Finding experts in GrapAL – Semantic Scholar
Finding patterns with rules
triple store which we will query with SPARQL. If you are not yet familiar with knowledge graphs and reasoning, you can read an introduction published on
Finding shortest paths with Graph Networks – Octavian – Medium
In this article we show how a Graph Network with attention read and write can perform shortest path calculations. This network performs…
Finding the shortest path from Country A to Country B — using Neo4J and Node
Finding the shortest path from Country A to Country B using Graph #analytics #algorithms #javascript #tutorial #softwareengineering #datascience #GraphDB #opensource #Neo4J #data #tech [LINK] [LINK]*Ol4T6m9f4Y2W7T9W.png
First Milesone Release of the GraphQL to Cypher Transpiler: neo4j-graphql-java
If you want to use GraphQL with Neo4j from any JVM based API, this library helps you to use your schema to transpile the query to Cypher.
Focus: KGs for Food
Dan Barber, the James Beard award-winning chef who pioneered the farm-to-table movement, has a single, elegant term for the complexity of molecules, processes, and sequences that underpins great food: flavor. Like great chefs, computer scientists grapple with complexity, seeking elegant ways to model and analyze increasingly complex–or perhaps, flavorful–phenomena. Across many business verticals, we are […]
Football meets graphs
For those of you who missed it - here is the recording of my webinar at @Dataversity on #graph #datamodeling - summary of my #online #training at #Dataversity:
For those of you who missed it - here is the recording of my webinar at @Dataversity on #graph #datamodeling - summary of my #online #training at #Dataversity:— Thomas Frisendal (@VizDataModeler) January 11, 2020
Formula for Success
László Barabási never bothered to learn English. “My worst grades were always in English because I thought, Why study it? You can never leave this country,” explains Barabási, director of the Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR) at Northeastern University in Boston. “It wasn’t until I got to the University of Bucharest and became interested in research that I understood the importance of being able to read academic papers in English.” Barabási emigrated from Romania to Budapest with his father in the summer of 1989, a few months before Ceaușescu was overthrown, and completed a master’s degree in physics at Eötvös Loránd University two years later. But it wasn’t until after he’d earned a Ph.D. in physics at Boston University in 1994, while working as a postdoc at IBM’s legendary Thomas J. Watson Research Center, that Barabási became inter
Four Common Graph Database Use Cases You Need to Know
Solutions Review highlights the most common graph database use cases you need to know about so you can select the best software.
Four Key Reasons Semantics and Graph Models are Essential to the Enterprise Data Fabric
In this blog post, we explore how and why semantics and graph data models are necessary when implementing a data fabric architecture.
Francis Opoku on Twitter: "Short comparision of #SPARQL and #GraphQL by @RubenVerborgh. One SPARQL Query can go against multiple SPARQL endpoints in a natural way - that is not equal to schema stitching in GraphQL because there is no need for schema assum
Short comparision of #SPARQL and #GraphQL by @RubenVerborgh. One SPARQL Query can go against multiple SPARQL endpoints in a natural way - that is not equal to schema stitching in GraphQL because there is no need for schema assumptions of different #API's:— Francis Opoku (@fraopo) December 23, 2018
Frank van Harmelen on Twitter
A big new #LOAD resource: All 500M+ owl:sameAs statements in the #LOD cloud, their closure into 50M equivalence classes, and an estimated error degree for all of these. All for download at— Frank van Harmelen (@FrankVanHarmele) April 28, 2019
Franz launches AllegroGraph Knowledge Graph solution - KMWorld Magazine
Combines graph and document technologies, ontology design, and AI data science expertise
Free O’Reilly Book: Graph Algorithms in Apache Spark and Neo4j
Grab your free copy of the brand new O'Reilly book, "Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark & Neo4j" – a practical guide to graph analytics.
From Data Science to Knowledge Science – Dan McCreary – Medium
I believe that within five years there will be a dramatic growth in a new field called Knowledge Science. Knowledge scientists will be ten…
From Envisioning Art to Embedding It with Metadata: A Dialogue with Margaret Warren | Teodora Petkova
Who, what, when, where, how of anything and everything dressed in metadata with Margaret Warren of ImageSnippets and ... and a Porsche art car.
From Lakes to Hubs to Graph - Dan McCreary - Medium
How AI is evolving towards custom graph hardware
From Wikipedia to Thousands of Wikis – The DBkWik Knowledge Graph
From a bird eye's view, the DBpedia Extraction Framework takes a MediaWiki dump as input, and turns it into a knowledge graph. In this talk, I discuss the crea…
Frontiers | Bootstrapping Knowledge Graphs From Images and Text | Frontiers in Neurorobotics
Generating structured #KnowledgeGraphs is relevant for decision making & information augmentation. #research studies generating KGs as relational representation of inputs: nodes represent entities, edges represent relations #EmergingTech #AI h/t @aaranged
Functional Knowledge Graph Community Group
The mission of FKG group is to create specifications for encoding ontologies that AI Assistants can operate upon enabling them to execute functions embedded in a web page. FKGs are encoded in JSON-LD, this group defines the vocabulary. A detailed proposal can be found at:
Gartner Identifies Top 10 Data and Analytics Technology Trends for 2019
Augmented analytics, continuous intelligence and explainable artificial intelligence (AI) are among the top trends in data and analytics technology that have significant disruptive potential over the next three to five years, according to Gartner, Inc.
Gartner Metadata Management Solutions Magic Quadrant 2019 - PoolParty Semantic Suite
Gartner Names PoolParty as Visionary in Metadata Management Magic Quadrant. Our modern approach combining machine learning and knowledge graphs makes the difference!
Gary Marcus: Four Steps Towards Robust Artificial Intelligence
Published on February 22, 2020 3:28 AM GMT
Gaurav Deshpande posted on LinkedIn
Gaurav Vaidya on Twitter: "Joshua Shinavier from Uber coming up with a broad definition of knowledge graphs #us2ts2019… "
Joshua Shinavier from Uber coming up with a broad definition of knowledge graphs #us2ts2019— Gaurav Vaidya (@mrvaidya) March 11, 2019
Generalized Language Models
As a follow up of word embedding post, we will discuss the models on learning contextualized word vectors, as well as the new trend in large unsupervised pre-trained language models which have achieved amazing SOTA results on a variety of language tasks.
Geom-GCN: Geometric Graph Convolutional Networks. (arXiv:2002.05287v2 [cs.LG])
passing neural networks (MPNNs) have been successfully applied to
GeoPhy grabs $33 mln Series B - PE Hub
George Cushen: Knowledge graphs --enter- the Hype Cycle | PyData London 2019 - YouTube
So you have heard the hype about knowledge graphs? How can Pythonistas join forces with Fashionistas to form an authoritative single source of truth for fashion e-commerce, benefiting applications such as Search, Discovery, and Personalisation. This talk will give you a unique insight into how knowledge graphs can provide powerful ways to analyse and emphasise relationships in data. PyData is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. PyData provides a forum for the international community of users and developers of data analys...