
The Triumph and Victory of Science
The Triumph and Victory of Science
Jordan Henderson Two weeks to flatten the curve will have to come to an end one year or another, and now, as certain Covid policies are loosening, some people worry that we may be failing to follow…
The Triumph and Victory of Science
James Melville on Twitter
James Melville on Twitter
The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards. In fact he’s just blown up the entire argument for mandates, vaccine passports and restrictions.
James Melville on Twitter
Anti-Vaxxers and Big Pharma, Partners in Crime
Anti-Vaxxers and Big Pharma, Partners in Crime
The common accusation hurled at proponents of covid-19 vaccines, like me, is that we are carrying dirty water for Big Pharma. The overwhelming evidence
Anti-Vaxxers and Big Pharma, Partners in Crime
Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” Is a Front for a Right-Wing, Anti-Worker Agenda
Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” Is a Front for a Right-Wing, Anti-Worker Agenda
Workers in Canada’s trucking industry have suffered during the pandemic. The “Freedom Convoy,” a right-wing, pro-business social movement, purports itself to be the people’s champion of liberty — yet it couldn't care less about the hardships and burdens of its fellow workers.
Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” Is a Front for a Right-Wing, Anti-Worker Agenda
Ινδία: Τέλος εποχής το προϊόν των BioNTech/Pfizer
Ινδία: Τέλος εποχής το προϊόν των BioNTech/Pfizer
Σε αντίθεση με άλλες υπηρεσίες και οργανισμούς φαρμάκων “ανεπτυγμένων” χωρών, όπως ο ΕΟΦ και ο ΕΜΑ, η φαρμακοεπαγρύπνηση φαίνεται να λειτουργεί όπως θα έπρεπε σε χώρες όπως η Ινδία. Η Pfizer δήλωσε την Παρασκευή(04.02.2022) ότι απέσυρε την αίτησή της για έγκριση επείγουσας χρήσης του εμβολίου COVID-19 στην Ινδία, αφού απέτυχε να ικανοποιήσει την απαίτηση της ρυθμιστικής αρχής φαρμάκων για τοπική μελέτη ασφάλειας και ανοσογονικότητας. Η …
Ινδία: Τέλος εποχής το προϊόν των BioNTech/Pfizer
Pfizer Inc. on Twitter
Pfizer Inc. on Twitter
Deep vein thrombosis (#DVT), a blood clot in a deep vein, can travel to the lungs, leading to a pulmonary embolism (#PE). Symptoms of PE include difficulty breathing and chest pain. Contact your doctor if experiencing symptoms—this is no time to wait.
Pfizer Inc. on Twitter
More military members show support for convoy protests | CBC News
More military members show support for convoy protests | CBC News
The Canadian Armed Forces have acknowledged that at least six active soldiers are under investigation after they showed support for the protest against vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 measures. It's unclear how many of them have participated in the protests on Parliament Hill.
More military members show support for convoy protests | CBC News on Twitter on Twitter
NOW - PM Trudeau invokes the Emergencies Act, the successor to the War Measures Act, to quell protests in Canada.
·· on Twitter
Green Pass COVID restrictions rolled back as case count falls
Green Pass COVID restrictions rolled back as case count falls
Israelis no longer have to flash pass at restaurants, movie theaters, gyms and hotels, but will still have to at events and dance clubs, even as serious cases continue to climb
Green Pass COVID restrictions rolled back as case count falls
Νέα στοιχεία για το ισραηλινό απαρτχάιντ
Νέα στοιχεία για το ισραηλινό απαρτχάιντ
Η νέα έκθεση της Διεθνούς Αμνηστίας επαναφέρει στο φως τις γενοκτονικές πολιτικές του Ισραήλ σε βάρος των γηγενών Παλαιστινίων.
Νέα στοιχεία για το ισραηλινό απαρτχάιντ
Russia loses a million people in historic population fall
Russia loses a million people in historic population fall
Ongoing demographic woes have been exacerbated by the pandemic, with figures showing more than 660,000 had died with COVID-19 since the country's first recorded case.
Russia loses a million people in historic population fall