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Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
DEAP-FAKED: Knowledge Graph based Approach for Fake News Detection— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) July 26, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Improving Inductive Link Prediction Using Hyper-Relational Facts" from hyper-relational knowledge graph such as #Wikidata.(Ali et al, 2021)paper:— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) July 27, 2021
WikiResearch on Twitter
Visual Query Builder: Building Basic Cypher Queries
Visual Query Builder: Building Basic Cypher Queries
Welcome to the launch of Visual Query Builder (VQB) on GraphXR! This is a preview of VQB on an existing Neo4j database supplied with Twitter data from the US presidential election, where we build basic Cypher queries using drag and drop, no-code visual building blocks. Schedule a free live-training below to learn more today! 👩‍💻💡 Special thanks to Alice Benedict & the Kineviz team for creating this preview of VQB!
Visual Query Builder: Building Basic Cypher Queries
Dan Brickley on Twitter
Dan Brickley on Twitter
Hey RDF folks, what is the state of the art in making visualizations of RDFS/OWL vocabularies, shapes, of the kind that would make people familiar with UML feel comfortable?— Dan Brickley (@danbri) July 20, 2021
Dan Brickley on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"WikiGraphs: A Wikipedia Text - Knowledge Graph Paired Dataset", collected by pairing Wikipedia articles with a subgraph from the Freebase knowledge graph.(Luyu Wang et al, 2021)paper:— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) July 21, 2021
WikiResearch on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
ThingFO v1.2's Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms - Foundational Ontology for Things / Luis Olsina— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) July 21, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Information Integration using the Typed Graph Model / Fritz Laux & Malcolm Crowe— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) July 21, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Cf. Damion Dooley, @griffiemma, @plbuttigieg, FoodOn: a harmonized food ontology to increase global food traceability, quality control and data integration— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) July 21, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Of Superheroes, Hypergraphs and the Intricacy of Roles
Of Superheroes, Hypergraphs and the Intricacy of Roles
In my previous post in which I discussed names, I also led in with the fact that I am a writer. Significantly, I did not really talk much about that particular assertion, because is in fact comes with its own rabbit hole quite apart from that associated with names and naming.
Of Superheroes, Hypergraphs and the Intricacy of Roles
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Similar Cases Recommendation using Legal Knowledge Graphs (yet another cc: for you @EmekaOkoye :)— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) July 13, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"We demonstrate that this approach significantly reduces the cognitive load required to users for visualizing and interpreting a knowledge graph...." > Pattern-based Visualization of Knowledge Graphs @lguspree et al.— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) July 7, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
SeaNet -- Towards A Knowledge Graph Based Autonomic Management of Software Defined Networks— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) July 6, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter