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Denny Vrandečić on Twitter
Denny Vrandečić on Twitter
Ever had some weird dataset you wanted, like "a list of every US senator ever and their gender?" and thought "ugh, that's gonna be a pain to assemble?"Or "Wikipedia has info on X, but it's gonna be hard to get out?"Well, Have you heard of Wikidata?— Erin ✨💽 (@erincandescent) October 1, 2020
Denny Vrandečić on Twitter
James Le on Twitter
James Le on Twitter Such a thoughtful article on #knowledgegraphs! @TDataScience— James Le (@le_james94) October 1, 2020
James Le on Twitter
DBpedia on Twitter
DBpedia on Twitter
This is just super satisfying. A @GavinMGleason query to combine conflict data from @dbpedia and @SeshatDatabank I love:1. the explosion2. dragging empires around followed by their battles— TerminusDB (@TerminusDB) October 1, 2020
DBpedia on Twitter
Anthony J. Algmin on Twitter
Anthony J. Algmin on Twitter
This current issue of covers #datagovernance #dataestate #data's #gendergap #datacatalog #dataestate #knowledgegraphs #DMP ... more. New content from @RSeiner @MandySeiner @AJAlgmin Polikoff of @TopQuadrant Beechum and @HBKI71.— TDAN (@TDAN_com) October 1, 2020
Anthony J. Algmin on Twitter
Marco Neumann on Twitter
Marco Neumann on Twitter
In case you missed it, the recording of last week's #Lotico session on JSON-LD is now available. #jsonld cc/@neumarcx— Gregg Kellogg (@Gkellogg) October 1, 2020
Marco Neumann on Twitter
Adrian Suciu on Twitter
Adrian Suciu on Twitter
Happy to announce that my @OReillyMedia book Semantic Modeling for Data is now published and available in electronic and print format Get a free sample chapter at #datascience #datamodeling #knowledgegraphs— Panos Alexopoulos (@PAlexop) September 9, 2020
Adrian Suciu on Twitter
DeepWalk: Its Behavior and How to Implement It
DeepWalk: Its Behavior and How to Implement It
A cheat sheet for quickly analyzing and evaluating relationships in graph networks using Python, Networkx, and Gensim
DeepWalk: Its Behavior and How to Implement It
Graph Analytics with py2neo
Graph Analytics with py2neo
Using neo4j’s power for scalable graph analytics in Python
Graph Analytics with py2neo
Machine Learning Tasks on Graphs
Machine Learning Tasks on Graphs
Can We Divide It Into Supervised/Unsupervised Learning? It’s Not That Simple…
Machine Learning Tasks on Graphs
Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata
Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata
Wikidata and Wikipedia have been proven useful for reason-ing in natural language applications, like question answering or entitylinking. Yet, no existing work has studied the potential of...
Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata
The Open World Assumption Considered Harmful
The Open World Assumption Considered Harmful
A frequent source of confusion with ontologies and more generally with any kind of information system is the Open World Assumption. This trips up novice inexperienced users, but as I will argue in …
The Open World Assumption Considered Harmful
Semantic Knowledge Graphing Market Analysis and Forecast 2020: By Keyplayers Google Inc., metaphacts GmbH, Stardog Union, Grakn Labs, Microsoft Corporation, LinkedIn, Semantic Web Company, Baidu, Yandex, Wolfram Alpha, and Ontotext.
Semantic Knowledge Graphing Market Analysis and Forecast 2020: By Keyplayers Google Inc., metaphacts GmbH, Stardog Union, Grakn Labs, Microsoft Corporation, LinkedIn, Semantic Web Company, Baidu, Yandex, Wolfram Alpha, and Ontotext.
Don t Quarantine Your Research you keep your social distance and we provide you a social DISCOUNT use QUARANTINEDAYS Code in precise requirement and Get FLAT 1000USD OFF on all CMI reports The Knowledge Graph can be defined as the ...
Semantic Knowledge Graphing Market Analysis and Forecast 2020: By Keyplayers Google Inc., metaphacts GmbH, Stardog Union, Grakn Labs, Microsoft Corporation, LinkedIn, Semantic Web Company, Baidu, Yandex, Wolfram Alpha, and Ontotext.