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The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human - LewRockwell
The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human - LewRockwell
Since the COVID-19 pandemic of feverish fearmongering and planned pandemonium began in earnest in March of 2020, Naomi Wolf’s subversive genius has been exposing the lies from on high and bent on destroying Western Civilization, particularly the United States of America. There’s simply no other way to spin this. The evidence is in and it’s as clear as a bell. In her blogs, essays, videos, and interviews, Wolf has offered us invaluable insights, much of them based on her years of experience in the world of politics, technology, and the media. In her latest masterpiece, The Bodies of Others: The … Continue reading →
The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human - LewRockwell
Vaxxing Conspiracies and 700,000 Rumble Views
Vaxxing Conspiracies and 700,000 Rumble Views
The February outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has obviously been a disaster for the world, greatly raising the risk of nuclear war and producing tremendous disruptions in the global economy.  But it also provided a personal silver lining given that the bitter vaccination controversy seems to have been largely pushed aside.  For more than a year, throngs of agitated anti-vaxxers had greatly irritated me, burdening our alternative media website with their views, but the overwhelming recent focus on foreign policy issues has largely eliminated that problem. Anti-vaxxers come in a wide variety of different types, and I'd be the first
Vaxxing Conspiracies and 700,000 Rumble Views
Ninja (Omicron BA.5) COVID Fearporn
Ninja (Omicron BA.5) COVID Fearporn
Now be a good highly vaccinated citizen and get in line for the "latest and greatest" booster, Comrade!
Ninja (Omicron BA.5) COVID Fearporn
Dangerous Pfizer Vaccine Fraud Fully Exposed
Dangerous Pfizer Vaccine Fraud Fully Exposed
Dowd witnessed two bubbles — corporate fraud and then bank fraud — and now the third bubble, which involves central banks and governments.
Dangerous Pfizer Vaccine Fraud Fully Exposed
COVID shots saved 20M lives: Study
COVID shots saved 20M lives: Study
COVID-19 vaccines cut the pandemic death toll by half at its height, according to research by The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
COVID shots saved 20M lives: Study
Any airline which isn't screening all its pilots for cardiac issues is risking a disaster that will cost hundreds of innocent lives
Any airline which isn't screening all its pilots for cardiac issues is risking a disaster that will cost hundreds of innocent lives
It couldn't be more clear: the vaccine shots cause heart problems. It's so obvious that even the CDC admits it. So why aren't airlines screening all their pilots? The answer will surprise you.
Any airline which isn't screening all its pilots for cardiac issues is risking a disaster that will cost hundreds of innocent lives
Pilots speak out about vaccine-induced injuries and deaths
Pilots speak out about vaccine-induced injuries and deaths
Throughout the covid-19 scandal, commercial airline pilots were disrespected, grounded, and forced to comply with destructive medical experiments. The aviation industry has implemented a culture of intimidation and abuse, threatening the basic body autonomy rights and personal beliefs of individual pilots. These acts of subjugation and coercion have driven pilots into early retirement, and forced […]
Pilots speak out about vaccine-induced injuries and deaths
Against Coronadoom
Against Coronadoom
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Against Coronadoom
Police charge big pharma boss with falsifying his Covid...
Police charge big pharma boss with falsifying his Covid...
Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar, has been charged by police with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro has been caught up...
Police charge big pharma boss with falsifying his Covid...
WHO Forced Into Humiliating Backdown On Global Health Takeover
WHO Forced Into Humiliating Backdown On Global Health Takeover
As Technocrats seek to take over the world, many national leaders are pushing back, notably those from the southern hemisphere. This highlights the total failure of Sustainable Development that promised to restore southern nations to economic prosperity. Instead, they got twice the plundering as before.
WHO Forced Into Humiliating Backdown On Global Health Takeover
First steps in reforming global health emergency rules agreed at WHO meeting
First steps in reforming global health emergency rules agreed at WHO meeting
Countries have agreed to an initial U.S.-led push to reform of the rules around disease outbreaks, known as the International Health Regulations, after early opposition from Africa and others was overcome this week, sources told Reuters on Friday.
First steps in reforming global health emergency rules agreed at WHO meeting
ΠΑΡΑΔΟΧΗ Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Moderna στο Νταβός: πετάμε 30.000.000 δόσεις εμβολίων covid19 γιατί κανείς δεν τις θέλει. Έχουμε μεγάλο πρόβλημα ... - Triklopodia
ΠΑΡΑΔΟΧΗ Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Moderna στο Νταβός: πετάμε 30.000.000 δόσεις εμβολίων covid19 γιατί κανείς δεν τις θέλει. Έχουμε μεγάλο πρόβλημα ... - Triklopodia
ΠΑΡΑΔΟΧΗ Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Moderna στο Νταβός: πετάμε 30.000.000 δόσεις εμβολίων covid19 γιατί κανείς δεν τις θέλει. Έχουμε μεγάλο πρόβλημα ... - Triklopodia
“Pandemic Treaty” will hand WHO keys to global government
“Pandemic Treaty” will hand WHO keys to global government
Kit Knightly The first public hearings on the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” are closed, with the next round due to start in mid-June. We’ve been trying to keep this issue on our fron…
“Pandemic Treaty” will hand WHO keys to global government
The Bloom Is Off the Ruse as New Zealand Drops Almost All COVID Restrictions, Including Vax Passports, Mandates and QR Codes - The Last Refuge
The Bloom Is Off the Ruse as New Zealand Drops Almost All COVID Restrictions, Including Vax Passports, Mandates and QR Codes - The Last Refuge
We have written a great deal about the sheer insanity of the response to the COVID-19 global pandemic over the past two years; however, nothing showcases the COVID madness like what New Zealand is doing right now.  Consider: ♦ In late March 2020, New Zealand recorded 5 cases of COVID-19 infection and immediately shut down […]
The Bloom Is Off the Ruse as New Zealand Drops Almost All COVID Restrictions, Including Vax Passports, Mandates and QR Codes - The Last Refuge
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny
by James Corbett March 20, 2022 One thing you learn after spending years in the conspiracy realist space: when the globalists tell you that something is about to happen, you'd better believe they're hard at work behind the scenes to make that "prediction" a reality.
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny