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Agronomic Linked Data (AgroLD): A knowledge-based system to enable integrative biology in agronomy
Agronomic Linked Data (AgroLD): A knowledge-based system to enable integrative biology in agronomy
Recent advances in high-throughput technologies have resulted in a tremendous increase in the amount of omics data produced in plant science. This increase, in conjunction with the heterogeneity and variability of the data, presents a major challenge to adopt an integrative research approach. We are facing an urgent need to effectively integrate and assimilate complementary datasets to understand the biological system as a whole. The Semantic Web offers technologies for the integration of heterogeneous data and their transformation into explicit knowledge thanks to ontologies. We have devel...
Agronomic Linked Data (AgroLD): A knowledge-based system to enable integrative biology in agronomy
Ahren Lehnert latest blog on knowledge management, knowledge graphs and ontologies #knowledgemanagement #knowledgegraphs #ontology
Ahren Lehnert latest blog on knowledge management, knowledge graphs and ontologies #knowledgemanagement #knowledgegraphs #ontology
#Knowledgegraphs are a natural fit for knowledge management: they model domains to retain more context & meaning even as information is parsed and abstracted for digital representation. Information is modeled in a way that is more intuitive & useful
Ahren Lehnert latest blog on knowledge management, knowledge graphs and ontologies #knowledgemanagement #knowledgegraphs #ontology
AI Institute "Geometry of Deep Learning" 2019 [Day 2 | Session 4] - Microsoft Research
AI Institute "Geometry of Deep Learning" 2019 [Day 2 | Session 4] - Microsoft Research
Deep learning is transforming the field of artificial intelligence, yet it is lacking solid theoretical underpinnings. This state of affair significantly hinders further progress, as exemplified by time-consuming hyperparameters optimization, or the extraordinary difficulties encountered in adversarial machine learning. Our three-day workshop stems on what we identify as the current main bottleneck: understanding the geometrical […]
AI Institute "Geometry of Deep Learning" 2019 [Day 2 | Session 4] - Microsoft Research
AI Needs More Why
AI Needs More Why
Causal reasoning is a necessary ingredient to human-level artificial intelligence. We're not there, yet.
AI Needs More Why
Alan Morrison's answer to What areas of machine learning would you encourage startups to spend time innovating on? In others words, what tools are engineers missing (ie, better data labeling, etc.) to make their machine learning experience more streamline
Alan Morrison's answer to What areas of machine learning would you encourage startups to spend time innovating on? In others words, what tools are engineers missing (ie, better data labeling, etc.) to make their machine learning experience more streamline
Alan Morrison's answer to What areas of machine learning would you encourage startups to spend time innovating on? In others words, what tools are engineers missing (ie, better data labeling, etc.) to make their machine learning experience more streamline
Alan Morrison's answer to What is the difference between a knowledge graph and a graph database? - Quora
Alan Morrison's answer to What is the difference between a knowledge graph and a graph database? - Quora
Alan Morrison's answer: Graph databases are often used to store knowledge graph data and the accompanying description, predicate and rule-based logic. Knowledge graph: A knowledge graph is a knowledge base that’s made machine readable with the help of logically consistent, linked graphs that tog...
Alan Morrison's answer to What is the difference between a knowledge graph and a graph database? - Quora
Alexander Lex on Twitter
Alexander Lex on Twitter
What are your options for visualizing a network with many attributes? We review the alternatives and introduce a typology in a new state of the art report. #eurovis #datavis w. @carolinanobre84 @miriah_meyer @marc_streit 1/8— Alexander Lex (@alexander_lex) June 4, 2019
Alexander Lex on Twitter
Amazon Neptune now supports TinkerPop 3.4 features
Amazon Neptune now supports TinkerPop 3.4 features
#Amazon Neptune #graphDB now supports @apachetinkerpop 3.4.1. @gfxman shows examples of new features in the Gremlin query/traversal language #softwaredevelopment #analytics #database #data #tech #tutorial #opensource #AWS [LINK][/LINK] [IMAGE][/IMAGE]
Amazon Neptune now supports TinkerPop 3.4 features
Amazon Neptune now supports TinkerPop 3.4 features | AWS Database Blog
Amazon Neptune now supports TinkerPop 3.4 features | AWS Database Blog
Amazon Neptune now supports the Apache TinkerPop 3.4.1 release. In this post, you will find examples of new features in the Gremlin query and traversal language such as text predicates, changes to valueMap, nested repeat steps, named repeat steps, non-numerical comparisons, and changes to the order step. It is worth pointing out that TinkerPop 3.4 […]
Amazon Neptune now supports TinkerPop 3.4 features | AWS Database Blog
Amazon Neptune offers full-text search integration with Elasticsearch clusters
Amazon Neptune offers full-text search integration with Elasticsearch clusters
#graphDB #Amazon Neptune now supports full-text search integration with Elasticsearch clusters. Using Elasticsearch users can run full-text search query types such as match query, intervals query, query strings using extensions to Gremlin & SPARQL #AWS
Amazon Neptune offers full-text search integration with Elasticsearch clusters
Amazon Neptune releases Streams, SPARQL federated query for graphs and more | AWS Database Blog
Amazon Neptune releases Streams, SPARQL federated query for graphs and more | AWS Database Blog
The latest Amazon Neptune release brings together a host of capabilities that enhance developer productivity with graphs. This post summarizes the key features we have rolled out and pointers for more details. Getting started This new engine release will not be automatically applied to your existing cluster. You can choose to upgrade an existing cluster […]
Amazon Neptune releases Streams, SPARQL federated query for graphs and more | AWS Database Blog
Amazon Neptune Workbench provides in-console experience to query your graph
Amazon Neptune Workbench provides in-console experience to query your graph
#Amazon Neptune #graphDB now offers a workbench, an in-console experience to query your graph. It lets users query Neptune w #Jupyter #notebooks using Gremlin or SPARQL #datascience #cloud #knowledgegreaph #AI #database AWSreinvent2019
Amazon Neptune Workbench provides in-console experience to query your graph
An approach for semantic integration of heterogeneous data sources
An approach for semantic integration of heterogeneous data sources
enterprise context, the problem arises of managing information sources that do not use the same technology, do not have the same data representation, or that have not been designed according to the same approach. Thus, in general, gathering information is a hard task, and one of the main reasons is that data sources are designed to support specific applications. Very often their structure are unknown to the large part of users. Moreover, the stored data is often redundant, mixed with information only needed to support enterprise processes, and incomplete with respect to the business domain. Collecting, integrating, reconciling and efficiently extracting information from heterogeneous and autonomous data sources is regarded as a major challenge. Over the years, several data integration solutions have been proposed:
An approach for semantic integration of heterogeneous data sources