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Zoltan Poszar On Bretton Woods III: The Credit Suisse Wonderkind Talks About The New World Evolving In The Wake Of Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine
Zoltan Poszar On Bretton Woods III: The Credit Suisse Wonderkind Talks About The New World Evolving In The Wake Of Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine
Alexander Bobrov/Pexels How The Western Response To The Russia-Ukraine War Is Remaking The World One of the ways global trade and finance risks being transformed by the Western...
Zoltan Poszar On Bretton Woods III: The Credit Suisse Wonderkind Talks About The New World Evolving In The Wake Of Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine
How Can We Tell How the First Battle in the Long War for Control of the World Order Is Going? | LinkedIn
How Can We Tell How the First Battle in the Long War for Control of the World Order Is Going? | LinkedIn
As you know from my book and my YouTube video, both titled Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order, and from my other communications, I believe that there is a classic dynamic that has repeated throughout history that has driven, and is now driving, the changing world order. It is prima
How Can We Tell How the First Battle in the Long War for Control of the World Order Is Going? | LinkedIn
NATO's History: U.S. Built NATO By Putting Nazi War Criminals in Charge - Dougal MacDonald - Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
NATO's History: U.S. Built NATO By Putting Nazi War Criminals in Charge - Dougal MacDonald - Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
In the News March 28 NATO’s History U.S. Built NATO By Putting Nazi War Criminals in Charge – Dougal MacDonald – As the situation in Ukraine develops, imperialist propaganda keeps promoting the false notion that NATO (and by default the U.S.) is somehow an alliance for peace. This fraud is being perpetuated to try to […]
NATO's History: U.S. Built NATO By Putting Nazi War Criminals in Charge - Dougal MacDonald - Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
The Truth about Bucha is Out There, but Perhaps Too Inconvenient to Be Discovered - Islam Times
The Truth about Bucha is Out There, but Perhaps Too Inconvenient to Be Discovered - Islam Times
Islam Times - “In war, truth is the first casualty.” This quote has been attributed to Aeschylus, a 6th BCE Greek tragedian noted for his “copious use of imagery, mythic allusion, grand language, wordplay and riddles.” It is only fitting, therefore, that the man who first gave word to the concept of modern-day war-time propaganda would see his quote come to life in the present-day Ukraine. The Kiev government and their Western information warfare advisers may have coopted all of Aeschylus’ playwright devices to craft a modern-day tragedy in the Ukrainian town of Bucha that exemplifies the notion of the lie as not just a byproduct, but also a weapon of war.
The Truth about Bucha is Out There, but Perhaps Too Inconvenient to Be Discovered - Islam Times
Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Nationalist Agenda
Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Nationalist Agenda
Iain Davis Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine has been reported by the Western establishment and its mainstream media (MSM) as an unprovoked act of naked aggression. Writing in The Ne…
Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Nationalist Agenda
Von Greyerz: All Hell Will Break Loose For Humanity
Von Greyerz: All Hell Will Break Loose For Humanity the end of an era of economic and moral decadence in a debt-infested world built on false values, fake money and abysmal leadership. All hell will break loose. The consequences will be fatal for the world.
Von Greyerz: All Hell Will Break Loose For Humanity
Μαρία Ζαχάροβα: Αυτό είναι το «διαβολικό σχέδιο» των ΗΠΑ για τα βιολογικά εργαστήρια στην Ουκρανία
Μαρία Ζαχάροβα: Αυτό είναι το «διαβολικό σχέδιο» των ΗΠΑ για τα βιολογικά εργαστήρια στην Ουκρανία
Η εκπρόσωπος Τύπου του υπουργείου Εξωτερικών της Ρωσίας, Μαρία Ζαχάροβα , με άρθρο της που δημοσιεύτηκε στο Telegram αποκαλύπτει το χρονολόγιο των σχέσεων...
