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Learning SPARQL on Twitter: "CSV2RDF 2.0 released! CSV2RDF is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -now with named arguments (shout-out to @picocli) and a Docker image:… https://t.
Learning SPARQL on Twitter: "CSV2RDF 2.0 released! CSV2RDF is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -now with named arguments (shout-out to @picocli) and a Docker image:… https://t.
CSV2RDF 2.0 released! is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -now with named arguments (shout-out to @picocli) and a Docker image:— Learning SPARQL (@LearningSPARQL) July 11, 2019
Learning SPARQL on Twitter: "CSV2RDF 2.0 released! CSV2RDF is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -now with named arguments (shout-out to @picocli) and a Docker image:… https://t.
Learning SPARQL on Twitter: "I love that SPARQL is the language used to compare the mentions of all the other programming languages here.… "
Learning SPARQL on Twitter: "I love that SPARQL is the language used to compare the mentions of all the other programming languages here.… "
I love that SPARQL is the language used to compare the mentions of all the other programming languages here.— Learning SPARQL (@LearningSPARQL) November 30, 2018
Learning SPARQL on Twitter: "I love that SPARQL is the language used to compare the mentions of all the other programming languages here.… "
Learning SPARQL retweeted: Step-by-step tutorial: #RDF-ize tabular data, publish it and build an Angular front-end. Well done @ElvinDechesne! Clear and comprehensive explanations how to use OntoRefine for ETL in Part 1! #SPARQL #KnowledgeGraph https://t.c
Learning SPARQL retweeted: Step-by-step tutorial: #RDF-ize tabular data, publish it and build an Angular front-end. Well done @ElvinDechesne! Clear and comprehensive explanations how to use OntoRefine for ETL in Part 1! #SPARQL #KnowledgeGraph https://t.c
Step-by-step tutorial: #RDF-ize tabular data, publish it and build an Angular front-end. Well done @ElvinDechesne! Clear and comprehensive explanations how to use OntoRefine for ETL in Part 1! #SPARQL #KnowledgeGraph— Atanas Kiryakov (@kiryakov_ak) March 5, 2020
Learning SPARQL retweeted: Step-by-step tutorial: #RDF-ize tabular data, publish it and build an Angular front-end. Well done @ElvinDechesne! Clear and comprehensive explanations how to use OntoRefine for ETL in Part 1! #SPARQL #KnowledgeGraph https://t.c
LinkedIn forced to ‘pause’ mentioned in the news feature in Europe after complaints about ID mix-ups | TechCrunch
LinkedIn forced to ‘pause’ mentioned in the news feature in Europe after complaints about ID mix-ups | TechCrunch
LinkedIn has been forced to ‘pause’ a feature in Europe in which the platform emails members’ connections when they’ve been ‘mentioned in the news’. This follows a number of data protection complaints after LinkedIn’s algorithms incorrectly matched members to news articles — triggering an internal review of the feature. LinkedIn told us it subsequently decided […]
LinkedIn forced to ‘pause’ mentioned in the news feature in Europe after complaints about ID mix-ups | TechCrunch
Listen, SQL and relational databases people: The knowledge revolution has reached the SQL world and it will change it forever.
Listen, SQL and relational databases people: The knowledge revolution has reached the SQL world and it will change it forever.
>)You may have read that companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, JPMorgan and Bank of America have made large investments to develop their own proprietary knowledge graphs, to make “strategic use of data and extend business boundaries[1]”.How is this relevant to the “SQL World”?What does this have to do with you, the SQL/relational database professional? Why should you care that there is a new world of databases that is alien to most relational databases experts and users?For the near future maybe you shouldn’t care. After all, about 80% of the database infrastructure in the world is relational, so for you SQL is a sure bet.But wait, here’s big data, ever growing big data. Big data is complex, it has variety and it is difficult to
Listen, SQL and relational databases people: The knowledge revolution has reached the SQL world and it will change it forever.
LIVE BLOG: R&D response to COVID-19 pandemic
LIVE BLOG: R&D response to COVID-19 pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic is disrupting universities and research institutes across the world. But the same institutions are also working very hard to find out how the disease can be stopped and its effects mitigated.
LIVE BLOG: R&D response to COVID-19 pandemic
Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions
Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions
.@Gartner Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions is out, and includes 2 vendors whose solutions rely on #knowledgegraphs #semantics #ontology #graphdatabase Congrats @datadotworld @semwebcompany
Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions
Making Wikidata visible | Bodleian Digital Library
Making Wikidata visible | Bodleian Digital Library
→ Cet article en Français I’ve been experimenting with a way to show how Wikidata represents knowledge; specifically how it makes pathways out of relationships between things. In a previous p…
Making Wikidata visible | Bodleian Digital Library
Meaning-First Data Modeling, A Radical Return to Simplicity | Semantic Arts
Meaning-First Data Modeling, A Radical Return to Simplicity | Semantic Arts
Meaning-First data modeling for #semantic #knowledgegraphs: a replacement to Structure-First modeling. The relational model was a great start for #datamanagement, but it is time to embrace a radical return to simplicity: Meaning-First data modeling #data
Meaning-First Data Modeling, A Radical Return to Simplicity | Semantic Arts
Memorizing vs. Understanding (read: Data vs. Knowledge)
Memorizing vs. Understanding (read: Data vs. Knowledge)
up the value of e anytime I need it (figure 1);Figure 1. A data dictionary with key and value of arithmetic expressions.(ii) if I do not have that option then the only other alternative to get the value of e is to actually compute the arithmetic expression and get the corresponding value. The first method, let’s call it the data/memorization method, which does not require me to know how to compute e while the second does. That is, in using the second method I (or the computer!) must know the procedures of addition and multiplication, shown in figure 2 below (where Succ is the ‘successor’ function that returns the next natural number).Figure 2. Theoretical definition of the procedures/functions of addition and multip
Memorizing vs. Understanding (read: Data vs. Knowledge)
Metadata Recycling into… by Thomas Frisendal [PDF/iPad/Kindle]
Metadata Recycling into… by Thomas Frisendal [PDF/iPad/Kindle]
Recycle, Reuse and Reduce also for data models! Why waste time remodeling the same data, just because you go to graph? Learn how to auto-generate graph data models (for Neo4j) from legacy data models in UML, XML, ERD, concept maps and other formats. Missing something on the list? Let the author know! New: FileMaker db's as Graph Data Models!
Metadata Recycling into… by Thomas Frisendal [PDF/iPad/Kindle]
Mind the Semantic Gap
Mind the Semantic Gap
How "talking semantics" can help you perform better #DataScience. @palexop #StrataData talk in New York slides now available #dataModeling #semantics
Mind the Semantic Gap
A blueprint for the next @apachetinkerpop and an analysis on #opensource. @twarko @_mmadt #presentation from @DataDayTexas #GraphDB #data #tech #cloud #insight #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #AWS