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(15) TinkerPop on Twitter: "Apache TinkerPop 3.4.3 Released. Avant-Gremlin Construction #3 for Theremin and Flowers #graphdb #nosql" / Twitter
(15) TinkerPop on Twitter: "Apache TinkerPop 3.4.3 Released. Avant-Gremlin Construction #3 for Theremin and Flowers #graphdb #nosql" / Twitter
Apache TinkerPop 3.4.3 Released. Avant-Gremlin Construction #3 for Theremin and Flowers #graphdb #nosql— TinkerPop (@apachetinkerpop) August 12, 2019
(15) TinkerPop on Twitter: "Apache TinkerPop 3.4.3 Released. Avant-Gremlin Construction #3 for Theremin and Flowers #graphdb #nosql" / Twitter
(2) Alan Morrison's answer to What is the application of semantic web in e-commerce, e-banking, e-government, and life science? - Quora
(2) Alan Morrison's answer to What is the application of semantic web in e-commerce, e-banking, e-government, and life science? - Quora
What is the application of #semanticweb in e-commerce, e-banking, e-government, and #lifescience? Most value-creating companies in the world are using #knowledgegraph @AlanMorrison on @Quora #business #tech #data #digitaltransformation
(2) Alan Morrison's answer to What is the application of semantic web in e-commerce, e-banking, e-government, and life science? - Quora
(20) Aaron Bradley on Twitter: " 5.0 released. No additions to core, but vocabulary for the classification of health topics for more real estate properties in development." / Twitter
(20) Aaron Bradley on Twitter: " 5.0 released. No additions to core, but vocabulary for the classification of health topics for more real estate properties in development." / Twitter 5.0 is out. No additions to core, but vocabulary for classification of #healthcare topics for more real estate properties in development. New releases on 1st of month, changes in "Pending" section #SEO #semantics #Google h/t @danbri @aaranged
(20) Aaron Bradley on Twitter: " 5.0 released. No additions to core, but vocabulary for the classification of health topics for more real estate properties in development." / Twitter
(21) Visual Software Analytics on Twitter: "Software Analytics with #Jupyter notebooks using a prefilled #Neo4j database running on #MyBinder. Created with building blocks from @feststelltaste and @psychemedia.
(21) Visual Software Analytics on Twitter: "Software Analytics with #Jupyter notebooks using a prefilled #Neo4j database running on #MyBinder. Created with building blocks from @feststelltaste and @psychemedia.
#Software #Analytics with #Jupyter notebooks using a prefilled #Neo4j database running on #MyBinder by @softvisresearch Created with building blocks from @feststelltaste and @psychemedia #knowledgegraph #softwaredevelopment
(21) Visual Software Analytics on Twitter: "Software Analytics with #Jupyter notebooks using a prefilled #Neo4j database running on #MyBinder. Created with building blocks from @feststelltaste and @psychemedia.
(6) Beyond the low code hype: Knowledge graph-driven development | LinkedIn
(6) Beyond the low code hype: Knowledge graph-driven development | LinkedIn
I had the chance to attend Strata Data in San Francisco this week and talk to data engineers who are struggling under the burden of decades of legacy application-centric development approaches in an era when companies should be becoming data centric. Here's a way to scale up a data-centric code qual
(6) Beyond the low code hype: Knowledge graph-driven development | LinkedIn
(8) Kelvin Lawrence on Twitter: "Practical Gremlin is now updated to cover most of the new features added in TinkerPop. As always it remains a work in progress. More details here @apachetinkerpop #graphdb" / Twitter
(8) Kelvin Lawrence on Twitter: "Practical Gremlin is now updated to cover most of the new features added in TinkerPop. As always it remains a work in progress. More details here @apachetinkerpop #graphdb" / Twitter
Practical Gremlin is now updated to cover most of the new features added in TinkerPop. As always it remains a work in progress. More details here @apachetinkerpop #graphdb— Kelvin Lawrence (@gfxman) July 15, 2019
(8) Kelvin Lawrence on Twitter: "Practical Gremlin is now updated to cover most of the new features added in TinkerPop. As always it remains a work in progress. More details here @apachetinkerpop #graphdb" / Twitter
(8) Tony Hammond on Twitter: "RT @atomgraphhq: CSV2RDF 2.0 released! CSV2RDF is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -…" / Twitter
(8) Tony Hammond on Twitter: "RT @atomgraphhq: CSV2RDF 2.0 released! CSV2RDF is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -…" / Twitter
CSV2RDF 2.0 released! is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -now with named arguments (shout-out to @picocli) and a Docker image:— AtomGraph (@atomgraphhq) July 2, 2019
(8) Tony Hammond on Twitter: "RT @atomgraphhq: CSV2RDF 2.0 released! CSV2RDF is a streaming, transforming, #SPARQL-based #CSV to #RDF converter -…" / Twitter
(Virtual) Trip Report: KGC 2020
(Virtual) Trip Report: KGC 2020
Last week, I virtually attended the Knowledge Graph Conference 2020. Originally, KGC was planned to be hosted in New York at Columbia University but, as with everything, had to go online because of the pandemic.
