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LARUS Business Automation: Overview | LinkedIn
LARUS Business Automation: Overview | LinkedIn
LARUS Business Automation | 1,714 followers on LinkedIn. Power Up Your Data | LARUS is an innovative SME who focuses on development, consulting and training on the most cutting-edge technologies through an Agile approach. With expertise in NoSQL databases, Explainable AI, Data Visualization and Connected Data Science, LARUS guides customers in optimising their decision-making process, increasing profits and staying competitive. The company flagship product is Galileo.XAI that simplifies the understanding of big data, highlighting the hidden relationships and avoiding the black box effect of the results.
LARUS Business Automation: Overview | LinkedIn
FalkorDB: The Best Knowledge Graph Database for GenAI
FalkorDB: The Best Knowledge Graph Database for GenAI
Explore FalkorDB, the premier knowledge graph database tailor-made for GenAI applications. Unlock the power of structured data for advanced AI insights.
FalkorDB: The Best Knowledge Graph Database for GenAI
Decentralized Dreams: Web3 Network Aims to Reclaim User Data
Decentralized Dreams: Web3 Network Aims to Reclaim User Data
A revolutionary web architecture is under construction, promising to wrest control of user data from the grasp of tech giants. This nascent web3 network, spearheaded by companies like Edge & Node, envisions a future where individuals, not corporations, hold the reins to their online information.The current web, often referred to as Web 2.0, is dominated
Decentralized Dreams: Web3 Network Aims to Reclaim User Data
Graph Engine
Graph Engine
Graph Engine is a distributed, in-memory, large graph processing engine.
Graph Engine
Graph Engine
Parabole-ai-Building-accurate-decision-support-systems-with-Causal-AI - Parabole
Parabole-ai-Building-accurate-decision-support-systems-with-Causal-AI - Parabole
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Parabole-ai-Building-accurate-decision-support-systems-with-Causal-AI - Parabole
RDF Server
RDF Server
RDF SemSpect Server # RDF SemSpect is a scalable data-guided no-code tool for visual exploration and querying of RDF knowledge graphs. It uses a client-server architecture with an HTML5/JavaScript UI and a Java REST Spring Boot backend. It is based on derivo SemStore, a fast and memory-efficient RDF store that supports RDFS and owl:inverseOf entailment. SemStore uses optimized index structures that enable SemSpect to handle large and complex RDF graphs.
RDF Server
SHACL-validating the Industrial Knowledge Graph #IKG
SHACL-validating the Industrial Knowledge Graph #IKG
maplib now supports #SHACL for validating graphs. We are extremely happy to announce that maplib - the fastest available SW pipeline to construct industrial knowledge graphs - has added support for SHACL validation. Together with OTTR this is enabling novel ways of working for constructing quality-assured knowledge graphs. Organizations can now add graph construction pipelines that are able do dependency management on semantics. Currently we have tested small examples for validating #IMF models
SHACL-validating the Industrial Knowledge Graph #IKG
Kaiasm | Have Data. Want Integration. Get Ontology.
Kaiasm | Have Data. Want Integration. Get Ontology.
Creating order from the chaos of data. We give you differentiated outcomes in data integration and knowledge management, using our ontology-driven method and SaaS toolset.
Kaiasm | Have Data. Want Integration. Get Ontology.