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Beyond Transduction: A Survey on Inductive, Few Shot, and Zero Shot Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs
Beyond Transduction: A Survey on Inductive, Few Shot, and Zero Shot Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge graphs (KGs) comprise entities interconnected by relations of different semantic meanings. KGs are being used in a wide range of applications. However, they inherently suffer from incompleteness, i.e. entities or facts about entities are missing. Consequently, a larger body of works focuses on the completion of missing information in KGs, which is commonly referred to as link prediction (LP). This task has traditionally and extensively been studied in the transductive setting, where all entities and relations in the testing set are observed during training. Recently, several works have tackled the LP task under more challenging settings, where entities and relations in the test set may be unobserved during training, or appear in only a few facts. These works are known as inductive, few-shot, and zero-shot link prediction. In this work, we conduct a systematic review of existing works in this area. A thorough analysis leads us to point out the undesirable existence of diverging terminologies and task definitions for the aforementioned settings, which further limits the possibility of comparison between recent works. We consequently aim at dissecting each setting thoroughly, attempting to reveal its intrinsic characteristics. A unifying nomenclature is ultimately proposed to refer to each of them in a simple and consistent manner.
Beyond Transduction: A Survey on Inductive, Few Shot, and Zero Shot Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs
Large Language Models on Graphs: A Comprehensive Survey
Large Language Models on Graphs: A Comprehensive Survey
Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and LLaMA, are creating significant advancements in natural language processing, due to their strong text encoding/decoding ability and newly found emergent capability (e.g., reasoning). While LLMs are mainly designed to process pure texts, there are many real-world scenarios where text data are associated with rich structure information in the form of graphs (e.g., academic networks, and e-commerce networks) or scenarios where graph data are paired with rich textual information (e.g., molecules with descriptions). Besides, although LLMs have shown their pure text-based reasoning ability, it is underexplored whether such ability can be generalized to graph scenarios (i.e., graph-based reasoning). In this paper, we provide a systematic review of scenarios and techniques related to large language models on graphs. We first summarize potential scenarios of adopting LLMs on graphs into three categories, namely pure graphs, text-rich graphs, and text-paired graphs. We then discuss detailed techniques for utilizing LLMs on graphs, including LLM as Predictor, LLM as Encoder, and LLM as Aligner, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different schools of models. Furthermore, we mention the real-world applications of such methods and summarize open-source codes and benchmark datasets. Finally, we conclude with potential future research directions in this fast-growing field. The related source can be found at
Large Language Models on Graphs: A Comprehensive Survey
Convert your text into an interactive Knowledge Graph
Convert your text into an interactive Knowledge Graph
When reading lengthy or intricate texts, keeping an overview of different dependencies within the context is crucial. Traditionally, humans achieve this through note-taking or mentally creating a concept map. Now imagine having AI at hand which generates such a map for you. Even better, the…
Convert your text into an interactive Knowledge Graph
On the Multiple Roles of Ontologies in Explainable AI
On the Multiple Roles of Ontologies in Explainable AI
This paper discusses the different roles that explicit knowledge, in particular ontologies, can play in Explainable AI and in the development of human-centric explainable systems and intelligible explanations. We consider three main perspectives in which ontologies can contribute significantly, namely reference modelling, common-sense reasoning, and knowledge refinement and complexity management. We overview some of the existing approaches in the literature, and we position them according to these three proposed perspectives. The paper concludes by discussing what challenges still need to be addressed to enable ontology-based approaches to explanation and to evaluate their human-understandability and effectiveness.
On the Multiple Roles of Ontologies in Explainable AI
Power Tools for Powerful Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Power Tools for Powerful Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Knowledge graphs and ontologies, like any other mission-critical resource, require a laser-sharp focus on architecture, accuracy, and coverage. Essentially all downstream processes rely on them, as does the overall success of any knowledge-centric AI product or company.
