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Speaker identification meets graphs
Speaker identification meets graphs
In social network analysis, a conventional approach relies heavily on available metadata, allowing to match a virtual entity (social network account) to...
Speaker identification meets graphs
State of the Graph: The Merger of Property Graphs and Semantic Graphs
State of the Graph: The Merger of Property Graphs and Semantic Graphs
Property graphs seem inherently simpler. Semantic graphs put more emphasis on #datamodeling, treat node/edges as concepts bound by a universally unique identifier #data #tech #knowledgegraph #EmergingTech #datamodel #datascience #software @kurt_cagle [LINK] [LINK]
State of the Graph: The Merger of Property Graphs and Semantic Graphs
Stefan Keller on Twitter: "IMO there's no need to mix-in #SPARQL into #SQL. There's SQL/MED. Only few things are missing in standard SQL to query distributed #LinkedData: 1. HTTP endpoint 2. SPARQL SERVICE alike SQL keyw. Who helps proposing a spec. about
Stefan Keller on Twitter: "IMO there's no need to mix-in #SPARQL into #SQL. There's SQL/MED. Only few things are missing in standard SQL to query distributed #LinkedData: 1. HTTP endpoint 2. SPARQL SERVICE alike SQL keyw. Who helps proposing a spec. about
IMO there's no need to mix-in #SPARQL into #SQL. There's SQL/MED. Only few things are missing in standard SQL to query distributed #LinkedData: 1. HTTP endpoint 2. SPARQL SERVICE alike SQL keyw. Who helps proposing a spec. about this? @danbri Is @w3c the right place to do this?— Stefan Keller (@sfkeller) February 23, 2019
Stefan Keller on Twitter: "IMO there's no need to mix-in #SPARQL into #SQL. There's SQL/MED. Only few things are missing in standard SQL to query distributed #LinkedData: 1. HTTP endpoint 2. SPARQL SERVICE alike SQL keyw. Who helps proposing a spec. about
Stephen Kenwright on Twitter
Stephen Kenwright on Twitter
Google's new search quality evaluator guidelines are out, dated yesterday— Stephen Kenwright (@stekenwright) May 17, 2019
Stephen Kenwright on Twitter
Subgraphing without subgraph()
Subgraphing without subgraph()
Subgraphing is a common use case when working with graphs. We often find ourselves wanting to take some small portion of a graph and then operate only upon it. Gremlin provides subgraph() step, which helps to make this operation relatively easy by exposing a way to produce an edge-induced subgraph that is detached from the parent graph.
Subgraphing without subgraph()
That’s why Google is so reluctant to answer… even if it knows the answer!
That’s why Google is so reluctant to answer… even if it knows the answer!
Photo by AndreyPopov on iStockWe all use the Google Knowledge Graph tens of times a day, but maybe not many of us are aware to be actually querying the Graph while making a simple search on Google.When you search for something, for example, “Goldman Sachs”, what you get is a list of snippets of web pages plus an Infobox next to the search results.The Knowledge Graph behind your Google search allows to enhance the search engine with specific and possibly useful features on the “entity” you are looking for (in this case Goldman Sachs), gathered from a variety of sources. So, allegedly, Google Knowledge Graph enhances the result of our search with semantics [4].Let’s now try to consider reasoning.Now, say we are studying Goldman Sachs for some reason and we wish to know whether there is some person x in Goldman Sachs board who is the CEO of some other company y that is in the Tech field?Or in other terms, in a ‘fancy’ logic conjunctive query fashion:∃ x y board(Goldm
That’s why Google is so reluctant to answer… even if it knows the answer!
