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Operationalizing the information architecture
Operationalizing the information architecture
✨ Operationalizing the information architecture 👇 There are three main ways to operationalize the information architecture, depending on how the data plane… | 14 comments on LinkedIn
Operationalizing the information architecture
Operationalizing the information architecture
a news-spelunking time-machine
a news-spelunking time-machine
Have you ever entered a news-spelunking time-machine 🧗? Well AskNews built one...and our users are already jumping into the time-machine to explore the…
a news-spelunking time-machine
a news-spelunking time-machine
An example of the application of LegalKit is the production of knowledge graphs, here is a Hugging Face demo
An example of the application of LegalKit is the production of knowledge graphs, here is a Hugging Face demo
An example of the application of #LegalKit is the production of knowledge #graphs, here is a Hugging Face demo #Space 🤗 With the update of the French legal…
An example of the application of hashtag#LegalKit is the production of knowledge hashtag#graphs, here is a Hugging Face demo
An example of the application of LegalKit is the production of knowledge graphs, here is a Hugging Face demo
Where do you start when you want to build an ontology?
Where do you start when you want to build an ontology?
Where do you start when you want to build an ontology? Building an ontology sounds like a big, complex task, right? With all those high-level frameworks like… | 28 comments on LinkedIn
Where do you start when you want to build an ontology?
Where do you start when you want to build an ontology?
When Marketing Met Knowledge Graphs and LLMs: Ontotext's Way | LinkedIn
When Marketing Met Knowledge Graphs and LLMs: Ontotext's Way | LinkedIn
A story about Ontotext's enterprise-grade knowledge graph for marketing content, SEO and knowledge management. In 2022 I had the chance to walk the thorny, as I would later find out, road of my PhD thesis talk towards a vision of marketing where we don’t manipulate the marketing mix, but rather mana
When Marketing Met Knowledge Graphs and LLMs: Ontotext's Way | LinkedIn
Build and deploy knowledge graphs faster with RDF and openCypher | Amazon Web Services
Build and deploy knowledge graphs faster with RDF and openCypher | Amazon Web Services
Amazon Neptune Analytics now supports openCypher queries over RDF graphs. When you build an application that uses a graph database such as Amazon Neptune, you’re typically faced with a technology choice at the start: There are two different types of graphs, Resource Description Framework (RDF) graphs and labeled property graphs (LPGs), and your choice of […]
Build and deploy knowledge graphs faster with RDF and openCypher | Amazon Web Services
Knowledge Graphs and Supply Chains | LinkedIn
Knowledge Graphs and Supply Chains | LinkedIn
Copyright 2024 Kurt Cagle / The Cagle Report From one of my readers: Hi Kurt, have you written any article on how a knowledge graph differ from inventory built using graph. We are in constant struggle to differentiate knowledge graph from inventory apps? Questions like can inventory systems built us
Knowledge Graphs and Supply Chains | LinkedIn