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Chief Nerd on Twitter
Chief Nerd on Twitter
“In Canada we have one of the biggest revolutions happening. Right now there’s 50,000 truckers and 1.4M people headed to the parliament in Ottawa. And they’re going to stay there until Trudeau resigns, or they give us back all of our freedoms and rights.” 🇨🇦 @TheoFleury14
Chief Nerd on Twitter
The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé
The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé
Learn the truth from the Father of the Real Disclosure Project.! This documentary is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation ca...
The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé
Hiding the Bodies
Hiding the Bodies
Diana West Thank you, Art Moore of World Net Daily, for reporting on the tag-team treachery of Fauci and Walensky after a US Senator finally, if inadequately, confronted them both with the VAERS co…
Hiding the Bodies
To σύνδρομο της Χα(ϊ)βάνας
To σύνδρομο της Χα(ϊ)βάνας
Το σύνδρομο της Αβάνας, που απασχόλησε πολλάκις την επικαιρότητα από το 2017 ως σήμερα, μια (πολύ χρήσιμη) κατασκευή, καταρρέει σήμερα υπό το βάρος των επιστημονικών στοιχείων. Καλύτερα, τα επιστημονικά στοιχεία δείχνουν…
To σύνδρομο της Χα(ϊ)βάνας
Mercola, Delingpole & Wood: Technocracy And The Great Reset
Mercola, Delingpole & Wood: Technocracy And The Great Reset
This in-depth article by Dr. Joseph Mercola highlights the recent  interview of Patrick Wood by well-known British journalist/author James Delingpole. The World Economic Forum's Great Reset by any other name is still Technocracy.
Mercola, Delingpole & Wood: Technocracy And The Great Reset
Israel COVID
Israel COVID
Thread by @GalG____: 1/ Hi followers from around the world, I feel that we need to take a moment and explain to you what is happening in #Israel today. Everything is so fast & crazy, but as...
Israel COVID
Who Runs the World? Blackrock and Vanguard - LewRockwell
Who Runs the World? Blackrock and Vanguard - LewRockwell
If you’ve been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a completely bogus narrative, look no further than this video by Dutch creator, Covid Lie. What she uncovers is that the stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. They all own each other. This means that “competing” brands, like Coke and Pepsi aren’t really competitors, at all, since their stock is owned by exactly the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, banks and in some cases, governments. This is the case, across all industries. As … Continue reading →
Who Runs the World? Blackrock and Vanguard - LewRockwell
The Indian Farmers’ Movement Has Shattered Narendra Modi’s Strongman Image
The Indian Farmers’ Movement Has Shattered Narendra Modi’s Strongman Image
After a yearlong battle, Indian farmers have forced Narendra Modi to repeal his neoliberal farm laws. The movement that took on Modi and won is a powerful blow against India’s ruling Hindu nationalists.
The Indian Farmers’ Movement Has Shattered Narendra Modi’s Strongman Image
Income and debt account of India's farmers | EXPLAINED
Income and debt account of India's farmers | EXPLAINED
The controversy around the farm laws has brought the spotlight on the state of India's farm households yet again. Data shows that on most of the parameters, there is little for farmers to cheer.
Income and debt account of India's farmers | EXPLAINED
COVID Commission Planning Group Plans 9/11-Style Investigation Into Pandemic
COVID Commission Planning Group Plans 9/11-Style Investigation Into Pandemic
The coverup is well underway with a star-studded roster of global Technocrats setting up to create the ultimate "official" investigation about what happened over the last year. They even brought in Philip Zelikow, the former executive director of the 9/11 Commission. The foxes are building their own hen-house.
COVID Commission Planning Group Plans 9/11-Style Investigation Into Pandemic
Ordo Ab Chao: A Look At The Trilateral Commission
Ordo Ab Chao: A Look At The Trilateral Commission
This is an excellent read on the Trilateral Commission and not just because it cites the early works of Antony Sutton and myself. The Commission was the fountainhead of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.
Ordo Ab Chao: A Look At The Trilateral Commission
December 6, 2021 International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor Communications Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands EMAIL: BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (TREATY OF ROME STATUTE, ART. 15.1 AND 53). Subject of complaint: - Violations ...