The Coming Merger of Blockchain and Knowledge Graphs
The Coming Merger of Blockchain and Knowledge Graphs
#knowledgegraphs need #DLTs to secure keys, DLTs need knowledge graphs to provide context & provenance. Ultimately, knowledge graphs will end up being the integration point for a number of #technologies lumped under #AI #data #EmergingTech @kurt_cagle
The Coming Merger of Blockchain and Knowledge Graphs
The impact of rules on queries
The impact of rules on queries
tier_architectureHowever, knowledge graphs propose a paradigm shift to this design blurring the barrier between logic and data. By bringing some of the knowledge of the domain into a graph through rules a knowledge graph captures more than just the data in the system. As a result, rules can make the queries and requests much simpler to write and manage which in turns allows applications to be more flexible, less error prone and faster.This article will introduce a simple example to showcase the impact of rules on query design. The example will be ill
The impact of rules on queries
The lecture has taken place, but the slides (in English) are fantastic - thanks for making them available Ruben!… Quoted tweet from @RubenVerborgh: On the Web's 31st birthday, I'm giving an open remote lecture on the Semantic We
The lecture has taken place, but the slides (in English) are fantastic - thanks for making them available Ruben!… Quoted tweet from @RubenVerborgh: On the Web's 31st birthday, I'm giving an open remote lecture on the Semantic We
thanks for making them available Ruben!…
The lecture has taken place, but the slides (in English) are fantastic - thanks for making them available Ruben!… Quoted tweet from @RubenVerborgh: On the Web's 31st birthday, I'm giving an open remote lecture on the Semantic We
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
The most depicted humans in #paintings #SPARQL query on #Wikidata looks an #artwork itself (ht @sanseveria )— Maarten Dammers (@mdammers) January 18, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
The Power of Graph Databases, Linked Data, and Graph Algorithms
The Power of Graph Databases, Linked Data, and Graph Algorithms
In 2019, I was asked to write the Foreword for the book “Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j“, by Mark Needham and Amy E. Hodler. I wrote an extensive piece on the power of graph databases, linked data, graph algorithms, and various significant graph analytics applications. In their wisdom, the editors of the book decided that I wrote “too much”. So, they correctly shortened my contribution by about half in the final published version of my Foreword for the book.
The Power of Graph Databases, Linked Data, and Graph Algorithms
The Property Graph features are included for free in every edition of the @OracleDatabase - here's what's new in 20c:… #oraclegraph #Analytics #DataScience
The Property Graph features are included for free in every edition of the @OracleDatabase - here's what's new in 20c:… #oraclegraph #Analytics #DataScience
here's what's new in 20c:… #oraclegraph #Analytics #DataScience
The Property Graph features are included for free in every edition of the @OracleDatabase - here's what's new in 20c:… #oraclegraph #Analytics #DataScience
The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were | Ruben Verborgh
The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were | Ruben Verborgh
For a domain with a strong focus on unambiguous identifiers and meaning, the Semantic Web research field itself has a surprisingly ill-defined sense of identity. Started at the end of the 1990s at the intersection of databases, logic, and Web, and influenced along the way by all major tech hypes such as Big Data and machine learning, our research community needs to look in the mirror to understand who we really are…
The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were | Ruben Verborgh
The way an organization manages and disseminates its knowledge is key to informed business decision-making, effectiveness and competitive edge. 2nd edition of the Knowledge Managers Handbook by partner @plambeSG
The way an organization manages and disseminates its knowledge is key to informed business decision-making, effectiveness and competitive edge. 2nd edition of the Knowledge Managers Handbook by partner @plambeSG
making, effectiveness and competitive edge.
The way an organization manages and disseminates its knowledge is key to informed business decision-making, effectiveness and competitive edge. 2nd edition of the Knowledge Managers Handbook by partner @plambeSG
Ruben Verborgh on Twitter
Ruben Verborgh on Twitter
This year, the @UGent Web Development course kicks off with a very special guest: @timberners_lee introduces to our students his invention that changed the world. Not “vague but exciting”—rather crystal clear and as passionate as ever.
Ruben Verborgh on Twitter
Geoffrey Horrell on Twitter
Geoffrey Horrell on Twitter
Those interested in a comprehensive overview of the current status of Linked Data Integration (at large scale) can read our ACM Computing Surveys (!) article. Preprint: @mountantonakis #LinkedData #RDF, #Integration #KnowledgeGraphs— Yannis Tzitzikas (@YTzitzikas) September 16, 2019
Geoffrey Horrell on Twitter