balance!— Juan Sequeda (@juansequeda) November 3, 2020
Juan Sequeda on Twitter
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Computer scientists develop a better way to find approximate solutions to the 44-year-old "traveling salesperson" problem.Paper: (v/@UW) More: (v/@EricaKlarreich @QuantaMagazine)#MondayMotivation— MIT CSAIL (@MIT_CSAIL) November 9, 2020
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Andreas Textor on Twitter
Andreas Textor on Twitter
RDF vs. Property Graphs! hear @joshsh and @jansaasman of @Franzinc on @TheGraphShow episode #1 #GraphDatabases #Semantic #RDF #KnowledgeGraphs— TheGraphShow (@TheGraphShow) November 2, 2020
Andreas Textor on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
This - at first blush - looks pretty good....— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 10, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Graph Neural Networks in Recommender Systems: A Survey— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) November 10, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Denise Gosnell on Twitter
Denise Gosnell on Twitter
New episode of @TheGraphShow : @joshsh interviews @OReillyMedia Author - @DeniseKGosnell #GraphThinking #customer360 #TinkerPop #graphdatabases— TheGraphShow (@TheGraphShow) November 9, 2020
Denise Gosnell on Twitter
Cambridge Semantics on Twitter
Cambridge Semantics on Twitter
LIquid: The soul of a new graph database, Part 2 via @LinkedInEng— Cambridge Semantics (@CamSemantics) October 2, 2020
Cambridge Semantics on Twitter