WEF Calls for End of Private Car Ownership
Clare Ellis On The “Migrant Crisis” And The Blackening Of Europe
Clare Ellis is a Scottish-born Canadian researcher who earned her doctorate from the University of New Brunswick in 2017. Her thesis advisor was about-to-be Cancelled professor Ricardo Duchesne; the topic was multiculturalism and mass immigration in Europe. In a recent interview she describes the petty chicanery and delaying tactics she had to endure from leftie administrators and academics before getting her work accepted Arktos Media is bringing out her research as a trilogy entitled The Blackening of Europe. The first volume, subtitled “Ideologies and International Developments,” came out two years ago; the second, subtitled “Immigration, Islam, and the Migrant Crisis,” appeared earlier this summer. The whole is amounting to a powerful description of the suicide—actually murder—of a civilization Islam as
Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail
Technocracy is anti-human. It goes against nature itself. It cannot work in the long run and it is destined to fail.
A developing evil: Malignant historical force behind the Great Reset
The so-called Great Reset is nothing but the extension and violent acceleration of a longstanding process: “development”.
How PrEP contributed to monkeypox in gay men.
Once again the pharmaceutical industry is sacrificing gay men. Pharma, big government systematically poisoning them for profit.
Documents show collusion between the CDC and Big Tech
Instructions and information was flowing both ways, with CDC sending Twitter a chart of posts it flagged as misinformation.
Global Development: Enforcing the Agenda of Greed
Perhaps the biggest lie peddled by the global “development” mafia is that they have our consent to destroy nature and community.
The Rise of the New Normal Reich
The new normal sprang directly out of GloboCap's response to populist backlash and wiping out this type of resistance.
Ουκρανία: Παραιτήθηκε η επικεφαλής της Διεθνούς Αμνηστίας στη χώρα
Η Οξάνα Πόκαλτσουκ, επικεφαλής του τμήματος της Διεθνούς Αμνηστίας στην Ουκρανία, ανακοίνωσε την παραίτησή της, μετά τις σφοδρές αντιδράσεις που προκάλεσε η έκθεση της Οργάνωσης, στην οποία αναφέρεται ότι ο…
What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?”
Brandon Smith The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a “conspiracy theory” within the mainstream and the e…
This Week in the New Normal #40
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Hollywood …
Οι επιστήμονες κατέληξαν στην προέλευση του Sars-Cov-2: Οι απαντήσεις στην αγορά ψαριών και οστράκων της Γουχάν
Έπειτα από δυόμισι και πλέον χρόνια πανδημίας, με εκατομμύρια θανάτους, αυστηρά lockdown, μάσκες και εκστρατείες εμβολιασμού, και χωρίς να διαφαίνεται πότε θα φτάσει εκείνη η μέρα που η Covid-19 θα…
Το πιο επικίνδυνο πράγμα που θα μπορούσε να μας συμβεί εδώ και 75 χρόνια
The Curse of Lifestyle Leftism
Compact Magazine, a radical American journal
Βολοντίμιρ Ζελένσκι και Ολένα Ζελένσκα φωτογραφήθηκαν για τη Vogue εν μέσω του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία
Ο Βολοντίμιρ Ζελένσκι και η Ολένα Ζελένσκα φωτογραφήθηκαν για τη Vogue ενώ συνεχίζεται ο πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία. Το προεδρικό ζεύγος φωτογραφήθηκε για την αμερικανική έκδοση του περιοδικού από τη διάσημη φωτογράφο Άννι Λάιμποβιτς.
The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Since the COVID-19 pandemic of feverish fearmongering and planned pandemonium began in earnest in March of 2020, Naomi Wolf’s subversive genius has been exposing the lies from on high and bent on destroying Western Civilization, particularly the United States of America. There’s simply no other way to spin this. The evidence is in and it’s as clear as a bell. In her blogs, essays, videos, and interviews, Wolf has offered us invaluable insights, much of them based on her years of experience in the world of politics, technology, and the media. In her latest masterpiece, The Bodies of Others: The … Continue reading →
Ρ.Τ.Ερντογάν – Β.Πούτιν τελείωσαν το δολάριο και έριξαν δεύτερη “
Του Βασίλη Καπούλα Ρ.Τ. Ερντογάν και Β.Πούτιν συμφώνησαν να τερματίσουν την χρήση του δολαρίου στις μεταξύ τους ενεργειακές συναλλαγές, και
Η εικόνα που πάγωσε το ΝΑΤΟ: Η αγκαλιά Ερντογάν στον Πούτιν και η φράση “είστε αδέρφια μου” – Το Αντίο της Τουρκίας & η “Αντιαμερικανική συμμαχία” - Triklopodia
Listen, engage, show you care: how Greens and independents took local politics all the way to Canberra
Voters disenchanted with the cynical politics of the main parties were ripe for conversion – they just needed someone to knock on their door and listen
Monkeypox or Moneypox? - by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Tedros overrules his panel and declares Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern
"The problem is population": Gref's Davos-endorsed yogi seems nice
A wise mystic taught Sberbank's CEO how to open his 7 chakras and enslave humanity
Is Israeli writer Yuval Harari a real scholar or a fake: Questions as experts launch new assault
Harari, all set to publish a new book, is admired by personalities like Bill Gates, Barack Obama, but many in scientific community repeatedly debunk the claims he makes.
Will AI Steal Submarines’ Stealth?
That may bode ill for nuclear deterrence and the peace of the world
Vaxxing Conspiracies and 700,000 Rumble Views
The February outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has obviously been a disaster for the world, greatly raising the risk of nuclear war and producing tremendous disruptions in the global economy. But it also provided a personal silver lining given that the bitter vaccination controversy seems to have been largely pushed aside. For more than a year, throngs of agitated anti-vaxxers had greatly irritated me, burdening our alternative media website with their views, but the overwhelming recent focus on foreign policy issues has largely eliminated that problem. Anti-vaxxers come in a wide variety of different types, and I'd be the first
Russia beyond the headlines - Edward Slavsquat
Why does this blog about COVID Russia exist? And other deep thoughts.
Global Tax Talks Hit Another Delay
Efforts to deliver the most significant changes to global tax rules in a century will face fresh delays after negotiators said it would take longer than planned to reach a formal agreement on how countries with large consumer markets collect more corporate tax revenue.
Ninja (Omicron BA.5) COVID Fearporn
Now be a good highly vaccinated citizen and get in line for the "latest and greatest" booster, Comrade!
Herbert Marcuse and the Left’s Endless Campaign Against Western ‘Repression’
The Frankfurt School of social theory began about a century ago, in the Weimar Republic. It consisted in the main of a group of rather anti-capitalist, Marxist-light gentlemen who embraced oikophobia (the hatred or dislike of one’s own cultural home), and who were understandably disillusioned by the carnage of
The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits
This Borg-like deterministic faith in the human-machine synthesis and psuedo science is both cultish, creepy and just plain wrong.
How the Left fell for capitalism
Progressives were always part of the corporate elite