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I got 99 data stores and integrating them ain't fun
I got 99 data stores and integrating them ain't fun
Data integration may not sound as deliciously intriguing as AI or machine learning tidbits sprinkled on vanilla apps. Still, it is the bread and butter of many, the enabler of all things cool using data, and a premium use case for concepts underpinning AI.
I got 99 data stores and integrating them ain't fun The importance of linking data and people The importance of linking data and people
Notepads, graphs, data lakes, collaboration, and data manifestos. has an interesting blend of philosophy and technology going on -- and it all converges around one thing: Facilitating data-driven analysis by making it a team sport.
·· The importance of linking data and people
Breaking up Facebook? Try data literacy, social engineering, personal knowledge graphs, and developer advocacy
Breaking up Facebook? Try data literacy, social engineering, personal knowledge graphs, and developer advocacy
Yes, Facebook is a data-driven monopoly. But the only real way to break it up is by getting hold of its data and functionality, one piece at a time. It will take a combination of tech, data, and social engineering to get there. And graphs -- personal knowledge graphs.
Breaking up Facebook? Try data literacy, social engineering, personal knowledge graphs, and developer advocacy secures $26 million funding, exemplifies the use of semantics and knowledge graphs for metadata management secures $26 million funding, exemplifies the use of semantics and knowledge graphs for metadata management wants to eliminate data silos to answer business questions. Their bet to do this is to provide data catalogs powered by knowledge graphs and semantics. The choice of technology seems to hit the mark, but intangibles matter, too.
·· secures $26 million funding, exemplifies the use of semantics and knowledge graphs for metadata management
The continuing rise of graph databases
The continuing rise of graph databases
Graph technology is well on its way from a fringe domain to going mainstream. We take a look at the state of the union in graph, featuring Neo4j's latest release and insights as well as data and opinions from Cloudera, DataStax, and IBM.
The continuing rise of graph databases
Graph databases and RDF: It's a family affair
Graph databases and RDF: It's a family affair
RDF is a graph data model you've probably either never heard of, or already dismissed. Why is that, could there be value in it, and how does it differ from the most popular graph data model out there?
Graph databases and RDF: It's a family affair
GraphQL for databases: A layer for universal database access?
GraphQL for databases: A layer for universal database access?
GraphQL is a query language mostly used to streamline access to REST APIs. Now, a new breed of GraphQL implementations wants to build an abstraction layer for any database on top of GraphQL, and it seems to be catching up.
GraphQL for databases: A layer for universal database access?
Knowledge graphs beyond the hype: Getting knowledge in and out of graphs and databases
Knowledge graphs beyond the hype: Getting knowledge in and out of graphs and databases
What exactly are knowledge graphs, and what's with all the hype about them? Learning to tell apart hype from reality, defining different types of graphs, and picking the right tools and database for your use case is essential if you want to be like the Airbnbs, Amazons, Googles, and LinkedIns of the world.
Knowledge graphs beyond the hype: Getting knowledge in and out of graphs and databases
Neo4j 4.0 adds enterprise Fabric to its graph database
Neo4j 4.0 adds enterprise Fabric to its graph database
In its new release, Neo4j addresses key concerns for enterprise adoption. Scalability, security, management and architectural changes are here. And so is a strange feeling of deja-vu, too.
Neo4j 4.0 adds enterprise Fabric to its graph database