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Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"Enterprise data fabrics offer the new way forward. The data fabric weaves together data from internal silos and external sources and creates a network of information to power your business’ applications, AI, and analytics" Karen Megarbane @StardogHQ— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Nelson Piedra on Twitter
Nelson Piedra on Twitter
My new article for @TDataScience - Knowledge Graphs at a glance: incorporate human knowledge into intelligent systems, exploiting a semantic graph perspective #knowledgegraphs #semantics #semanticweb #ontologies #rdf— Giuseppe Futia (@giuseppe_futia) September 28, 2020
Nelson Piedra on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"Knowledge-enriched, Type-constrained and Grammar-guided Question Generation over Knowledge Bases"(Sheng Bi et al, 2020)— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) October 14, 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Using a approach to build a single source of truth and a unified Content Management System @jrockowitz— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
"... the People You May Know tab has evolved to show people, hashtag, company, group, newsletter, and event recommendations. When members act on these recommendations, they are adding edges to the graph that constitutes their social network."— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
A Practical Guide to Graph Neural Networks - "How do graph neural networks work, and where can they be applied?" @isolabs0 etc.— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Exploiting Knowledge Graphs for Facilitating Product/Service Discovery— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Ultimately we can probably blame Forrester (don't @ me if I'm wrong about the provenance - I don't care that much:). But their definition is quite useful because, like Stardog's, it's specifically about the liberation of data from silos.— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
COMET-ATOMIC 2020: On Symbolic and Neural Commonsense Knowledge Graphs— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 14, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
WikiResearch on Twitter
"KGPT: Knowledge-Grounded Pre-Trainingfor Data-to-Text Generation", using #Wikidata and #Wikipediapaper:— WikiResearch (@WikiResearch) October 12, 2020
WikiResearch on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
A Graph Representation of Semi-structured Data for Web Question Answering - "a novel graph representation of Web tables and lists based on a systematic categorization of the components in semi-structured data as well as their relations"— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 15, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Andrea Volpini on Twitter
Andrea Volpini on Twitter
this is huge 👇 Data Commons is available in Google's Knowledge Graph! Thanks @aaranged for sharing this!— Andrea Volpini (@cyberandy) October 16, 2020
Andrea Volpini on Twitter
Synaptica LLC on Twitter
Synaptica LLC on Twitter
For this blog @taxobob explores modeling Euclid’s Elements Book I in RDF Using Graphite. #knowledgegraphs#ontologies— Synaptica LLC (@Synaptica) October 19, 2020
Synaptica LLC on Twitter
Bob DuCharme on Twitter
Bob DuCharme on Twitter
Great Ben Lorica (@bigdata) podcast interview with @kejriwal_mayank about knowledge graphs. I had waited years to hear Ben mention "RDF" on his podcast.The buzzphrase "knowledge graphs" has become a foot in many doors for this set of W3C standards!— Bob DuCharme (@bobdc) October 17, 2020
Bob DuCharme on Twitter
Yuchen Lin on Twitter
Yuchen Lin on Twitter
Our #EMNLP2020 paper introduces MHGRN, a multi-hop #GraphNeuralNetworks model that can answer complex questions via relational reasoning over #KnowledgeGraphs. Kudos to our excellent summer interns, Yanlin and Xinyue. @xiangrenNLP @nlp_usc Paper: [1/3]— Yuchen Lin (@billyuchenlin) October 20, 2020
Yuchen Lin on Twitter
Heiko Paulheim on Twitter
Heiko Paulheim on Twitter
Guess which one might be the geometric space of choice for geometric representation learning with graphs? Keynote by Maximilian Nickel at #cssa2020 @cikm2020— Harald Sack (@lysander07) October 20, 2020
Heiko Paulheim on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Can JSON Schema can be used to define and validate JSON-LD? "think the answer is a qualified 'yes', says @philbarker. "Here’s a proof of concept; do me a favour and let me know if you think it is wrong."— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 20, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Graph Day on Twitter
Graph Day on Twitter
How Does AI Understand Graphs?time is technically a graph #graphtheory #graphdatabases #timeseries— Graph Day (@GraphDay) October 19, 2020
Graph Day on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Got a beef with you @aarontay: through one of your tweets I've discovered the existence of Ashleigh Faith's "IsA DataThing" YouTube channel on information architecture & semantics, and now I need to watch 31 videos :)— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 19, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Graph Day on Twitter
Graph Day on Twitter
Intel and Katana Graph Team on Large-scale Graph Analytics #graphanalytics #analytics #graphdatabase— Graph Day (@GraphDay) October 19, 2020
Graph Day on Twitter
Martynas Jusevičius on Twitter
Martynas Jusevičius on Twitter
Just published by @WikimediaIL : this be the best #SPARQL / @wikidata query tutorial ever?— WikiCite (@Wikicite) October 21, 2020
Martynas Jusevičius on Twitter
GraphAware on Twitter
GraphAware on Twitter
Our mission of bringing order to chaos of distributed and unstructured data continue! In this blog, @VlastaKus shows how to convert text into a meaningful knowledge graph by extracting entities and relationships automatically from text.— Alessandro Negro (@AlessandroNegro) October 21, 2020
GraphAware on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Bias in Conversational Search: The Double-Edged Sword of the Personalized Knowledge Graph @emmagerritse @fhasibi @arjenpdevries— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 21, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Large Scale Knowledge Graph Based Synthetic Corpus Generation for Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model Pre-training @agarwal_oshin et al.— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) October 27, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Kiera Wright on Twitter
Kiera Wright on Twitter
Check out the new issue of Content focused on #BigData #Covid19 #datagovernance #EDM #knowledgegraphs more. Great authors this month - @georgefirican Polikoff of @TopQuadrant @DGPROS Mecca @thinkdataworks @craigmullins @RSeiner.— Robert S. Seiner (@RSeiner) October 22, 2020
Kiera Wright on Twitter
Dave Bechberger on Twitter
Dave Bechberger on Twitter
Can’t wait to get my copies as well. This has been a long time in the works so glad it’s finally come to fruition.— Dave Bechberger (@bechbd) October 27, 2020
Dave Bechberger on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Aaron Bradley on Twitter
Semantics of the Black-Box: Can knowledge graphs help make deep learning systems more interpretable and explainable? Manas Gaur et al.#KnowledgeGraph #DeepLearning— arXiv Daily (@arXiv_Daily) October 26, 2020
Aaron Bradley on Twitter