The expressive power of Message-Passing Graph Neural Networks is inherently limited due to their equivalence to the Weisfeiler-Lehman graph isomorphism...
A Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM)
Despite progress in the development of standards for describing and exchanging scientific information, the lack of easy-to-use standards for mapping between different representations of the same...
Colab tutorial on graph neural networks with the JAX+Jraph stack
Excited to share a Colab tutorial on graph neural networks with the JAX+Jraph stack, which we use in-house at DeepMind! Developed by Lisa Wang and Nikola... 12 comments on LinkedIn
The Open Application Group (OAGi) and the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) have signed an agreement to produce industrial ontologies
"The Open Application Group (OAGi) and the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) have signed an agreement to produce industrial ontologies." [PR]— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) March 3, 2021
Identifying Ingredient Substitutions Using a Knowledge Graph of Food
Identifying Ingredient Substitutions Using a Knowledge Graph of Food— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) March 3, 2021
Excited that our graph Transformer has been accepted as a Contributed Talk to NeurIPS ML and Physical Sciences workshop (TOP 3 out of 151) :D Thanks to...
(G)NNs can successfully guide the intuition of mathematicians & yield top-tier results
Our work has been published in Nature!!! (G)NNs can successfully guide the intuition of mathematicians & yield top-tier results -- in both representation... 48 comments on LinkedIn
Dan McCreary on LinkedIn: Introducing TensorFlow Graph Neural Networks
Last week Google added Graph Neural Network support to TensorFlow. This comes in the wake of PyTorch Geometric getting a lot of support from Meta (formerly...
GDG Casablanca on LinkedIn: #devfest21 #GDGCasa #WTMCasa
[DevFest Casablanca 2021 Speakers 😎] Anas AIT AOMAR, Engineering Student at Emines school of industrial management. who also payback to the community...
Tomaz Bratanic on LinkedIn: Graph Algorithms for Data Science
After years of writing a graph data science blog, I've decided to present all my learning in a more guided and structured way. Today I am happy to announce...
Earlier this month I asked here on LinkedIn about interest publishing a short piece on Knowledge Graphs. The response was overwhelmingly positive, so today...
G.V() is an all-in-one Gremlin IDE to write, test and analyze results for your TinkerPop-enabled graph database - in open beta now and looking for feedback: #graphdb— TinkerPop (@apachetinkerpop) November 22, 2021
How To Create Content Hubs Using Your Knowledge Graph
Learn more about content hubs and how to build them by leveraging deep learning and data in a knowledge graph and using a specific technique called knowledge graph embeddings (or simply KGE).
Intel® Labs’ Graph Neural Networks Research Featured as Groundbreaking Work in AI
By Matthias Müller, Head of Embodied AI Lab at Intel Labs Matthias Mueller leads the Embodied AI Lab at Intel Labs, where he and his team develop algorithms pertaining to the fields of robotics, computer vision, graphics, and machine learning. The goal of Intel Labs’ Embodied AI Lab is to build inte