Μαρία Ζαχάροβα: Αυτό είναι το «διαβολικό σχέδιο» των ΗΠΑ για τα βιολογικά εργαστήρια στην Ουκρανία
10 Reasons to Question the “Putin vs Davos” Narrative
10 Reasons to Question the “Putin vs Davos” Narrative
Ryan Matters The recent Russian invasion of Ukraine has garnered a lot of attention from both the mainstream and alternative media. There are plenty of theories floating around about what’s really …
10 Reasons to Question the “Putin vs Davos” Narrative
Larry C. Johnson: 'The Ukrainian Army has been Defeated. What's left is mop-up'
Larry C. Johnson: 'The Ukrainian Army has been Defeated. What's left is mop-up'
Question 1-- Can you explain to me why you think Russia is winning the war in Ukraine? Larry C. Johnson-- Within the first 24 hours of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, all Ukrainian Ground Radar Intercept capabilities were wiped out. Without those radars, the Ukrainian Air Force lost its ability to do air to air intercept. In the intervening three weeks, Russia has established a de facto No Fly Zone over Ukraine. While still vulnerable to shoulder fired Surface to Air Missiles supplied by the U.S. and NATO to the Ukrainians, there is no evidence that Russia has had
Larry C. Johnson: 'The Ukrainian Army has been Defeated. What's left is mop-up'
Why Putin is beholden to Stalin's legacy
Why Putin is beholden to Stalin's legacy
The Russian president has embraced the Soviet cult of fear and control. His invasion of Ukraine is a colossal gamble to secure his place in history.
Why Putin is beholden to Stalin's legacy
The Past Is Prologue: The Changing World Order; How the Sides Are Lining Up | LinkedIn
The Past Is Prologue: The Changing World Order; How the Sides Are Lining Up | LinkedIn
There are too many dimensions to what is now happening and too many analogous cases of these things having happened in history to cover in any single post, so I will share them bit by bit in a series of posts relating what’s happening today to the patterns of history I describe in my book Principles
The Past Is Prologue: The Changing World Order; How the Sides Are Lining Up | LinkedIn
In praise of “Whataboutism” | MR Online
In praise of “Whataboutism” | MR Online
The word "whataboutism" is used to silence and insult opponents of U.S. imperialism. It should be embraced as a means of revealing what is too often kept hidden.
In praise of “Whataboutism” | MR Online
ΑΝΤΕ ΓΕΙΑ!!! Ντοκουμέντα «ΦΩΤΙΑ» για Ζελένσκι, Ουκρανία και τα ΤΣΙΡΑΚΙΑ των διεθνιστών! Όποιο κανάλι έχει ΑΝΤΕΡΑ ας παίξει το ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - Triklopodia
ΑΝΤΕ ΓΕΙΑ!!! Ντοκουμέντα «ΦΩΤΙΑ» για Ζελένσκι, Ουκρανία και τα ΤΣΙΡΑΚΙΑ των διεθνιστών! Όποιο κανάλι έχει ΑΝΤΕΡΑ ας παίξει το ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - Triklopodia
ΑΝΤΕ ΓΕΙΑ!!! Ντοκουμέντα «ΦΩΤΙΑ» για Ζελένσκι, Ουκρανία και τα ΤΣΙΡΑΚΙΑ των διεθνιστών! Όποιο κανάλι έχει ΑΝΤΕΡΑ ας παίξει το ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - Triklopodia
Δύο Ουκρανοί αποφυλακίστηκαν στην Ολλανδία για να πάνε να πολεμήσουν στη χώρα τους
Δύο Ουκρανοί αποφυλακίστηκαν στην Ολλανδία για να πάνε να πολεμήσουν στη χώρα τους
Αυτές οι συνθήκες είναι «έκτακτες» και «σοβαρές», σύμφωνα με το δικαστήριο, που εκτιμά πως το συμφέρον να αποφυλακιστούν «επικρατεί του κοινωνικού συμφέροντος».
Δύο Ουκρανοί αποφυλακίστηκαν στην Ολλανδία για να πάνε να πολεμήσουν στη χώρα τους