(Virtual) Trip Report: KGC 2020
#Ontology-Mediated Query Answering (OMQA) is a framework to answer queries over RDFS or OWL Knowledge Bases (KB). OMQA has been extended to SPARQL queries. #Research shows semantics can be defined that satisfies all requirements for SPARQL queries
20 Data Trends for 2020
20 Data Trends for 2020
#Semantic #technology, decision intelligence, knowledge #datascience will be our companions in the next years, so it's recommended to start exploring #graphdatabases, #ontologies, knowledge representation systems #knowledgegraph #AI #2020NewYear #trends
20 Data Trends for 2020
Google, Microsoft, Facebook have their own #knowledgegraphs. But there's a larger body of publicly available KGs, such as @DBpedia or #Wikidata @heikopaulheim @svenhertling @n_heist @dwsunima provide overview & comparison #opendata #EmergingTech #research
2019: The year in review for Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
2019: The year in review for Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
#Amazon Neptune #GraphDB celebrated its 18-month birthday last month. Here's a roundup of its many improvements over the last year in #Developer experience, #Enterprise capability, Instances, Performance and query improvements, Compliance, Regions #cloud
2019: The year in review for Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
3 of the top use cases for graph databases
3 of the top use cases for graph databases
multiple tables linked by connected fields. Setting up a relational database requires a person who understands data structures. And if new information is added, or new relationships become important, the database administrator will need to change the structure of the database and, most likely, update the user interface as well. So what do you do if you have a data set where you can't map out the relationships ahead of time? Where instead of being connected by a single data point, people can be connected by things you can't predict in advance? Maybe two people are on the same baseball team or like the same types of books or live in the same city. Adding each of those items as a separa
3 of the top use cases for graph databases
3 ways that #DataVisualization will advance and impact users (including Knowledge Graphs):——————#BigData #DataScience #DataViz #VisualAnalytics #AnalyticsStrategy #DataStorytelling #KnowledgeGraphs #abdsc
3 ways that #DataVisualization will advance and impact users (including Knowledge Graphs):——————#BigData #DataScience #DataViz #VisualAnalytics #AnalyticsStrategy #DataStorytelling #KnowledgeGraphs #abdsc
3 ways that #DataVisualization will advance and impact users (including Knowledge Graphs):——————#BigData #DataScience #DataViz #VisualAnalytics #AnalyticsStrategy #DataStorytelling #KnowledgeGraphs #abdsc— Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne) August 9, 2019
3 ways that #DataVisualization will advance and impact users (including Knowledge Graphs):——————#BigData #DataScience #DataViz #VisualAnalytics #AnalyticsStrategy #DataStorytelling #KnowledgeGraphs #abdsc
3.2.0 | The Eclipse Foundation
3.2.0 | The Eclipse Foundation
RDF4J 3.2.0 is a minor release, fixing 42 issues. It is backward compatible with older RDF4J releases.
3.2.0 | The Eclipse Foundation
36C3 Wikipaka WG: Querying Linked Data with SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service - YouTube
36C3 Wikipaka WG: Querying Linked Data with SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service - YouTube
An intro to querying #linkeddata using SPARQL & @Wikidata. Which films starred more than one future head of government? Largest city with a female mayor? Questions #linkeddata can answer #opendata #knowledgegraph #datascience @CCC h/t @LearningSPARQL [LINK]
36C3 Wikipaka WG: Querying Linked Data with SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service - YouTube
3D Scene Graph
3D Scene Graph
#semantic understanding of scenes is important for #apps. But in what space should diverse information be grounded, in what structure? 3D Scene Graph outputs a layered graph. Layers have nodes, nodes have attributes, edges between nodes h/t @drfeifei
3D Scene Graph
4 Little-Known FAQ Schema Filtering Commandments - Brodie Clark Consulting
4 Little-Known FAQ Schema Filtering Commandments - Brodie Clark Consulting
#SchemaOrg created FAQ Schema. #Google introduced filtering parameters that come w Search implementation. These act as commandments for Google’s algorithm which should be abided by for when markup is used in search results #SEO #semantics h/t @cyberandy
4 Little-Known FAQ Schema Filtering Commandments - Brodie Clark Consulting
Graph Theory and Data Science
Graph Theory and Data Science
Graph Theory and #DataScience: A topic intro with the Bridges of Königsberg. Graph Theory can be used to represent and analyze a wide variety of network information, has numerous modern applications within Data Science #data #tech #software #algorithms
Graph Theory and Data Science