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Combating Money Laundering: Graph Tech Fights Serious Crimes
Combating Money Laundering: Graph Tech Fights Serious Crimes
Money laundering is among the hardest activities to detect in the world of financial crime. Funds move in plain sight through standard financial instruments, transactions, intermediaries, legal entities and institutions – avoiding detection by banks and law enforcement. The costs in regulatory fines and damaged reputation for financial institutions are all too real. Neo4j provides an advanced, extensible foundation for fighting money laundering, reducing compliance costs and protecting brand value.
Combating Money Laundering: Graph Tech Fights Serious Crimes
Combining knowledge graphs, quickly and accurately
Combining knowledge graphs, quickly and accurately
answering service — among other things.Expanding a knowledge graph often involves integrating it with another knowledge graph. But different graphs may use different terms for the same entities, which can lead to errors and inconsistencies during integration. Hence the need for automated techniques of entity alignment, or determining which elements of different graphs refer to the same entities.In a paper accepted to the Web Conference, my colleagues and I describe a new entity alignment technique that factors in information about the graph in the vicinity of the entity name. In tests involving the in
Combining knowledge graphs, quickly and accurately
Commercializing Semantic Knowledge Graphs
Commercializing Semantic Knowledge Graphs
IntroductionCommercializing Artificial Intelligence platforms, products and tools is much more challenging than traditional software. This is because1. It represents a revolution in computing2. Its new to IT staff, conceptually and in practice3. It requires adoption of a substantially different way of thinking about computing4. It requires a different way of thinking about business.Human IntelligenceIn the U.S., every year, about 2.6 million people have some type of brain injury, caused by trauma, stroke, tumor, or other illnesses. The greatest factor in functional recovery after brain injury comes from the brain’s ability to learn, called neuroplasticity. After injury, neuroplasticity allows intact areas of the brain to adapt and attempt to compensate for damaged parts of the brain. Developing brains are more able to regenerate than adult brains.It’s possible that one day we will discover ways in which to restore cognitive function to higher levels than we can today, maybe t
Commercializing Semantic Knowledge Graphs
Comparing Graph Databases I - Towards Data Science
Comparing Graph Databases I - Towards Data Science
Comparing #GraphDatabases by reading @G2dotcom #reviews. Reasonable as a 1st approach, #reviews are just one #datasource to be used for such a compex decision. Take them with a grain of salt, use your own experience/education/benchmarks, consult experts
Comparing Graph Databases I - Towards Data Science
Computational Fact Validation from Knowledge Graph using Structured and Unstructured Information | Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD
Computational Fact Validation from Knowledge Graph using Structured and Unstructured Information | Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD
Traditional #factcheck methods like #fakenews detection by experts don't match the volume of information available. This is where computational fact-checking becomes relevant. Given #KnowledgeGraph, knowledge corpus, fact (triple): is fact correct? #AI [LINK] [LINK]
Computational Fact Validation from Knowledge Graph using Structured and Unstructured Information | Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD
Congratulations Mark! I like this: "the Hy language ... offers transparent access to Python Deep Learning frameworks with a bottom-up Lisp development style that I have used for decades using symbolic AI and knowledge representation." Quoted tweet from @m
Congratulations Mark! I like this: "the Hy language ... offers transparent access to Python Deep Learning frameworks with a bottom-up Lisp development style that I have used for decades using symbolic AI and knowledge representation." Quoted tweet from @m
up Lisp development style that I have used for decades using symbolic AI and knowledge representation."
Congratulations Mark! I like this: "the Hy language ... offers transparent access to Python Deep Learning frameworks with a bottom-up Lisp development style that I have used for decades using symbolic AI and knowledge representation." Quoted tweet from @m
Connected Schema Markup and Knowledge Graphs - Schema App Tools
Connected Schema Markup and Knowledge Graphs - Schema App Tools
Watch Martha's video on Connected Schema Markup and Knowledge Graphs to understand why they are important, how they are built using triples, how adding properties creates triples and how you can create relationships between entities to improve your SEO success
Connected Schema Markup and Knowledge Graphs - Schema App Tools
Connected Traffic Data Ontology (CTDO) for Intelligent Urban Traffic Systems Focused on Connected (Semi) Autonomous Vehicles
Connected Traffic Data Ontology (CTDO) for Intelligent Urban Traffic Systems Focused on Connected (Semi) Autonomous Vehicles
For autonomous vehicles (AV), the ability to share information about their surroundings is crucial. With Level 4 and 5 autonomy in sight, solving the challenge of organization and efficient storing of data, coming from these connected platforms, becomes paramount. Research done up to now has been mostly focused on communication and network layers of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) data sharing. However, there is a gap when it comes to the data layer. Limited attention has been paid to the ontology development in the automotive domain. More specifically, the way to integrate sensor data and geos...
Connected Traffic Data Ontology (CTDO) for Intelligent Urban Traffic Systems Focused on Connected (Semi) Autonomous Vehicles
Constructing Knowledge Graph for Social Networks in A Deep and Holistic Way (…) by LinkedIn Mining signed networks: theory and applications (…) by Aalto University #webconf
Constructing Knowledge Graph for Social Networks in A Deep and Holistic Way (…) by LinkedIn Mining signed networks: theory and applications (…) by Aalto University #webconf
t…) by LinkedIn
Constructing Knowledge Graph for Social Networks in A Deep and Holistic Way (…) by LinkedIn Mining signed networks: theory and applications (…) by Aalto University #webconf
Control Engineering | Interoperability and how to sustain it
Control Engineering | Interoperability and how to sustain it
#Semantic interoperability is the key enabler for #digitaltransformation. But how do we achieve it? By having content understandable & available in a machine processable form. #Ontologies will play a key role in providing infrastructure to support this
Control Engineering | Interoperability and how to sustain it
Converting CSV to RDF with Tarql
Converting CSV to RDF with Tarql
I have seen several tools for converting spreadsheets to RDF over the years. They typically try to cover so many different cases that learning how to use them has taken more effort than just writing a short perl script that uses the split() command, so that’s what I usually ended up doing. (Several years ago I did come up with another way that was more of a cute trick with Turtle syntax.)
Converting CSV to RDF with Tarql