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Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Cross-modal Knowledge Reasoning for Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) September 3, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
SPEX introspects knowledge graphs in SPARQL endpoints, using RDF's self-describing nature to give a better understanding of its schema. Once the schema is available, SPEX can be used to browse instances of this data and follow links to other data.— Tim Finin (@timFinin) August 24, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Here's a nice demo video with real-world examples of various simple graph analytics over an RDF-based knowledge graph that leverage the RDF*/SPARQL* approach, including a brief intro to knowledge graphs and RDF*/SPARQL*.— Olaf Hartig (@olafhartig) September 13, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Covid-on-the-Web: Knowledge Graph and Services toAdvance COVID-19 Research" a dataset comprising twomain knowledge graphs, including named entities linked to @DBpedia, @Wikidata and other @BioPortal vocabularies.(Michel et al, 2020)— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) September 21, 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
"To utilize document-centric XML data linked from entities in LOD, in this paper, a SPARQL-based seamless access method on RDF and XML data is proposed." > SPARQL with XQuery-based Filtering— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) September 15, 2020
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Synaptica LLC on Twitter
Synaptica LLC on Twitter
Finding buried treasure: article on the role of graph databases in HR & HCM (Human Capital Management) #KnowledgeGraphs#Data— Synaptica LLC (@Synaptica) September 25, 2020
Synaptica LLC on Twitter
TopQuadrant on Twitter
TopQuadrant on Twitter
TopQuadrant CEO, Irene Polikoff, provides an overview of the two main graph models along with illustrations of their similarities and differences in graph diagrams in Part I of II in this article series from @TDAN_com #datagovernance— TopQuadrant (@TopQuadrant) September 25, 2020
TopQuadrant on Twitter
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
Knowledge Graphs at a glance by @giuseppe_futia in @TDataScience— Teodora Petkova (@TheodoraPetkova) September 28, 2020
Teodora Petkova on Twitter
stephen mallette on Twitter
stephen mallette on Twitter
I'll be discussing "Graph Queries with Gremlin Language Variants" at the Category Theory and Applications group meetup on October 6: Be prepared to see Gremlin in many different forms! #graphdb— stephen mallette (@spmallette) September 28, 2020
stephen mallette on Twitter
KM Delivery on Twitter
KM Delivery on Twitter
Beyond improving institutional memory, #knowledgegraphs open an organization's data to the growing sophistication of #artificialintelligence. #semantictechnology #linkeddata #knowledgemanagement— Ontotext (@ontotext) September 30, 2020
KM Delivery on Twitter
DBpedia on Twitter
DBpedia on Twitter
This is just super satisfying. A @GavinMGleason query to combine conflict data from @dbpedia and @SeshatDatabank I love:1. the explosion2. dragging empires around followed by their battles— TerminusDB (@TerminusDB) October 1, 2020
DBpedia on Twitter
Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata
Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata
Wikidata and Wikipedia have been proven useful for reason-ing in natural language applications, like question answering or entitylinking. Yet, no existing work has studied the potential of...
Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata
The Open World Assumption Considered Harmful
The Open World Assumption Considered Harmful
A frequent source of confusion with ontologies and more generally with any kind of information system is the Open World Assumption. This trips up novice inexperienced users, but as I will argue in …
The Open World Assumption Considered Harmful
Semantic Knowledge Graphing Market Analysis and Forecast 2020: By Keyplayers Google Inc., metaphacts GmbH, Stardog Union, Grakn Labs, Microsoft Corporation, LinkedIn, Semantic Web Company, Baidu, Yandex, Wolfram Alpha, and Ontotext.
Semantic Knowledge Graphing Market Analysis and Forecast 2020: By Keyplayers Google Inc., metaphacts GmbH, Stardog Union, Grakn Labs, Microsoft Corporation, LinkedIn, Semantic Web Company, Baidu, Yandex, Wolfram Alpha, and Ontotext.
Don t Quarantine Your Research you keep your social distance and we provide you a social DISCOUNT use QUARANTINEDAYS Code in precise requirement and Get FLAT 1000USD OFF on all CMI reports The Knowledge Graph can be defined as the ...
Semantic Knowledge Graphing Market Analysis and Forecast 2020: By Keyplayers Google Inc., metaphacts GmbH, Stardog Union, Grakn Labs, Microsoft Corporation, LinkedIn, Semantic Web Company, Baidu, Yandex, Wolfram Alpha, and Ontotext.