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Scene Graphs and Semantics -
Scene Graphs and Semantics -
It is nearly certain that, if you have ever played a 3D video game, watched a CGI-effects-laden movie, or seen increasingly hyperrealistic imagery, you have encountered a scene graph without realizing it. Scene graphs are pervasive in everything from media to medicine, from augmented reality to industrial digital twins, and they are increasingly playing an… Read More »Scene Graphs and Semantics
Scene Graphs and Semantics -
Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle -
Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle -
The Semantic Web has garnered a reputation for complexity among both Javascript and Python developers, primarily because, well, it’s not JSON, and JSON has become the data language of the web. Why learn some obscure language when JSON is perfectly capable of describing everything, right? Well, sort of. The problem that JSON faces, is actually… Read More »Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle
Why JSON Users Should Learn Turtle -
Making the web better. With blocks!
Making the web better. With blocks!
You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which has a little + button that brings up a long list of potential blocks that you can inser…
Making the web better. With blocks!
How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse -
How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse -
Tim Berners-Lee has an interesting habit of coming up with ideas that seem hard to explain at the outset, remain all hard to understand even as they become more implemented and refined, can go for years with only a few die-hard fans becoming convinced that what he is doing is the best thing since sliced… Read More »How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse
How Solid Pods May End Up Becoming the Building Blocks of the Metaverse -
TigerGraph: Graph DBs to Become a ‘Must-Have’ in 2022
TigerGraph: Graph DBs to Become a ‘Must-Have’ in 2022
Graph databases will no longer be a luxury but will become a "must-have" for enterprise IT organizations in 2022, according to graph database provider TigerGraph. According to Gartner's research, by 2025, graph technologies will be used in 80% of new data and analytics systems, up from 10% in 2021, facilitating rapid decision-making across the enterprise.…
TigerGraph: Graph DBs to Become a ‘Must-Have’ in 2022
Dagstuhl 2022: Graph Databases and Network Visualization | Stardog
Dagstuhl 2022: Graph Databases and Network Visualization | Stardog
Pavel Klinov, Stardog VP of Research and Development, is back from the Dagstuhl Seminar on Graph Databases and Network Visualization, held at the Leibniz Center for Informatics in Germany from January 16 – 21, 2022. We asked him about his experience.
Dagstuhl 2022: Graph Databases and Network Visualization | Stardog
DSC Weekly Digest 04 Jan 2022: Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation? -
DSC Weekly Digest 04 Jan 2022: Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation? -
Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation?  I spent some time over the holidays engaged in a fascinating online conversation. The gist of it was a variation of an argument that has been going on in the realm of artificial intelligence from the time of Minsky and Seymour Papert: Whether it is possible for neural networks to… Read More »DSC Weekly Digest 04 Jan 2022: Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation?
DSC Weekly Digest 04 Jan 2022: Can Machine Learning Do Symbolic Manipulation? -
What is Graph Intelligence? - Gradient Flow
What is Graph Intelligence? - Gradient Flow
How and why the best companies are adopting Graph Visual Analytics, Graph AI, and Graph Neural Networks. By Leo Meyerovich and Ben Lorica. [A version of this post originally appeared on the Graphistry blog.] In this post, we highlight the current state of Graph Intelligence, a new technology category around new tools and techniques forContinue reading "What is Graph Intelligence?"
What is Graph Intelligence? - Gradient Flow
Where Semantics and Machine Learning Converge -
Where Semantics and Machine Learning Converge -
Artificial Intelligence has a long history of oscillating between two somewhat contradictory poles. On one side, exemplified by Noam Chomsky, Marvin Minsky, Seymour Papert, and many others, is the idea that cognitive intelligence was algorithmic in nature – that there were a set of fundamental precepts that formed the foundation of language, and by extension,… Read More »Where Semantics and Machine Learning Converge
Where Semantics and Machine Learning Converge -
Deep Learning with Graph-Structured Representations
Deep Learning with Graph-Structured Representations
Very honored to receive the ELLIS PhD Award for my thesis on Deep Learning with Graph-Structured Representations -- alongside with with @NagraniArsha for her work on multimodal DL (congrats!)— Thomas Kipf (@thomaskipf) December 9, 2021
Deep Learning with Graph-Structured Representations