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Best Practices for Enterprise Knowledge Graph Design - Enterprise Knowledge
Designing, implementing, and leveraging a Enterprise Knowledge Graph is daunting at first. Read on to learn where to begin, and what factors to consider.
Better People Analytics: Measure Who They Know, Not Just Who They Are
Map your employees’ relationships to improve performance.
Beyond Schema Delegation – Alec Aivazis – Medium
How to simplify your GraphQL gateway with a change of perspective
Beyond the low code hype: Knowledge graph-driven development | LinkedIn
I had the chance to attend Strata Data in San Francisco this week and talk to data engineers who are struggling under the burden of decades of legacy application-centric development approaches in an era when companies should be becoming data centric. Here's a way to scale up a data-centric code qual
Bill Slawski posted on LinkedIn
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Billionaire tech entrepreneur Tom Siebel: The pandemic will “clear the silliness out of the market”
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Biological Knowledge Graph Modeling Design Patterns | Monkeying around with OWL
This document provides an overview of two modeling strategies/patterns used for building knowledge graphs and triplestores of core biological ‘knowledge’ (e.g. relations between genes, chemi…
Bitnine: The Newly Revealed ‘AI Teacher’ Powered by Graph Database Delivers Hyper-Personalized Learning Experience | Financial Post
With AgensGraph, an Education Service Company 34-years in the Making Builds a Big Data Graph Database for Education
Blockologies: A Pattern Language for AI Data Flows – Dan McCreary – Medium
Last week I was part of team from Optum ventured out to Stanford University in Palo Alto CA for a three-day conference sponsored by the…
BloodHound: How Graphs Changed the Way Hackers Attack
Read this blog to learn how graphs revolutionized how hackers attack, and how SpecterOps uses Neo4j to access a company's cybersecurity measures.
Breaking Data Silos - Three Keys For Success
Data languishes in silos and most enterprises sponsor initiatives to free that data so every part of the organization can mine it for insights. The challenge is that these “silo-breaking” projects are complex, expensive, require organizational change, have a long time-to-value, and do not scale.
British MP Voting Similarity Using Neo4J Graph Database
MP voting records are public record in the UK, detailed #data is available about how each MP has voted in each bill @PublicWhip collect data & make it accessible @joshua_e_k explores how to use a #GraphDatabase to look at MP’s voting record similarity
Bruggen Blog: The Graph Technology Landscape Graph
A blog about my work and fun with Neo4j, the world's leading graph database platform.
Bryan J. Brown on Twitter: "So can any SemWeb gurus explain to me what the difference is between SHACL and ShEx? If SHACL is an official W3C recommendation, why use ShEx? Why is effort being split on this? Not a criticism at all, but a genuine question as
So can any SemWeb gurus explain to me what the difference is between SHACL and ShEx? If SHACL is an official W3C recommendation, why use ShEx? Why is effort being split on this? Not a criticism at all, but a genuine question as I'm new to all this and only familiar with SHACL.— Bryan J. Brown (@bryjbrown) November 26, 2018
Build 2019: Cosmos DB Comes Alive for AI with Spark API -- Pure AI
At Build 2019 this week, Microsoft introduced support for a Spark API that will enable Cosmos DB to support hybrid transaction and analytic processing workloads (HTAP).
Build 2019: Microsoft Graph powers the Microsoft 365 platform - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog
Check out all the latest Microsoft Graph news from Build 2019
Build Enterprise-Grade Blockchain Applications with Azure Cosmos DB
Blockchains are often complemented by databases, but in some scenarios, a database solution like Azure Cosmos DB can supply the core characteristics of the blockchain itself. Whether you’re looking...
Building a cloud-native, horizontally scalable graph database — Our investment in Dgraph
By Patrick Chase and Satish Dharmaraj
Building a COVID-19 Knowledge Graph
2 together with its impact on human health. One aspect of this is organizing existing and emerging information about viral and host cell molecular biology, disease epidemiology, phenotypic progression, and effect of drugs and other treatments in individuals.
Building a customer identity graph with Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
start your development. The following diagrams illustrate the collection of data around a given user, such as device identifiers, cookies, browse
Building a Graph of History with The Codex
Presentation Summary
Building a Graph of History with The Codex - YouTube
The Codex is a project that aims to achieve deep integration between text and structured data by building a graph network of people, places, events and concepts embedded in texts. #NLP services are incorporated to drive #semantic search @codexeditor
Building a Large-scale, Accurate and Fresh Knowledge Graph
Check out my other blogs here!Microsoft gives a wonderful tutorial about Knowledge Graph in KDD 2018. If you are a machine learning engineer or an NLP engineer, I highly recommend reading this tutorial. It talks about what is knowledge graph (KG), the KG construction challenges for a large scale, and the…
Building a PubMed knowledge graph. (arXiv:2005.04308v1 [cs.DL])
PubMed is an essential resource for the medical domain, but useful concepts
Building an Empire of Knowledge with Semantic Data
It seems like every crime show includes a few scenes where we see that the detective has built a wall of pictures, newspaper clippings, index cards and other interesting documents, linking all these things together through a network of string and push pins. This linked data allows them to step back and see how the facts relate and helps provide the bigger picture of what happened and how to solve it. Seeing the bigger picture allows detectives to use inductive and deductive reasoning to pursue leads,identify gaps in their knowledge and continue the investigation in ways they may not have seen before.The crime wall is a physical representation of knowledge or context. The crime wall helps investigators see the relationships and understand the true meaning of the facts surrounding a case. Understanding context can lead to accelerated insights and increase the productivity of the detectives. In the digital world, we can represent knowledge through similar techniques. We call this di
Building effective FAQ with Knowledge Bases, BERT and Sentence Clustering
quality knowledge and expertise. Modern organizations expose their knowledge with conversational interfaces such as bots and expert systems so customers, partners, and employees will have immediate access to the knowledge that drives success. We, data scientists and engineers, are responsible to make that happens. We need to answer a simple question: How do you represent business knowledge so it is easy and simple to consume? There are many approaches and possible strategies for exposing knowledge. in this article I want to dig into the good old Frequently Asked Questions system and discuss how to implement it with the latest AI technologies.In the prehistoric era, websites used to have this one FAQ page with a long and tedious list of useless questions. Only real optimists would ever search this list to find a possible remedy for an issue they face. Those years are gone. Today modern web sites have an integrated bot that user
Building Enterprise Performance Into a Graph Database - DZone Database
This article takes an in-depth look at building enterprise performance into a graph database and also explores graph databases.
Building the Future of Data Science - Towards Data Science
If we fail to predict the future they call us a failure, and if we do it too well they call us a sorcerer.
Building the Future of Data Science - Towards Data Science
If we fail to predict the future they call us a failure, and if we do it too well they call us a sorcerer.