Power Tools for Powerful Knowledge Graphs | LinkedIn
Common sense knowledge graphs are slightly different from conventional knowledge graphs, but they share the most important thing: they both capture explicit symbolic knowledge
Common sense knowledge graphs are slightly different from conventional knowledge graphs, but they share the most important thing: they both capture explicit symbolic knowledge
I really enjoyed the latest #UnconfuseMe with Bill Gates and Yejin Choi.  Yejin's research is on symbolic knowledge distillation, which means they take large…
Common sense knowledge graphs are slightly different from conventional knowledge graphs, but they share the most important thing: they both capture explicit symbolic knowledge
Common sense knowledge graphs are slightly different from conventional knowledge graphs, but they share the most important thing: they both capture explicit symbolic knowledge
Relevant Entity Selection: Knowledge Graph Bootstrapping via Zero-Shot Analogical Pruning
Relevant Entity Selection: Knowledge Graph Bootstrapping via Zero-Shot Analogical Pruning
Knowledge Graph Construction (KGC) can be seen as an iterative process starting from a high quality nucleus that is refined by knowledge extraction approaches in a virtuous loop. Such a nucleus can be obtained from knowledge existing in an open KG like Wikidata. However, due to the size of such generic KGs, integrating them as a whole may entail irrelevant content and scalability issues. We propose an analogy-based approach that starts from seed entities of interest in a generic KG, and keeps or prunes their neighboring entities. We evaluate our approach on Wikidata through two manually labeled datasets that contain either domain-homogeneous or -heterogeneous seed entities. We empirically show that our analogy-based approach outperforms LSTM, Random Forest, SVM, and MLP, with a drastically lower number of parameters. We also evaluate its generalization potential in a transfer learning setting. These results advocate for the further integration of analogy-based inference in tasks related to the KG lifecycle.
Relevant Entity Selection: Knowledge Graph Bootstrapping via Zero-Shot Analogical Pruning
VloGraph: A Virtual Knowledge Graph Framework for Distributed Security Log Analysis
VloGraph: A Virtual Knowledge Graph Framework for Distributed Security Log Analysis
The integration of heterogeneous and weakly linked log data poses a major challenge in many log-analytic applications. Knowledge graphs (KGs) can facilitate such integration by providing a versatile representation that can interlink objects of interest and enrich log events with background knowledge. Furthermore, graph-pattern based query languages, such as SPARQL, can support rich log analyses by leveraging semantic relationships between objects in heterogeneous log streams. Constructing, materializing, and maintaining centralized log knowledge graphs, however, poses significant challenges. To tackle this issue, we propose VloGraph—a distributed and virtualized alternative to centralized log knowledge graph construction. The proposed approach does not involve any a priori parsing, aggregation, and processing of log data, but dynamically constructs a virtual log KG from heterogeneous raw log sources across multiple hosts. To explore the feasibility of this approach, we developed a prototype and demonstrate its applicability to three scenarios. Furthermore, we evaluate the approach in various experimental settings with multiple heterogeneous log sources and machines; the encouraging results from this evaluation suggest that the approach can enable efficient graph-based ad-hoc log analyses in federated settings.
VloGraph: A Virtual Knowledge Graph Framework for Distributed Security Log Analysis
Ontology Modeling with SHACL: Getting Started | LinkedIn
Ontology Modeling with SHACL: Getting Started | LinkedIn
In the world of Knowledge Graphs, an Ontology is a domain model defining classes and properties. Classes are the types of entities (instances) in the graph and properties are the attributes and relationships between them.
Ontology Modeling with SHACL: Getting Started | LinkedIn
The Innovation-to-Occupations Ontology: Linking Business Transformation Initiatives to Occupations and Skills
The Innovation-to-Occupations Ontology: Linking Business Transformation Initiatives to Occupations and Skills
The fast adoption of new technologies forces companies to continuously adapt their operations making it harder to predict workforce requirements. Several recent studies have attempted to predict the emergence of new roles and skills in the labour market from online job ads. This paper aims to present a novel ontology linking business transformation initiatives to occupations and an approach to automatically populating it by leveraging embeddings extracted from job ads and Wikipedia pages on business transformation and emerging technologies topics. To our knowledge, no previous research explicitly links business transformation initiatives, like the adoption of new technologies or the entry into new markets, to the roles needed. Our approach successfully matches occupations to transformation initiatives under ten different scenarios, five linked to technology adoption and five related to business. This framework presents an innovative approach to guide enterprises and educational institutions on the workforce requirements for specific business transformation initiatives.
The Innovation-to-Occupations Ontology: Linking Business Transformation Initiatives to Occupations and Skills