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Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Patterns for Representing Knowledge Graphs to Communicate Situational Knowledge of Service Robots— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) January 28, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Graphs & Networks on Twitter
Graphs & Networks on Twitter
The English WordNet in #Neo4j. #NLP #KnowledgeGraphs— Graphs & Networks (@TheOrbifold) February 1, 2021
Graphs & Networks on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Towards a Systematic Approach to Sync FactualData across #Wikipedia, #Wikidata and ExternalData Sources"(Hellmann et al, 2021)paper:— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) February 1, 2021
WikiResearch on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
"GovData goes #SPARQL. From now on, queries on the original metadata are possible via a triple store endpoint:"— Learning SPARQL (@LearningSPARQL) January 30, 2021
Learning SPARQL on Twitter
Graphs & Networks on Twitter
Graphs & Networks on Twitter
Graph analysis using the tidyverse. #rstats #graphs— Graphs & Networks (@TheOrbifold) February 2, 2021
Graphs & Networks on Twitter
Roberto Navigli on Twitter
Roberto Navigli on Twitter
Today is the day! #BabelNet 5 is out! interface, up-to-date content in 500 languages, 20 million synsets, WordNet 2020, and much more! Thanks to the great team behind this fantastic release! #knowledgegraphs #multilinguality @SapienzaNLP @Babelscape— Roberto Navigli (@RNavigli) February 2, 2021
Roberto Navigli on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"Each instance of ResearchSpace has at its core a dynamic and expandable graph-based representation of networks of people, things, places, and events, a structure we refer to as the knowledge graph."— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) February 1, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Michael Bronstein on Twitter
Michael Bronstein on Twitter
Dynamic graphs are a big part of how Twitter does what it does. We use them to model networks that evolve over time. In this post @emaros96 & @mmbronstein discuss a new ML model developed by Twitter to efficiently predict activity in dynamic graphs.— Twitter Engineering (@TwitterEng) February 1, 2021
Michael Bronstein on Twitter
Neo4j on Twitter
Neo4j on Twitter is an easy yet beautiful tool for modeling graphs. Try modeling your next brainstorming session or entity relationship diagram into a graph and see how it feels.Homepage: @neo4j for updating this community tool.— John Kary (@johnkary) February 2, 2021
Neo4j on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
.@tb_tomaz shows "how you can create a news monitoring data pipeline that combines Natural Language Processing and knowledge graphs technologies."— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) February 2, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
chiara veninata on Twitter
chiara veninata on Twitter
Yay! #Pattern-based design applied to #culturalheritage #knowledgegraphs published at @SW_Journal 🤓you should read it if you want to: know how a modelling issue turns into an #ODP, learn about the #Italian CH, find out the dimensions for KG #evaluation...— Valentina Carriero (@vale_carriero) January 28, 2021
chiara veninata on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Term Definitions / Zhicheng Liang & @dlmcguinness— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) February 2, 2021
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Inoreader - Take back control of your news feed
Inoreader - Take back control of your news feed
One place to keep up with all your information sources. With Inoreader, content comes to you, the minute it's available. Subscribe to RSS Feeds, Blogs, Podcasts, Twitter searches, Facebook pages, even Email Newsletters! Get unfiltered news feeds or filter them to your liking.
Inoreader - Take back control of your news feed
A data ecosystem fosters sustainable innovation
A data ecosystem fosters sustainable innovation
By equipping people with personal data vaults, we can leverage _more_ data for _better_ services ◆ We’re living in a data-driven economy, and that won’t change anytime soon. Companies, start-ups, organisations, and governments all require some of our data to provide us with the services we want and need…
A data ecosystem fosters sustainable innovation
Buckets and Balls
Buckets and Balls
Linked Data is still largely unknown, or misunderstood and undervalued. Often, people find it simply too difficult. So I keep looking for new ways to make
Buckets and Balls
Review: Metadata Day 2020
Review: Metadata Day 2020
For a full day on December 14, 2020, LinkedIn sponsored a virtual workshop called Metadata Day, followed by a public online meetup called…
Review: Metadata Day 2020
Dharam Kapila on Twitter
Dharam Kapila on Twitter
Excited to share my new Chrome extension, Side Portal :) Browse Wikipedia spatially - in a graph view, and with a right sidebar like Roam Research!@Conaw @roamhacker @thepericulum @cortexfutura @visakanv @Mappletons @alycosta @andy_matuschak @azlenelza— Dharam Kapila (@DharamKapila) January 26, 2021
Dharam Kapila on Twitter