RFK Jr’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état
Edward Curtin With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, RFK Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwel…
Prof. Jay Bhattacharya: I stand by the Great Barrington Declaration
Professor Jay Bhattacharya is one of the famous voices to have emerged out of the pandemic. A vocal critic of lockdowns, his name became synonymous with the controversial Great Barrington Declaration, which called for an “alternative approach to the pandemic” that would entail no lockdowns. Along with co-signatories Sunetra Gupta and Martin Kulldforff (who featured [...]Read More...
Paul Kingsnorth: why I changed sides in the vaccine wars
Freddie Sayers speaks to Paul Kingsnorth.Read the article here: https://unherd.com/thepost/paul-kingsnorth-why-i-changed-sides-in-the-vaccine-wars/Paul Kings...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Germany fa…
[U.S. does lockdowns and school closures]
Aussie: "That's not authoritarianism."
[takes out a internment camp plan]
Aussie: "Now that's authoritarianism!"
Down Under the army is rounding up people who test positive and putting them in ‘Quarantine Camps’
Εξαπλώνεται η παραλλαγή Όμικρον -Φόβοι του ΔΝΤ για την ανάπτυξη
Όλο και περισσότερες χώρες ανακοίνωναν χθες, Παρασκευή, κρούσματα της παραλλαγής Όμικρον του κορονοϊού η οποία, μολονότι ο ΠΟΥ λέει πως δεν γνωρίζει μέχρι τώρα να υπάρχουν θάνατοι από αυτή, προκαλεί ανησυχία σε σημείο που το Διεθνές Νομισματικό Ταμείο (ΔΝΤ) εξετάζει το ενδεχόμενο να αναθεωρήσει τις προβλέψεις του για την παγκόσμια ανάπτυξη.
CJ Hopkins So, GloboCap has crossed the Rubicon. The final phase of its transformation of society into a pathologized-totalitarian dystopia, where mandatory genetic-therapy injections and digital c…
Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.' #ExposePfizer
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Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1.Beware the …
Margaret Anna Alice A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists…
Countries around the world are toughening up on the unvaccinated, with Austria requiring individuals 12 and older who have not received a COVID jab to remain home for all but essential activities.
Nicky Hager: My message to friends who joined this week’s protest
Are these really the people you want to align yourself with?
Dear vaccine hesitant friends,
I know you feel worried about vaccines. I understand you feel picked on for not getting the vaccine. But I am feeling disturbed that quite a few good, principled people I know took part in the November
How (and why) Israel changed what “fully vaccinated” means
Just as “three weeks to flatten the curve” turned into around 18-months (and counting), “double jabbed” is now evolving into “triple jabbed”….and just as they used linguistic tricks to turn &…
Denmark overtakes Sweden as the restriction-free Nordic nation
Denmark, a country whose approach earlier in the Covid pandemic was thought of as the opposite of Sweden, with early border restrictions and school closures, has now overtaken its neighbour as the most restriction-free country in Scandinavia. An article in today’s Svenska Dagbladet, a Swedish broadsheet, observes: Nightclubs in Denmark have been open since last [...]Read More...
Elite Risk Minimization and COVID — Empathy in the Time of Coronavirus (IX)
Newest addition to the family… Let’s start with a time stamp for this post. This post is being written at the time of maximum gaslighting of authorities regarding COVID-19. I say this b…
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Universiti…