Η τεχνολογική κυριαρχία πάνω απ’ όλα! – Sarajevo – ασταμάτητη μηχανή
US lags the world in recognizing what happened with mRNA
is this because we lead the world in pharma donations to politicians?
Κορονοϊός: Η AstraZeneca αποσύρει το εμβόλιο
Ο λόγος που η AstraZeneca αποφάσισε να αποσύρει το εμβόλιο για τον κορονοϊό.
Stanford’s Virality Project pushed to censor the vaccine-injured
In anticipation of the US Supreme Court’s hearing of Murthy v. Missouri (formerly Missouri v Biden), I took another look at Stanford’s COVID censorship initiative
7 Predictions for "The Next Pandemic”
Bill Gates: For the next pandemic hey need to get the disease out the deaths up and vaccines in before people even realise what happened.
Ειδικό «μνημόσυνο»: τα «σωτήρια»…
Ειδικό «μνημόσυνο»: τα «ασφαλή»…
Ειδικό «μνημόσυνο»: η «κοινή δεξαμενή»…
Rampant COVID Poses New Challenges in the Fifth Year of the Pandemic
“We’re still in a pandemic,” says a lead COVID official with the World Health Organization
COVID Origins
I want to briefly apologize to all the people who only know me via Twitter.I've been using this platform to share knowledge & science about the origin of SARS-CoV-2.This topic hits me personally because I was on a DARPA PREEMPT team pre-COVID1/— Alex Washburne (@WashburneAlex) December 11, 2023
Tragedy: 8-year-old featured in COVID propaganda video dies after cardiac arrest | Frontline News
Child and puppet convinced children there's 'no choice' about jabs, quarantines, masks, distancing, tests
Top Canadian politician apologizes to unvaccinated, "we were wrong..." she makes unprecedented promise... - Revolver News
Would you forgive her?
Danielle Smith compares vaccinated Albertans to Hitler voters
With the Alberta election less than three weeks away, David Climenhaga analyzes the latest scandal involving the province's premier, Danielle Smith.
Farewell Questions for Rochelle Walensky ⋆ Brownstone Institute
There seem to be an awfully large body of claims made by CDC that appear to have lacked foundation in fact or data.
covid was not dangerous to the young and healthy until "something happened"
more "covid conspiracies" make the mainstream
Bill Gates-Funded AI Chatbots Promoted COVID Vaccines
You may have encountered them on social networks
EL - «Νόσος Χ»: Νέος ιός εν όψει, λένε πιο φονικός από τον COVID!!! Όλη η αλήθεια στο ΕΛ
Τι είναι το ONE HEALTH και τι επιδιώκεται να φέρει στον κόσμο, ποιοί μιλούν για ΒΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΑ ΟΠΛΑ...
Zero healthy young adults died of Covid-19 Israel
The Ministry of Health has promised to publish all coronavirus death data by vaccination status and age Not a single healthy person under
Is this anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist the next Alex Jones?
An anti-vaccine conspiracy film is supercharging the harassment of bereaved people
I Asked Leading Covid Scientists — Off the Record — About the Virus’s Origins and the ‘Lab Leak’…
Here’s what they told me.
The conspiracy theorists were right – the COVID-19 death toll is intentionally inflated
While WEF Young Leader Leana Wen insists that overcounting of COVID-19 death isn’t intentional, numerous examples show the opposite. This is the first article in a series on the COVID-19 death toll.
Pfizer's Motion to Dismiss Whistleblower Case: Jab Was a "Prototype" - UncoverDC
In a motion to dismiss a whistleblower case citing fraud in its clinical trials, Pfizer asserts jab was a "prototype" and rules don't apply.
kitten corner: follow the science
Watch now (1 min) | (but don't worry your pretty little head about what it is)
welcome to the hotez gain of function
you can check out any time you like, but you still leave a paper trail
Justin Trudeau Called A Tyrant As He Is Swarmed By Angry Mandate Protesters | ZeroHedge
The anger is starting to spill over...
Australia Sees Heart Attacks Increase By 17% In 2022 - "Experts" Blame Pandemic | ZeroHedge
Eventually the questions and the deaths are going to become too prominent for the mainstream to ignore...
The Game Is Over And They Have Lost | ZeroHedge
Nothing could more perfectly demonstrate the inability of the covid fear porn publishers to let go of the narrative...
CDC Officials Who Spread Misinformation Apologized To Source Of False Data But Not To Public: Emails | ZeroHedge
"We had an error..."
In Part 1 of this article, I laid out the mass formation psychosis theory postulated by Mattias Desmet in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism and how totalitarian minded politicians and bureaucrats manipulated the masses by creating the covid crisis. Now I will focus on how this will impact the Fourth Turning we are currently…
2023: Fourth Turning Meets Mass Formation Psychosis | ZeroHedge
...we still have an enormous percentage of the population trapped in a mass formation psychosis trance... unable or unwilling to regain their common sense and ability to comprehend they have been duped, used, lied to, and sacrificed at the altar of the Great Reset.